Avengers: Endgame held off a strong start by Pokemon Detective Pikachu to claim the top spot at the box office...
Topic: Detective Pikachu
The first Pokémon movie...
Warner Bros. has released a new TV spot for Detective Pikachu. The film opens on May 11th...
The first film has yet to hit theaters, but Legendary Pictures knows a hit when they see one. According to...
Warner Bros. Pictures has released the first TV spot for Detective Pikachu, which debuts in theaters on May 11. It...
Here is the first trailer for Detective Pikachu. The film opens on May 10th, 2019 and stars Ryan Reynolds, Suki...
At this weekend’s 2018 Pokemon World Championships in Nashville, TN, Detective Pikachu director Rob Letterman (via IGN), explained why the...
Legendary Pictures has released the official logo for live-action Detective Pikachu film...
Detective Pikachu has a new studio to call home. The Pokemon-themed film is moving from Universal to Warner Bros...
Rita Ora is set to join the cast of Detective Pikachu in an as-yet-undisclosed role...