Three more wrestlers are apparently gone from Impact, according to the company's official roster page...
Topic: Mario Bokara

wrestlingThree More Wrestlers Gone From Impact Wrestling

wrestlingRockstar Spud Comments on EC3’s Impact Departure
– Rockstar Spud posted the following on Twitter, following the news that EC3 has finished up with Impact Wrestling…

wrestlingVarious News: New Impact Wrestling Signings, Pro Wrestling Revolver vs. WrestleCircus Tonight
– PWInsider reports that Fallah Bah and Mario Bokara have signed one-year contracts with Impact Wrestling. Both regularly appear for...

wrestlingVarious News: Mario Bokara Comments on Impact Appearance, Titus O’Neil Named Lightning Community Hero
More news...

wrestlingImpact Wrestling News: Mario Bokara Calls Impact Debut ‘Crown Jewel’ Of His Career, Robbie E-Bram Team Pitched, Jesse Godderz Working On Song
– spoke with Mario Bokara, who will make his Impact Wrestling debut soon. He called his debut the “crown...