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411’s Roundtable PPV Preview: TNA Against All Odds 2011

February 12, 2011 | Posted by Sat

Welcome, 411 wrestling readers, to 411Mania’s TNA Pay-Per-View Roundtable! Last month, TNA held Genesis where Mr. Anderson became the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion by defeating Jeff Hardy after already beating Matt Morgan in a #1 contenders match. Immortal captured some gold as Beer Money, Kazarian, and Abyss captured the Tag Team, X-Division, and Television Titles from the Motor City Machine Guns, Jay Lethal, and Douglas Williams. Madison Rayne was the only person who managed to retain a title by defeating Mickie James. Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett’s MMA exhibition went to a no contest, Bully Ray defeated Brother Devon via disqualification, and to the surprise of absolutely no one, Rob Van Dam’s mystery opponent was Matt Hardy and Hardy won that match.

This month, TNA puts on Against All Odds as Mr. Anderson defends the TNA World Heavyweight Championship against Matt Hardy in a ladder match, Generation Me and Robbie E. compete in a threeway match to earn a shot at the X-Division Championship, the Pope and Samoa Joe square off, Madison Rayne defends the Knockouts Title against Mickie James again in a Last Knockout Standing match, Ray and Devon have a street fight where Devon’s sons will stand by their father, RVD and Matt Hardy will have a rematch, and Rob Terry will team with Gunner and Murphy to take on Scott Steiner and Beer Money. It’s another packed show from TNA, so let’s get right down to it!

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Joining the Roundtable this month are:

Smackdown recapper Nick Bazar!
Ring of Honor recapper Michael Ornelas!
The Man himself, Larry Csonka!
And of course, yours truly Chad Nevett!


Wow, a video actually running down the card… that’s a new approach for TNA. I hope they keep it.

TNA Against All Odds


Nick Bazar: So Samoa Joe took it upon himself to investigate The Pope, and Pope called Joe a fat pig. The second half of that sentence describes pretty much every feud Joe has been in as a face. I haven’t been crazy about the storyline to this one, but the match has me excited. It’s an interesting pairing, and I look forward to what they can produce.

Winner: The Pope

Michael Ornelas: The whole premise for this match seems pretty stupid, but I guess that’s par for the course. The TNA course. Hopefully we at least get a good match out of this, but I really doubt that TNA will give this much time. Anyways, Joe’s better so he should win. Whatevz.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Larry Csonka: I have to say that I have not enjoyed the angle here. The heel turn by Pope and stuff that followed feel too thrown against the wall to me. Both guys seem to have zero direction as we speak, so picking a winner isn’t that easy.Hopefully this is good, because they have all the talent to make it a good match. I will go with Pope via nefarious means.

Winner: The Pope

Chad Nevett: While the story for this feud is pretty lacklustre, the match itself could be one of the best ones of the night. The sad thing is… both of these men need a big PPV win, but I’d rather see Samoa Joe go over, honestly.

Winner: Samoa Joe

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: The Pope over Samoa Joe / Samoa Joe over the Pope [2-2]

Nick Bazar: Is RVD ever going to get his hands on Jeff Hardy? Does anyone remember what RVD was so upset about in the first place? I think it had something to do with being stripped of the championship. Either way, this will likely be a noticeable improvement over their match at Genesis, which, by the way, I didn’t think was THAT bad. From what I’ve read, their house show matches have been better, and Matt Hardy has had some time to lose the ring rust. RVD gets his win back and continues his never-ending pursuit of the other brother.

Winner: RVD

Michael Ornelas: Matt “Intestinal Problems” Hardy should lose. Always. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in the past year, and I am arguably in the same (out of) shape as Matt Hardy…but I’m not a professional wrestler. I could work out if I wanted to just fine, but I’m too lazy. I think that’s Matt’s problem…he just has an excuse not to now. Whatever. Your appendix burst in late 2007. You’ve had over three years to get back in shape. Either talk about what you’re going through or stop using it as an excuse, as I’m sure there could be valid points. RVD wins.

Winner: RVD

Larry Csonka: Their feud has cooled since Hardy’s debut, as a lot of the storylines are running together. Hopefully both men bring their working boots, because they have the ability, but their first meeting was not impressive at all. Matt has had time to knock off the ring rust, so there are no excuses this time around. I see RVD winning the rematch so that he can finally get his hands on the other Hardy.

Winner: RVD

Chad Nevett: Another match where a win for either man would be good. Hardy is still new enough that he needs to establish himself. RVD just needs a win to look half decent and warrant his continued desire to get his hands on Jeff Hardy. I see RVD going over as part of Immortal’s continued self-destruction so he can finally go after Jeff directly.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Rob Van Dam over Matt Hardy [4-0]

Nick Bazar: This reminds me of those nWo vs. WCW 6-Man tags that featured guys like Scott Norton, Buff Bagwell and The Steiners. Actually, this is the perfect setting to highlight guys like Rob Terry and Scott Steiner. Give them a couple of minutes to show off with suplexes and power stuff, and leave the rest to Beer Money. Speaking of which, Robert Roode needs a good victory to back up his fantastic promo from Impact.

Winner: Scott Steiner & Beer Money

Michael Ornelas: Don’t care, but the new “They” should win to look strong.

Winner: Scott Steiner & Beer Money

Larry Csonka: Thrown together at the last minute, but it does fit the current feud that is going on. Storm and Roode will have to do some heavy lifting to make this worth watching, and I think protecting Steiner in a 6-man is smart booking. Terry has been very rough, and this will be Gunner and Murphy’s chance to shine.

Winner: Scott Steiner & Beer Money

Chad Nevett: Wow, this looks thrown together. Beer Money plus two jobbers and two muscleheads, one of which used to be able to wrestle but can’t so much anymore. If Beer Money don’t go over, what’s the point?

Winner: BEER! MONEY! (…and Scott Steiner, I guess)

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Scott Steiner & Beer Money over Rob Terry, Gunner & Murphy [4-0]

Nick Bazar: At Genesis, Brother Devon let his anger get the best of him in his match with Bully Ray, and it got him disqualified. The next logical step is a No Disqualification match- or its cousin the Street Fight- and we are getting it here. I could do without the two sons, especially considering the co-main event has more offspring on the line, but this should be entertaining. This probably ends in the cage a couple months from now, so Ray finds a way to win.

Winner: Bully Ray

Michael Ornelas: Really? This is a match they’re doing?? Devon lost last time, but he has scapegoats to eat the pin this time, so he’ll lose again.

Winner: Bully Ray

Larry Csonka: I was one of the few that liked this feud, but it has completely derailed in recent weeks. Most notably on this week’s Impact, where Devon got his revenge with the help of his kids and we had a feel good moment. Then, in a complete reversal of roles, and not in a good way, Ray decides that he will go for revenge and FIGHT THREE PEOPLE. My head hurts. Devon’s kids turn on their day, because Uncle Ray was always their inspiration and bought then the better gifts at Christmas.

Winner: Bully Ray

Chad Nevett: Am I the only one who thinks Devon’s sons will turn on their father? That seems likely, sadly. Still, a brawling match suits these two guys best. This could be entertaining if the sons are kept to a minimum in their involvement. And Ray should go over since he has the most potential as a singles performer.

Winner: Bull Ray

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Bully Ray over Brother Devon [4-0]

Nick Bazar: Classic booking has GenMe argue over who gets to pin Robbie E and Robbie ends up sneaking away with a victory. Somehow, I don’t see that happening here. It seems they have been trying to give Max Buck a personality of his own, and that continues here. I say there is a moment in the match where Jeremy Buck is knocked outside, and Max takes advantage of the small opening by pinning Robbie. That is the SvR Triple Threat match strategy, and these guys are supposedly video game geeks, so it works.

Winner: Max Buck

Michael Ornelas: This could be really good, but since it won’t get too much time, I doubt it’ll have psychology and be anything above an eight minute spotfest.

Winner: Max Buck

Larry Csonka: I really think that they missed the boat by not booking a face into this match. A match like this, with these three heels, is not going to generate the emotion that you want, and then the crowd will not react well. Gen Me is great, and will pull off some great stuff, but I feel that miscommunication leads to their downfall and Robbie E gets another shot at the title.

Winner: Robbie E

Chad Nevett: One of the only matches I’m interested in seeing, if only because the dynamic is so interesting. Two brothers, one outsider… all three of them heels. How do you book this match besides just delivering some great action? The only problem is that Robbie E. can’t hang with the Bucks. Why couldn’t it have been Kendrick? One of the Bucks should go over here and why not pick the older one?

Winner: Max Buck

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Max Buck over Jeremy Buck and Robbie E [3-1]

Nick Bazar: I appreciate the fact that they didn’t just give Mickie James the title immediately, but the championship journey has gone on long enough. The feud has been quite good and Madison Rayne has developed a good heel character, but another loss for James here and this starts to feel repetitive.

Winner: Mickie James

Michael Ornelas: If Mickie loses this, she will look incredibly stupid. Her chase has lasted longer than it probably should have, so I’ll hope TNA does the right thing and puts her over.

Winner: Mickie James

Larry Csonka: They had a good match last month before the overbooking took place. Last “Man/Woman” standing matches can be really difficult to get over if the crowds are not emotionally invested in the combatants. I think that there is enough hate for Madison and enough love for Mickie that they will be ok there, but from there, it all comes down to match layout. Mickie I feel has to get the win here, to freshen things up, and to make sure she doesn’t get Lex Lugered.

Winner: Mickie James

Chad Nevett: Mickie James needs to win. That’s the story. They had the false sure thing last month to delay things slightly, but this is when they close the deal.

Winner and NEW Knockouts Champion: Mickie James

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Mickie James over Madison Rayne [4-0]

Nick Bazar: Let’s give Jeff Jarrett some credit- he has been a lot of fun as a heel during this run. It hasn’t been overbearing like his “The Chosen One” WCW shtick, or annoying like his early TNA monster-killer phase. He has played the chickenshit heel, and it has worked. I want to see Kurt Angle kick his ass and break his ankle. That said, the stipulation gives this one away. Since the vow renewal takes place after the PPV, this feud clearly isn’t over. Angle getting custody of his kids is a feel-good, feud-ending conclusion. That will happen later. Jarrett wins here, and the vow renewal instantly becomes better television.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Michael Ornelas: This….is awesome. I wish WWE would do storylines like this. It’s a relationship AND a kids angle pushed together!! It’s like Eddie/Rey AND Kane/Edge…COMBINED!! WWE should take all storylines they have and mix them! Because more is better! Kurt Angle’s the better wrestler, but no way there’s a happy ending for the All American American American.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Larry Csonka: I don’t care about the use of the kids, I just hate that they have devalued a strong feud by bringing in so much ballyhoo. Angle has to get screwed here so that he has to walk his ex-wife down the aisle. Jarrett’s comeuppance shouldn’t happen this soon, and he needs to torture Kurt more, because heel Jarrett has been good.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Chad Nevett: Horrible stipulation added to this match. But, the winner is obvious for one simple fact: Kurt Angle having custody of his kids doesn’t happen on TV, the Jarretts renewing their vows is going to. Therefore, Kurt has to lose, probably because of Karen’s interference.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Jeff Jarrett over Kurt Angle [4-0]

Nick Bazar: Given how much TNA loves gimmick matches, I’m surprised it took them this long to get Jeff Hardy in a Ladder match. This is hopefully where Mr. Anderson drops the purple belt and brings back the original TNA World Heavyweight Championship. I expect a good match, but nothing revolutionary. Anderson wins and moves on to a new challenger.

Winner: Mr. Anderson

Michael Ornelas: This is the only match on the card that I think might be good. Hardy excels in ladder matches and I like Ken Anderson as champion (in theory, I haven’t actually watched TNA other than AJ’s promo last week. Not my job, I just do the RoH reports and am contributing to the column because of a lack of other staffers here). It really bugs me that he is still carrying around the atrocious purple belt, but this match, bell to bell, should be exciting if not marred with run-ins. Anyways, Anderson will retain in my eyes.

Winner: Mr. Anderson

Larry Csonka: I think that these guys can have a great match. I want these guys to have a great match. Jeff Hardy thrives in these style of matches, and Anderson has worked well in gimmick matches. I think that if left to having a well laid out match that they will be fine, but I just feel that we will get the same main event bullshit we have had for 9-years, and that will likely ruin a great effort. I hope I am wrong, but I see some kind of screw job with Hardy regaining the title.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Chad Nevett: I hope this is a good one. And I also hope it ends this feud. I’d like to see Mr. Anderson move on to new contenders of some kind, while Jeff can move on to feuding with RVD.

Winner and STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisteeeeeeeerrrrrrrr Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnderson!


411Mania Roundtable Consensus: Mr. Anderson over Jeff Hardy [3-1]

There you have it folks. And now for the monthly Roundtable awards…the 411Mania staff’s sure pick of the show and anyone’s game match!

Sure Pick of the Show: RVD over Matt Hardy, Bully Ray over Brother Devon, Mickie James over Madison Rayne, and Jeff Jarrett over Kurt Angle [4-0]
Anyone’s Game: The Pope vs. Samoa Joe [2-2]

And of course…the standings Year-to-Date! TNA Genesis was not the most kind of PPVs to all involved with the best result being 5 for 8 and that was by me. Weyer did the worst with 3/8, while Thomas, Bazar, and Ornelas all got 50% right. As a result, I was the only one to actually improve his percentage, just barely.

Steve Cook: 7 of 10 (70%)
Robert S. Leighty Jr: 11 of 16 (68.75%)
Kyle Fitta: 6 of 9 (66.67%)
Andy Critchell: 6 of 9 (66.67%)
Benjamin Waller: 5 of 8 (62.5%)
Mathew Sforcina: 5 of 8 (62.5%)
Aaron Hubbard: 10 of 17 (58.82%)
Larry Csonka: 10 of 17 (58.82%)
Black Scorpion: 10 of 17 (58.82%)
Jeremy Thomas: 20 of 36 (55.55%)
Nick Bazar 24 of 41 (58.53%)
Michael Weyer: 30 of 52 (57.69%)
Ronnie LaFianza: 15 of 26 (57.69%)
Chad Nevett: 34 of 61 (55.74%)
Greg DeMarco: 9 of 17 (52.94%)
Michael Ornelas: 13 of 25 (52%)
Michael Bauer: 4 of 9 (44.44%)
Tony Acero: 3 of 9 (33.3%)

Genesis made Weyer, Thomas, and Bazar all fall a few places, while Ornelas and I both stayed right where we were with slightly altered percentages. Cook continues his strategy of non-participation to stay atop. He’s a genius.

And, of course, don’t forget to join 411’s Larry Csonka on Sunday night for LIVE coverage starting at 7:30 pm!


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