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411’s WWE Smackdown Report 05.14.10
Hello again, my name is Michael Uphoff! It’s that time again, time for another edition of WWE Friday Night Smackdown! Tonight we are to crown a new Intercontinental Champion, and we are only nine days away from WWE Over the Limit! With all that being said, let’s get to it! SMACKDOWN!
A package showing McIntyre attacking Hardy and then Hardy and McIntyre brawling, then Drew snapping and going after Hardy, getting stripped of the IC title and fired off of Smackdown is shown. The Smackdown intro video is awesome as always.
Matt Striker and Todd Grisham welcome us to Friday Night Smackdown in Buffalo, NY. A new IC champion will be crowned, and CM Punk and Rey Mysterio face each other tonight.
Teddy Long is in the ring, and does the special introduction for the vacant Intercontinental Title match.
Kofi Kingston vs. Christian for the Vacant Intercontinental Championship
I’d say Kofi wins, since he needs it more. Both men make their way to the ring. This is going to be fast and quick, so pardon me if I miss something.
The bell rings, and Kofi with some kicks. Christian with a takedown. Kofi to his feet, reverses, Christian with keylock, Kofi reverses. Off the ropes, leapfrog by Christian and shoulder knockdown by Christian. Keylock, countered by legsweep by Kofi, Side headlock by Kofi, off the ropes, Kofi hangs on. Of the ropes, another shoulder knockdown by Christian. Monkey flip countered by Kofi, and he gets one of his own! Kofi goes for a plancha, but misses! Christian hits his springboard leaping crossbody! Commercial.
Back from commercial, we see Christian has a neck vice on Kofi. HE fights to his feet. Christian with some rights. Irish whip countered, but Christian hits a flapjack for 2! Off the ropes, back elbow by Christian gets 2 as well. Ground headlock by Christian, Kofi fights out, rights exchanged, Kofi hits a nice pendulum kick in the corner! Flying crossbody gets a close 2! Rights by Christian, dropkick by Kofi, misses the corner charge, as does Christian. Dropkick I think, Christian counters the boom drop! Rollup by Christian! 1…2…Kofi counters for 2! Go behind right by Christian, leapfrog by Kofi, Electric Chair Drop! 1…2… NO! Jackknife roll counter by Kofi! Countered by Christian for a long 2! Christian swats Kofi in the air, misses the crossbody! Kofi hits one! 1…2…NO! BOOM DROP! Kofi calls for TIP, countered, Inverted DDT! 1…2…NO! Christian uses the ropes on Kofi and uppercuts, Killswitch try blocked. Kofi hits some move I don’t know, but looked GREAT. Kofi with mounted punches, Christian with the pendulum kick! 2nd rope uppercut! Calls for the Killswitch, countered, sunset flip no good, TROUBLE IN PARADISE OUT OF NOWHERE! 1…2…3!
Winner and NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION: KOFI KINGSTON- These two worked really well together. They put on a fantastic match with a fast pace and full of Nearfalls, which kept the crowd on the edge of their seats. ***1/2
Christian shakes hands after the match. Kofi celebrates. Drew McIntyre’s music hits and he comes out to the ring. Drew takes out a letter and hands it to Teddy Long. Kofi, I’m sorry, says Teddy Long. He takes the title from Kofi and gives it back to Drew. Kofi sells this really well.
Striker grabs the letter and reads it to the crowd. Essentially, Drew ran home to Daddy, and told on Teddy Long, and Daddy fixed everything.
Striker and Grisham hype the Swagger/ Big Show match, and then packages of Show taking out Swagger two consecutive weeks is shown. Swagger is in the back, directing traffic as people unload boxes. Whatever could be in them?
Shad Gaspard vs. Random Jobber
The bell rings, and Shad tosses him into the corner. Jobber with some rights, but Shad throws him down. Corner rights by Shad. Headlock takeover by Shad. Forearm to the back, followed by choking in the ropes. Mat slam by Shad. Irish whip, sunset flip by jobber, Shad grabs the kid, picks him up, and hits the modified STO for the win.
Winner: Shad Gaspard- YAWN. Next. N/A
Still to come, Punk vs. Rey tonight on Smackdown. A package of the feud is shown.
Orton/Edge package is shown where Orton RKO’s Edge. Their match is hyped, as is the Over the Limit PPV.
Rey is on WWE.com.
MVP and JTG vs. the Dudebusters
Apparently Trent in the black and teal. The bell rings, lockup, to the corner. Trent with corner offense, Irish whip, countered by JTG, and MVP and JTG botch some moves on the Dudebusters, and then clothesline both over the ropes. Back elbow by JTG, but Croft downs JTG! Dropkick by Trent gets 2. Croft tags in and grabs a headlock. Right and tags in Trent. Corner knees by Trent looked nice. Trent covers for 2. Choking in the ropes, then more knees by Croft. Croft tags in Trent. Kick, then elbows by both as Croft tags back in. headlock by Croft, JTG fights to his feet. Trent gets tagged in, and MVP hits an overhead belly to belly throw. Clothesline, facebuster, MVP goin’ Ballin! Ballin’ Elbow connects! Miscommunication ensues, and JTG snaps Trent off the ropes, right into the Play of the Day! That gets 3!
Winners: JTG and MVP- Shoot me, this was awful. I get the effort, but it wasn’t there today. I was really disappointed. *
Pun is in the back. He’s hurt because he saw doubt in the SES’s eyes. He never wants to see it again. He will go the ring alone tonight. What doesn’t kill you makes you better than everybody.
Swagger’s trophies are being brought to the ring.
Swagger comes out to boos. The crowd can’t stand him. He is great here. Then he does some pushups. He has accomplished more in one day than people do in their lives. He talks more about his virtues and that he goes for more than most people do, and we go to commercial as he is talking? WTF?
We’re back, and Swagger calls everyone jealous. Swagger weighed 15 pounds at birth? Good god. Swagger is gold here. He keeps thanking the crowd as the boos get louder. He shows his 5 year old self, then his 3rd state wrestling championship. Striker compares Swagger to the King. Swagger brought his aunt to prom? He then shows his Oklahoma picture. Also, he’s a lifeguard. Crowd chants you suck. He has a sandwich named after him? Oh god. He’s a National Scrabble Champion and a master chess player. No one compares to him. Big Show’s music hits as he makes his way to the ring. Show says the collection is impressive. He’s jealous. Swagger says he needs to stop touching his stuff. He begs Show to leave. Show is equally great here, destroying his stuff one by one. Swagger goes after him, but Show tosses him off, and Swagger bails. Show just breaks more stuff. Show impressively punts a football, then destroys some pictures. I’m fairly sure Show destroyed all of his trophies. He grabs the belt, and then poses with it. This was great, just an absolutely fabulous promo by both men. Swagger was great on the mic, and Show cut one of the best promos I’ve seen in a while from him.
Rey vs. Punk tonight. At Over the Limit, if Punk wins, Rey joins the SES. If Rey wins, Punk gets his head shaved. Cena vs. Batista is an I Quit Match at Over the Limit.
Rosa Mendes vs. Beth Phoenix
Beth is out to huge cheers from her hometown. EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME! Vickie makes the match between Beth Phoenix and McCool and Layla in a Handicap Women’s Title Match. I would do naughty things to Layla.
The bell rings, and McCool goes right for Beth’s knee. Beth fights both off, but McCool hits the knee. Beth fights them off again, but they doubleteam again. Corner offense, but Beth fights back. Michelle uses her legs to stop Beth, but Beth grabs both of them and does a double Samoan Drop! 1…2…McCool makes the save. McCool goes after Beth, Irish whip, both Divas knock heads, Michelle to the floor. Layla covers for 3! We have the first ever British Women’s Champion. Great. Off a fucking knocking heads?
Winner and NEW WOMEN’s CHAMPION: Layla. Oh god, kill me. I know that Beth is injured, but Layla? At least it isn’t McCool again. Hard to rate, as it was just to get the title off Beth. I’ll go with a DUD.
Kane’s music and pyro hit as he makes his way to the ring.
Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero
The bell rings. Kane goozles, but Chavo gets out. Kicks to the legs, and Guerrero gets tossed over the ropes. Chavo snaps his head on the ropes, but gets an uppercut for his troubles. Dropkick by Chavo, followed by rights and kicks. Uppercut by Kane. Corner charge blocked. Chavo flies off the top turnbuckle into a goozle! CHOKESLAM! 1…2…3!
Winner: Kane- That was quick. DUD
Rey cutting off a part of Punk’s hair is shown. They’ve done a good job building up this match at Over the Limit.
Grisham and Striker talk about what happened with the Intercontinental Championship between Kofi and Drew McIntyre. So does Kofi get credit for winning it, or does his victory not count?
Teddy is in the back with Drew. Next week, Drew goes one-on-one with the Big Show! My guess is Drew wins when Swagger interferes. Striker and Grisham hype the matches so far at Over the Limit.
Rey is in the back, walking towards the ring. His match with Punk is next.
Buzz Aldrin is the next guest host for Monday Night RAW, which is commercial free!
Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk
Rey is crazy over in Buffalo. Grisham reminds us that if Rey loses at Over the Limit, he joins the SES. CM Punk comes out to solid heel heat, all by himself. Odds on a run-in? Anyone?
The bell rings, and Rey ducks a clothesline, but Punk with some kicks and knees. Toss to the corner, but Rey with kicks and Irish whip counter by Punk, Rey ducks under, Punk with knees and kicks. Corner offense by Punk. Irish whip blocked by Rey, and he headscissors Punk through the ropes! Rey over the ropes, misses, and gets thrown into the barricade by Punk! Commercial.
Back from commercial, we see Punk has Rey locked in a submission hold. Rey fights out with kicks to the head, rights by Rey as well. Corner offense, Punk reverses whip, but Rey drop toeholds him into the turnbuckle. Punk tree of woes Rey and gets a basement dropkick for 2. Abdominal stretch by Punk, Rey fights, Punk with elbows and lets go. Irish whip, but Rey dodges and droptoeholds Punk into 619 position! Punk catches him and tosses him outside. Kicks on the outside, Punk rolls him in the ring. Springboard clothesline gets a CLOSE 2! Abdominal stretch again by Punk. Rey kicks out. Punk with a kick and an Irish whip, but Rey flips up and counters with a DDT! Irish whip blocked by Rey. Seated senton off the rope. I missed Punk’s move, but he gets 2. Rey hurrancanranas Punk into 619 position! Gallows gets knocked off! Punk with a rollup for 2! Rey hits the 619! Springboard Splash! 1…2…Masked man breaks the pin! It’s Serena! The real masked man causes the DQ. The SES beats down Rey after the match, then Punk hits the GTS.
Winner: Rey Mysterio via DQ- Obvious they had to go with the DQ ending. It was good until the end. It was a little fast, and my roommate distracted me, so I missed a couple moves. My bad.
The SES pose over Rey as the show ends.
FINAL THOUGHTS: This was a perfect example of a bipolar show. It was great in some parts (Christian/Kofi, Big Show/Swagger promo), and sucked something fierce in the rest. Punk/Rey was built nicely, and Swagger/Show still continues to hold my interest. Thumbs in the middle.
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