wrestling / Live Coverage
411’s LIVE Raw Coverage 08.29.05 | Shawn Michaels Vs Carlito & Chris Masters (Part 1)
Match #5: Shawn Michaels vs Chris Masters and Carlito
Shawn Michaels has a laugh with a guy in the front row wearing a Hulkamania T-shirt on his way to the ring. The Masterlock challenge goes next week. When was the last time the two bad guys won a handicap match, anyway? They lock up. Michaels escapes a lockup that would have sent him into the heel corner. “Vigilant” Mike Chioda makes sure the heels know not to do anything overly dirty. Michaels grabs a wristlock on Carlito, but Carlito punches him. Michaels bails to his corner. Michaels gets a hammerlock. Carlito reverses. Shawn reverses and gets a headlock. Carlito sends Shawn into the ropes. Carlito ducks, Masters trips Shawn, but Shawn kicks Masters off and unloads a series of punches. Masters asks to be tagged in, and Carlito complies. They lock up, and Masters throws Shawn into the corner. But Shawn reverses and unloads a series of punches. He bails away. Masters is frustrated. Carlito is on the outside. They lock up. Masters throws Shawn into the heel corner again, and now they get the edge. The double-teaming begins. Tag Carlito, and he unloads a series of lefts in a neutral corner. Shawn fires back, but Carlito gets a kneelift and a hard chop. Carlito unloads the kicks. He gets a whip and a back elbow. Carlito covers for two. Masters puts his foot on the top turnbuckle, and Shawn’s head gets thrown into it. Masters tags in and gets a blatant choke. Masters distracts Chioda, and Carlito gets a blatant choke to Shawn. When Carlito lets go, Masters covers for two. Carlito tags in. Carlito gets Michaels in a neutral corner, but he walks into a kick, and Shawn gets a chop. Shawn uses a cross-corner whip, but Carlito dodges a blind charge, and Shawn runs into the ringpost. Carlito covers for two. Carlito gets a series of punches. Carlito gets a whip and a sleeper. Shawn fights it and turns it into a back suplex. Shawn gets a chop. Carlito reverses a whip, but Shawn gets a swinging neckbreaker. He gets a cross-corner whip, a Manhattan drop and a clothesline. Shawn hits Masters with a right and clotheslines Carlito. He almost falls out too, but he skins the cat. Masters tries to capitalize on this stupid move, but Shawn catches him just in time and backdrops him out too. And you know what that means. (7:25)
That’s it for tonight’s live coverage. Check the main page for the full report after the show.
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