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Vinnie Jones Says Brett Ratner ‘Dissolved’ His Role as Juggernaut in X-Men: The Last Stand

If you don’t like how the Juggernaut was portrayed in X-Men: The Last Stand, you’re in good company; Vinnie Jones, who played the character, feels the same. Jones spoke with CBM for a new interview and discussed his experience filming the movie, which he was cast into by Matthew Vaughn before Vaughn exited and was replaced by Brett Ratner.
Jones says that the version of Juggernaut he signed on for was very different than what Ratner chose to make him, saying, “I loved the role, but hopefully you can put it f***ing right here, mate. I basically got mugged off. Matthew Vaughn signed me up, and it was a great role and a great script, and Juggernaut was a great character. I signed up for three of them, and that will show you how serious I was about it. Brett Ratner basically dissolved the character. I was in my f***ing trailer half the time. It’s one of the most disappointing jobs I’ve been on as far as, you know, ‘What am I doing here?'”
He continued, “I was in my f***ing trailer half the time. It’s one of the most disappointing jobs I’ve been on as far as, you know, ‘What am I doing here?’ It wasn’t the same Juggernaut as I signed on for. They took his storyline away, they’d taken his character away, his dialogue. I had two big meetings with Brett about it, and he said, ‘Yeah, yeah, it’s coming. They’re writing stuff for you as we speak’ and it never f***ing happened. Disappointment wise, that was probably one of the biggest. What’s upsetting is some of the fans blame me! It was f***ing nothing to do with me! That role, I didn’t sign up for. The Juggernaut you saw was not the Juggernaut I signed on for with Matthew Vaughn, I’ll tell you that now. It upset me. I know what it means to the fans, and I felt like I was a bit of a scapegoat as no one ever told my side of it. Nobody ever stood up and said, ‘Hold on a minute, we completely whitewashed Vinnie’s character. Basically, I was an extra, mate. That’s how I felt. I was gutted, to be honest.”
The Last Stand remains one of the most hated in the franchise among fans and critics, ranking in the same vicinity as the likes of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, X-Men: Apocalypse, and last year’s Dark Phoenix. It was profitable not not the runaway hit that X-Men and X2 were, in part due to hit being roughly double the budget of X2 at $210 million.