wrestling / TV Reports
411’s Warrior Week: Warrior’s Greatest Matches Report 4.15.14
411’s Warrior Week: Warrior’s Greatest Matches Report 04.15.14
– I will be giving my thoughts on these matches, but I will not be rating them. This is a time for remembrance, and not criticisms on wrestling ability.
– Match times are not exact.
– Warrior himself opens the show. He says he’s prepared and ready to press the play button on the ultimate collection of Ultimate Warrior performances. He says that these moments belong just as much to us as they do to him. Our support created his success and our loyalty to that support has created a legend. He says for almost two decades they tried to erase the memory of Ultimate Warrior from our minds. They told us that Ultimate Warrior never had any great matches and there wasn’t any way to create a collection of his greatest moments. However, recent access to WWE libraries tells a much different story and it’s time to tell the right story… it’s time to tell the truth. Warrior says that this collection of moments are just the start. So sit back, relax, try and relax because it’s going to hard to do, have fun, enjoy, and let’s let Ultimate Warrior do what he does best, speak for himself and slay all the naysayers.
– A small title sequence video package airs.
– A superstar shout out from Shawn Michaels is shown. He says that he remembers when he was in the Rockers, Warrior was selling out arenas. He and Marty were very thankful for that. And twenty years later he got to see Warrior inducted into the Hall of Fame and tell him how beautiful he thought it was that he was able to share that moment with his family. He says Warrior will be missed but he will never ever be forgotten.
The bell rings and Warrior immediately locks up and throws Horowitz into the corner. They lock up and Horowitz locks on a side headlock. Warrior throws him off and shoulder blocks him. Horowitz falls to the outside of the ring and tries to regain his composure. Horowitz climbs onto the apron and Warrior brings him in the hard way! Horowitz then throws a few punches but they have no effect. Warrior throws him into the corner and gives him a big chop! He gives him another chop and the ref pulls him off. Horowitz comes out of the corner and throws a few more punches but once again they are to no avail. Warrior lifts Horowitz up into a big overhead choke and during that he talks about how he’s coming to the WWF in an inset promo. Warrior picks Horowitz up into that big overhead press slam! He makes the pin and that’s it!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Ultimate Warrior @ 2:00 via pinfall
Thoughts: This is obviously very early in Warrior’s career and Horowitz is one of the most famous job guys of all time. However, even early on you could tell that he was going to be something special. Warrior just looked larger than life, especially next to a guy like Barry Horowitz and that definitely counted for something.
– We get a shout out from Ricky Steamboat at his house in Florida. He says when Warrior came onto the scene in WWE he was bigger than life. He had the eighties look and the big hair and the bright gear. But what separated him was his energy to the ring, during the match, and on the way back. He had more energy than everyone combined. You had Hulk Hogans, Jake Roberts, Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboats, and if you put them together they don’t have the energy of the Warrior. During his Hall of Fame speech he had a lot of energy but he won Steamboat over with his heart. Steamboat says later on that night he learned that Warrior was going to have a Legends Deal and he would have loved to work alongside him. Warrior will be missed and both Steamboat and the fans would have loved to see him shake those ropes one more time.
– Next up we have Sting! Woah! Sting says his favorite Warrior memory was that he would take tuna and orange juice. He would put it in a blender, guzzle it down, and say he was getting his protein and vitamin C all in one.
Honky Tonk Man enters first accompanied by Jimmy Hart. The commentators are wondering who Honky Tonk Man’s challenger will be tonight for his Intercontinental Championship. Honky Tonk Man gets on the ring and says he doesn’t care who he wrestles they just need to get out here. And out comes The Ultimate Warrior! He sprints down to the ring and immediately starts throwing punches! The bell rings! Scoop slam! Warrior hits a flying shoulder block off the ropes! He’s marching around the ring! Clothesline! BIG SPLASH! ONE! TWO! THREE!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Ultimate Warrior in under a minute via pinfall
Thoughts: This match is SO important. He wins the IC belt here ending Honky Tonk’s super run and the crowd eats up every second. An amazing moment for Warrior’s career.
– Batista says he remembers Warrior’s great promos where nobody even knows who he’s talking to. He remembers the matches with the crazy moves and the big splash. But what he remembers the most are Warrior’s entrances where he’s running and shaking the ropes. Those entrances made Batista get up off his couch and just want to see more of The Ultimate Warrior.
– Chris Jericho says when Warrior first showed up, he was so different because of his energy, intensity, attitude, and look. He had long hair that wasn’t a mullet but it was real long over the ears hair. His music was super intense and real Metallica, heavy stuff and not like anything of the times. Jericho then starts singing Warrior’s music and it’s highly entertaining. He says Warrior would then run as fast as he could, hit the ropes back and forth, shake those ropes, and then get super blown up before he even wrestled. But then Andre The Giant would come out and Warrior would win in thirty seconds. Who could do that? The Warrior could.
Andre enters first accompanied by Heenan.
Backstage we have Warrior with “Mean” Gene Okerlund. Gene says that Heenan and Andre believe that Warrior fears the Giant. Warrior says Fear is an aberration and is the air that cowards breathe. It is the first taste of defeat. Warrior only breathes the air of the brave and only feasts on the fruit of victory!
Warrior enters and the crowd loves it! The bell rings and the two circle for a moment. Warrior gets on the top rope and poses but Andre gets him from behind and starts choking him in the corner. Warrior begins to fight back but Giant keeps his weight on him and continues to choke him on the ropes. Andre delivers a headbutt and Warrior falls to the outside of the ring. He gets back in and delivers a big club to Andre. And then Warrior begins to choke Andre with his own singlet! He’s got him on the ropes! He goes to hit Andre with a big clothesline but Andre ducks and Warrior falls to the outside again! Warrior gets back in and Andre delivers a kick to the midsection followed by a few open handed shots to the midsection. He starts to stretch Warrior out. Warrior tries to escape but Andre tightens up the hold. But Warrior begins to fight out! And he does! Big clothesline! Another big one and Andre is down through the ropes to the outside! Warrior follows him to the floor and lets loose with some stomps. He gets back in the ring and marches around the ring.
Break in the action.
Andre is still struggling on the outside. Warrior goes to drag him in but Andre hits him and chokes him on the bottom rope. Andre climbs back into the ring and delivers some double Mongolian Chops but Warrior locks in a bear hug! Andre tries to break out of the bear hug by grabbing Warrior’s traps. He breaks free and delivers a big headbutt to Warrior. Andre falls back into the corner and Warrior charges in but now Andre locks in a bear hug of his own. Warrior tries to break free with some windmill forearms but Andre doesn’t even flinch. Andre then delivers a big headbutt to Warrior’s midsection. Warrior falls back and Andre pursues but Warrior delivers a big chop! Andre falls back to the ropes! More big chops from Warrior! But Andre grabs Warrior’s hair and delivers another headbutt. He whips Warrior and goes for a line. Warrior ducks and hits Andre and Andre falls in and gets locked in the ropes! He goes for a big flying crossbody while Andre is locked in the ropes but Andre throws his boot up. Heenan grabs Warrior’s belt and gets in the ring to hit Warrior while the ref is checking on Andre who is trapped in the ropes but Warrior moves. He hits Heenan! He picks Heenan up and throws him into Andre, causing the bell to ring! The Warrior has won via DQ!
OFFICIAL RESULT: The Ultimate Warrior @ 8:00 via Disqualification
Thoughts: This is a huge deal. Sure, Andre had been beaten before and he wasn’t this big undefeated enigma that he once was, but he was still Andre the Giant. Ultimate Warrior was able to go toe to toe with him and match him enough that Heenan felt that he needed to get involved. This match certainly would add to the mystique of the Warrior.
After the match Andre and The Warrior exchange blows on the outside. But Warrior quickly slides back into the ring and poses for the crowd as Heenan gets Andre to walk backstage.
– We get a superstar shout out from Scott Hall. He says he was a fan, he liked what he did for the industry. He says Warrior raised the payscale by being such a box office legend. He was known for his intensity both in the ring and with how he did business. Hall said the man he had met at the Hall of Fame ceremony was at peace with life. He was where he wanted to be with his career and his family. He said while he talked about his family he just looked content and Hall is glad he got to share that moment with him and he sure does miss him now.
– Next we hear from ESPN anchor Robert Flores. He says one of his favorite Warrior matches was his match in 1990 against Ted DiBiase in front of a sold out Tokyo Dome. He says he grew up watching both of these guys in UWF, and for Ted DiBiase also in Mid South. It was cool to see these two home grown products wrestling overseas in Tokyo at the Tokyo Dome.
DiBiase enters first, Million Dollar Championship proudly worn around his waist. Warrior sprints down, wearing the WWF title around his waist. This match is indeed a title defense. While Warrior is posing on the ropes, DiBiase attacks from behind. He gets a cheap shot in with the belt and then fires some chops off. He goes for a whip but Warrior reverses it and hits a back body drop followed by a big scoop slam. DiBiase gets up by the ropes and gets clotheslined over by Warrior! Warrior poses on the ropes as DiBiase takes his time to try and regroup on the outside. DiBiase gets back into the ring and the two men lock up. Warrior immediately throws DiBiase off into the corner. They lock up again and Warrior once again throws DiBiase off. They lock up a third time and DiBiase immediately locks on a side headlock but Warrior just lifts him up and throws him off! DiBiase fakes a lockup but goes low and knees Warrior’s midsection. He then begins to throw a few strikes Warrior’s way. He locks on another side headlock. DiBiase cranks away at the headlock and Warrior pushes him off to the ropes. The two begin to criss cross. DiBiase drops down. Warrior steps over and comes back with a big shoulder block. DiBiase throws a line and Warrior ducks. He goes for the flying shoulder block but DiBiase side steps and forces Warrior down to the mat. He begins to stomp away at Warrior. Warrior gets to his feet and DiBiase chops him right back down. He continues to throw punches and really work the Warrior down. He whips Warrior off and hits him with a big clothesline. He goes for a cover but only gets a one count. He picks Warrior back up and hits a knee lift. Warrior comes back with a punch but DiBiase goes at Warrior’s eyes and gets him into the corners. He hits two chops but misses the last one. Warrior tries to get control but DiBiase keeps it and snapmares Warrior down, following it up with a big fist drop. DiBiase hits a big suplex on Warrior and goes for the cover. He only gets a two. DiBiase hits a few punches. He picks Warrior up. Piledriver! DiBiase goes for the pin and once again only gets a two. He gets back to his feet and hits a few punches but they have no effect! Warrior hits the ropes! Clothesline! Another clothesline! A third! He hits the ropes again! FLYING SHOULDER BLOCK! OFF THE ROPES! BIG SPLASH TO DIBIASE’S BACK! ONE! TWO! THREE!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Ultimate Warrior @ 7:00 via pinfall
Thoughts: I really liked this actually. DiBiase looks like a great heel and Warrior has that classic comeback. It’s also a huge deal because he’s main eventing a show in the Tokyo Dome, one of the most iconic wrestling arenas of all time. That truly does mean something. And this was only three years after he had debuted in the WWF.
– Next we hear from NXT Superstar CJ Parker. He says every year for homecoming he would dress up as The Ultimate Warrior. He would do the tassels, the face paint, and come out to his music to do whatever the competition was. He says to say that Warrior affected his childhood would be an understatement and he says Warrior is one of the reasons he’s here today.
– Next we hear from Sami Zayn. Zayn says that when he was really young, Hulk Hogan was his favorite. But there was a time when Warrior took Hogan’s spot because of his energy and his aura. Sami says that Ultimate Warrior’s energy was everything that was right with professional wrestling then and even now. One of Zayn’s earliest memories is going to the public pool and getting a face painter to paint his face like the Ultimate Warrior. It’s one of his earliest memories and one of the most cherished memories of his youth.
Ultimate Warrior is backstage. He says that animals fight for territorial boundaries but the Ultimate Warrior knows no boundaries and fears no predator. And tonight he will prove that he is the ultimate animal!
Rude enters first accompanied by none other than Bobby Heenan. Warrior enters second, sprinting down to the ring at full speed. He poses on the turnbuckles and the crowd goes wild. Rude slides in and attacks from behind while Warrior is posing. He takes Warrior down with a lot of clubs. He goes to slam Warrior’s head into the turnbuckle but Warrior blocks it and slams Rude’s head into the turnbuckle instead. He whips Rude over to the opposite turnbuckle. He then picks him up and throws him back into it followed by delivering a bunch of boots to Rude’s midsection. He whips Rude into the opposite corner once again! Rude comes out and Warrior gets him with an atomic drop. He hits the ropes and clotheslines Rude out and over! Warrior reaches out through the middle rope and gets Rude and Heenan both with a double noggin knocker! Warrior exits the ring. He slams Rude’s head on the apron a couple times and then Rude rolls back in to escape. Warrior gets in and ducks a Rude clothesline, following it up with a clothesline of his own. Warrior climbs to the top rope. He hits a flying double axehandle and follows it up immediately with the big splash… but Rude rolls out of the way! Warrior rolls out of the ring to the floor. Rude gets up and picks up Warrior’s title belt. He goes to the outside and Heenan distracts the ref. He hits Warrior with the belt! Rude gets into the ring and Warrior is down on the outside. Rude goes back to the outside of the ring and slams Warrior’s head on the ring apron. He throws Warrior back in and now Rude climbs to the top. He goes for some sort of splash but Warrior counters with a strike to the midsection. Reverse atomic drop! Warrior gets Rude into the corner and charges him but Rude counters with a boot to the midsection followed by a clothesline out of the corner. He then begins to throw a few strikes at Warrior’s kidney area. He goes for a scoop slam on Warrior but he can’t lift him. Warrior gets out and hits Rude with a scoop slam of his own! He goes for the overhead press but Rude slips out and locks on a sleeper. He jumps onto Warrior’s back for added leverage. Warrior begins to fall asleep. The referee checks the arm… or rather leg. It drops once. It drops twice. One more time and it’s over… BUT NO WARRIOR KEEPS THAT LEG UP AND BOOM HE’S BACK ON HIS FEET! He gets Rude with a stunner type maneuver to escape! He goes for a line but Rude ducks and follows up with some strikes right away to Warrior. He’s got Warrior reeling! He stomps on Warrior’s hand. Rude drops an elbow to the back of Warrior’s neck and picks Warrior up. He goes for the Rude Awakening but Warrior blocks it! He breaks Rude’s arms off! He goes for the line but Rude ducks. Kick to the midsection. RUDE HITS THE RUDE AWAKENING! ONE! TWO! WARRIOR KICKS OUT! He gets to his feet and he’s shaking the ropes! He’s marching around the ring! Clothesline! Clothesline! Clothesline! SHAKE THOSE ROPES AGAIN! FLYING SHOULDER BLOCK! BIG SPLASH! ONE! TWO! But Heenan gets in the ring and breaks up the pin! The official didn’t see and Heenan begins to walk to the back but Warrior chases after him and locks on a choke. Rude follows them out. Warrior picks him up into the overhead press slam. He goes to slam him but Heenan hits him. Warrior turns around to Heenan and Heenan tries to get into the ring to escape. Warrior follows Heenan in and begins to slam Heenan’s head into the turnbuckles. He throws Heenan out of the ring and the bell rings to FINALLY signify the end of the match.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Ultimate Warrior @ 11:00 via disqualification
Thoughts: This match was a TON of fun. You could totally buy into Rude winning here and Heenan also does a great job as a slimy heel manager. Just a ton of fun and a truly great match up to add to Warrior’s career.
– Cena gives a shoutout. He says that his favorite thing about Warrior was his ability to motivate. He lived his life trying to get the most out of people and therefore got the most out of himself. His message was always to get out there and do the work. He lead by example. He got out of bed early, went to bed late, but was always working on making himself a better person.
– Next we hear from Hulk Hogan. He says that Warrior was everything wrestling should be. The energy, attitude, entertainment, and the colors. He was the ultimate sports entertainer. He lived a fast and short life and will be missed and loved. He was a good man and he was OUR Ultimate Warrior.
– The last thing we see is Warrior himself again. He says that this is just the start. He talks about accepting the Hall of Fame. He says for years he turned it down because he wanted them to tell the right story. Now we, the fans, have his assurance that the right story is the full story and the full story is yet to come. He says if we thought his actions in the ring were intense then we will love to hear the stories of how he’s applied intensity in his life to succeed beyond his time in the ring and live up to being the man named Warrior. “Until we meet again, until the story continues, I’m Warrior… Always believe.”

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