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One Alternate Ending Filmed for The Predator Featured the Arrival of Ellen Ripley

December 29, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Aliens Sigourney Weaver Image Credit: 20th Century Fox

Hollywood artist Yuri Everson has just shared something interesting over on Instagram, indicating that three alternate different endings for The Predator were not just conceived, but were actually filmed by director Shane Black and 20th Century Fox. In one of them, he says, it was Ellen Ripley who emerged from the chamber at the end wearing the breathing apparatus. You can check out an image of the pod chamber containing Ripley below.

The person portraying Ripley in this scrapped scene is not Sigourney Weaver, but it’s actually Breanna Watkins [a stuntwoman] playing the character. For whatever reason, she’s in a Weyland-Yutani pod. The Weyland-Yutani breathing apparatus, for some strange reason, appears to resemble a Xenomorph facehugger. You can check out another video of that strange breathing apparatus that resembles a Facehugger that was posted on Instagram below.

Obviously, Ripley’s appearance in this time and place makes no sense unless time travel was somehow involved, and the movie was convoluted enough as it is. The ending scene was something different, but Ellen Ripley making an inexplicable appearance at the end could’ve made this film an even bigger disaster.

The Predator is now available on Blu-ray. You can check out 411’s official review of the movie RIGHT HERE.

article topics :

Aliens, The Predator, Larry Csonka