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Sony Sets 2026 Release Date For Street Fighter Movie

June 26, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Street Fighter 5 - Ryu Image Credit: Capcom

Sony has set a release date for their upcoming Street Fighter movie. Deadline reports that Sony and Legendary have announced that the live-action adaptation of the fighting game franchise is set to release on March 20th, 2026.

The news comes just over a week after it was reported that Danny and Michael Philippou (Talk To Me) had exited the project as directors. Sony and Legendary have yet to announce a new director for the film and plot details remain under wraps.

The Street Fighter franchise has had two previous live-action feature film adaptations in the 1994 Jean-Claude Van Damme film and 2009’s Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li. Several animated film and TV series have come to life over the years, most notably 1994’s Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie.