wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Raw Report 02.23.04

February 23, 2004 | Posted by PK

411’s WWE Raw Report 02.23.04
Announcers are JR & The King
Report done *EXCLUSIVELY* for 411MANIA by PK

Recap of HBK vs. Benoit from last week.

Intro….Benoit vs. Batista, also Vince’s huge announcement, and his confrontation with Bischoff.

Molly Holly (c) vs. Lita vs. Victoria vs. Jazz (w/ Long) – Woman’s Title
This match will be elimination & tornado style, and a melee starts. Lita nails a huge DDT on Jazz and she is eliminated. Victoria quickly rolls up Molly for the pin. Molly attacks Victoria and has to be restrained by agents.


Victoria and Lita are going back and forth when we come back. Victoria goes for her slingshot leg drop but misses, and Lita rolls her up for 2. Lita with a head scissors for 2. Lita goes for a reverse ToF for 2. Victoria fights back, goes for a Powerbomb, but Lita rolls through for a 2. Lita then pulls Victoria face first into the bottom rope. Victoria looks KOed. Lita with a Powerbomb, then goes for the Moonsault. Victoria fallows, and pulls Lita down into a Widow’s Peak for the pin.
Winner and NEW Champion – Victoria

Vince’s limo pulls up, and he asks the driver to put his wrestling gear in his office.


Coach informs Bischoff that Vince has arrived, and Christian fallows with the same announcement. Christian then says that he wants a Tag Title Match along with Jericho at WMXX, since Jericho will be back from his injury by then. Bischoff doesn’t like the idea, because he doesn’t like Jericho. So, instead, he will pit Christian up against Trish tonight.

Randy Orton vs. Val Venis
They go back and forth, and fall outside. Orton runs Venis into side of the ring, and then rolls Venis back in and works on the small of his back. Venis fights back, nails a huge spinebuster, and goes up for the Money Shot. Orton tosses him off and nails an RKO for the pin.
Winner – Orton


They show footage from May or 1999, when Bischoff issued an open challenge to Vince on WCW TV. Bischoff is dumbfounded that that got on the air. Austin comes in and asks why he is afraid of Vince. He had made out with Steph and Linda, and the man still signs his paychecks. Bischoff then turns around, and says that he isn’t afraid of Vince, and starts talking about a fantasy he has with Steph, while Vince walks in. Vince yells at him and says that he is going to the ring.

Flair and Orton are pepping up Batista, and HHH comes in to tell him them that he has something to say, and he wants them in the ring with him.


HHH and Evolution comes out. HHH says that last week when he flipped out, he just needed some time to think about it. He knows how great he is, and even though he isn’t happy with the match, this will not be the end of HHH. He will prove, once again, at WM why he is the Champion. Benoit comes out, and says that all HHH does it talk, talk, talk, but he hasn’t proven anything that he has said. HHH then says that if Benoit is such a tough guy, why doesn’t he step in the ring. Benoit walks to the otherside, and grabs the timekeepers chair and gets in the ring. Evo backs off, but then attacks. The 4 of them are beating down Benoit until HBK makes his way out. They both fend off Evo, and Benoit turns around and puts the Crossface on HBK. Austin comes out and says that the match between Benoit and Batista will not have anyone interfere, or else that person will not make it to WMXX.


Chris Benoit vs. Batista
We come back and the match is going. Benoit is working over Batista’s right knee. Benoit goes for a Sharpshooter, but Batista shoves him off. Batista with a huge shoulderblock, and then out muscles Benoit. Batista locks in a bear hug, Benoit fights out, and then there is more back and forth action. Batista nails a HUGE spinebuster for 2. Batista goes to pick up Benoit, but Benoit slides though and nails a German. Both men up, and Benoit locks on to Batista and nails the German Trifecta. Benoit calls for the diving headbutt, but Batista misses. Batista goes for the Demon Bomb, but Benoit rolls through it and locks on the Crossface for the win.
Winner – Benoit


Bischoff pacing back and forth, Austin comes in, and wonders where the man that led Nitro to beat RAW for 83 straight weeks. Austin says that Bischoff can walk out on the fight and get fired, go out there, loose the fight and still get fired, or go out there give it to Vince straight up, and become the visionary that created WCW Nitro once again.

Booker T & RVD vs. La Resistance
This match was served to show off RVT’s double team move, which is a scissors kick fallowed by the 5*.
Winners – Booker/RVD

Footage of Foley getting is ass beat last week. Then they showed pictures of Foley’s face.


Trish catches up with Christian about tonight’s match. Christian says that he doesn’t want to make the match competitive, and that they will go out there and Christian will lay down, and Trish will make the cover. Christian then says that since he is laying down for her, maybe she can lay down for him later. Trish is apauled, but Christian covers it up by saying that it was just a test, and he was just trying to make sure she isn’t out to two time Jericho.

Recap of Foley’s fight with Evolution last week.

JR with Foley in an interview over the weekend. JR asks what kind of pain Foley is in. Foley says that pain never bothered him until now, since he had to see a neurologist. JR then asks why Foley kept getting up just to be beaten down again. Foley says that it was all instinct, and that he didn’t realize he was being beat up for so long. JR says that no one came down to help, and Foley says that he thinks that the wrestlers haven’t forgiven him for walking out in December. JR wonders if it’s safe to assume that Foley’s in ring career is finally over, and Foley blows up, and says that it is safe to assume that he will be at RAW next week.


Sting of the Night – Kane hurting Jericho’s knee some more.

Trish Stratus vs. Christian
Christian kicks out when is laid down at 2. HAHA. Trish is wondering what is going on, and she goes to bolt. Christian slaps her on the ass, and Trish turns around into a huge clothesline. Christian laughs at her, and locks on the Walls. HAHAHAHA. Trish taps out, and Christian keeps the hold on. Christian is yelling “Where’s your boyfriend now Trish?” That’s good stuff.
Winner – Christian


Agents helping Trish backstage.

Coach is talking to a bathroom door…apparently Bischoff is in there. Coach says that he would be puking is brains out too if Vince McMahon called him out. Bischoff comes out and says that he isn’t afraid of Vince at all. He went toe to toe with Vince for 83 straight weeks and won. And Vince says that he beat Bischoff in the long run, it’s a lie, Time Warner through in the towel, not Bischoff, and he will go out and finish the Monday Night Wars tonight!


Foley returns next week, and Benoit/HBK takes on Batista/Orton.

McMahon comes out, and starts to make a special WM announcement, but Stacy and Miss Jackie make their way out, and they want to prove they are the hottest Divas in the WWE, and Vince makes the first inter-promotional match, pitting Miss Jackie and Stacy against Sable and Torrie in a Tag Team “Playboy Evening Gown Match.” Fire then erupts, and Kane comes out. Kane gets in Vince’s face and says that Vince promised that he would die, but now he is back. Kane says that UT is tormenting Kane day and night, and if Vince doesn’t do something about, then Kane says that Vince will be the next one that is buried alive. Vince then makes Kane vs. Undertaker at WMXX. PLEASE MAKE IT A CASKET MATCH! Vince then says that last week on SmackDown, Brock begged to get a match with Goldberg at WMXX. Well, Vince says that no one can contain these two in a match, so it can’t happen. Austin comes out and says that he will be the special guest ref to make this match happen. Vince then makes the match! Vince says that he wants to see what kind of ref Austin will be right now.

Vince McMahon vs. Eric Bischoff
Vince and Bischoff brawl for a while, and Austin is making the count with them 2 on the outside. Brock Lesnar comes through the crowd, and gives Austin and F5!! That was rad!!

Show Over.



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