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Netflix To Release Remixed Version of Arrested Development Season 4

May 2, 2018 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Arrested Development

Variety reports that Netflix is set to release a remixed version of the fourth season of Arrested Development on May 4. The announcement was made by series creator Mitch Hurwitz on Twitter. It will be recreated as a more traditional 22-episode season with storylines running through each episode.

He said: “The original season four of ‘Arrested Development’ on Netflix, as some of you know, experimented with a Rashomon-style of storytelling — with each episode dedicated to the adventure of one member of the Bluth family. The goal was that by the end of the season a unified story of cause and effect would emerge for the viewer — full of surprises about how the Bluths were responsible for most of the misery they had endured.

Hurwitz recut the story for the new season, which will be called “Arrested Development Season 4 Remix: Fateful Consequences.” He added that the fifth season will hit Netflix “soon.”

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Arrested Development, Joseph Lee