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Acero’s AEW Dynamite Review 7.3.24

Michael Ornelas is BACK like he never left, and it’s only my second most anticipated release, with Eminem’s “Tobey” dropping as well! Check out Fine Dining Podcast now!
It’s Wednesday, you know what that means…
We start with Daniel Garcia and Renee. MJF comes up to say he wants to be in Garcia’s corner tonight. Here comes Matt Menard to tell MJF he thought he was full of shit, but after all that he’s done for Garcia, he’s alright with him.
Owen Hart Foundation Tournament
Bryan Danielson vs PAC
WE get a HOLY SHIT chant before the men even start, and I’m hyped, too. LOCKUP!!!!! Side headlock from Pac into a takedown, leg scissors from Bryan, kip up and both men stand. Bryan works the arm, takes Pac down, leg scissors and Bryan kips out. Bryan tries to block a wrist lock by pulling at the chin. Pac spins and gets the wrist lock from above, with a twist. Bryan is up, tries to push Pac to the corner, but Pac walks him around unti he rolls out then bridges and spins out of the hold to get his own. He slams Pac’s arm atop his shoulder then slaps him down. Pac turns into it, flips using the ropes, whip and a sick arm drag from Pac, from Bryan, cover from Pac 1.2..NO!!! Bryan tries to trip him up, but Pac backflips and kicks Bryan in the chest! Bryan is shocked. SHOCKED!
LOCKUP!!! To the corner! Chop from Pac! Bryan whips to the corner, Pac flips out of the run, Bryan hits the corner, hops up top and back flips, lands on his feet, both hit the ropes, duck under, hit em again, and we get a double crossbody in the middle of the ring! Pac with a right! Uppercut from Bryan! Right. Uppercut. Right. Uppercut! Another uppercut! Another! Pac with a right drops Bryan to his knees. Pac knocks Bryan out of the ring, hits the apron. Beautiful ass moonsault! He tosses Bryan back in the ring. BRUTALIZER to Bryan!!!! Bryan with a rope break using his legs! Pac holds on till 4. We go to PIP.
WE ARE BACK and Pac and Bryan are going back and forth with some rights until Bryan dorps the arm on Pac. Pac shoots Bryan to the ropes, hits a GERMAN! But Bryan lands on his feet! High kick to Pac! Both men down! They are up and outside. Pac stands on the mat, Bryan on the apron! He runs with a knee strike! Bryan with kicks to Pac against the barricade. He backs up for some speed and runs…right into a kick from Pac! Pac stands on the barricade and hits an elbow drop to Bryan! He rolls him into the ring, springboard and another elbow drop with precision! Bryan up, holding his neck. Pac with a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! COVER! 1.2…..NO!!! Another pin. 1..2..NO! Another pin! 1..2….NO!!! Bryan with a crossface! LaBell Lock! Pac to the ropes! Kicks from Bryan in the corner, huge chop, another. Kick, chop. Bryan hits the corner, Pac follows, hits a running uppercut, hits the corner, and Bryan with a kick!!! Bryan drags himself to the apron. To the top rope. Pac clips the leg! Bryan crotches himself! Pac climbs. He locks the head and lifts Bryan, then shoots for a superplex…..BRAINBUSTAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Pac crawls for the cover! 1..2….NO!!!! Black Arrow attempt from Pac! Bryan rolls out of the way! Bryan with a BUSAIKU KNEEEEEEE!!!! Bryan cralws for a cover! He lays back onto Pac! 1..2..NO!!!! Pac turns it into a Brutalizer!!!!!!!
Pac turns Bryan onto his chest! Bryan tries to roll into a pin! 1..2..NO!!!! Bryan rolls through th arm, LaBell Lock!!!! But Pac rolls into a pin!!! 1…2..NO!!! Bryan with a crucifix pin!!! 1..2….3!!!!
Winner: Bryan Danielson
BRISCOEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Holy shit what a match. Sure, we could be biased and have a preconceived assumption of higher quality, but it says something that even with said expectation, they exceed what is to be assumed. Wonderful. Beautiful.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 16:42
Backstage, Renee is with Willow Nightingale who says her mantra, “Nothing Matters, Smile Anyway” is more than just something that looks good on a t-shirt. The world is full of pain and suffering, so she does this for her and all her fans. But Kris Statlander? Stokely knows nothing about this, so he just mocks her. But Smile Anyway is for people who never get their way. It’s for her friend who is fighting the devil, for the little girl who wanted to be a wrestler. She may have lost her title, but she will kick down that door and be the first person to win the tournament twice. She will go to Wembley and become the Women’s World Champion. She is going to kiss Kris’ butt. Why? Because nothing matters…smile anyway!
Mark clears his throat and gives us this gem:
Greetings my fair Second City Brethren, it is I, a representation of one of the finest teams of all time, The Briscoes – many times referred to as “Those Rapscallions.” It has been said that I am akin to poultry, but please do not confuse this with fear of fellow man, for I haven’t the amygdala necessary to feel such an emotion.
It was but a mere few days when I tasted the glory that is the TNT Championship, but that taste was but a flick of the tongue due to the dastardly Jack Perry. Alas, that was then and this is now. Now, we celebrate one of the living dinosaurs of the world, a shark. It is this blood-thirsty animal that reminds me of impending doom, and who am I if not a harbinger of doom. So, let it be written that come Blood and Guts, consider me as one-fifth of a team of AEW faithfuls prepared for battle, prepared for war, and prepared for death.
But here comes Jack Perry to clock Mark across the head with his newly won title.
Here comes Kyle O’Reilly to attack Perry! He corners Jack and hits a bunch of rights, but here comes Kazuchika Okada! RAINMAKER TO KOR!
The Young Bucks come out from the back and run on the apron with their titles up high. They grab Mark and he gets an EVP Trigger.
The Acclaimed, later than I’m sure Mark would have liked, run down to send The Elite out of the ring and through the crowd.
Kris and Stokely come out first, and the minute Willow’s music hits, out she comes to meet Kris on the ramp! A HUGE POUNCE sends Kris flying, and they continue the fight into the ring where Knox calls for the bell.
Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Match
Kris Statlander vs Willow Nightingale
WE come back from break where Willow and Kris stand on the apron and trade right hands. Willow hits a few more, missing a fourth, and Kris locks up behind for a German to the floor. Willow holds on, hits a back elbow, and Kris drops down to the floor hard. Stokely checks on Kris and Willow sees this chance to fly with a cannonball senton! She rolls Kris into the ring, heads to the top rope, flies off with a dropkick! Willow with a clothesline flips Kris completely and covers for 1..2.NO!! Kris tries for a powerbomb, Willow slips out, tries for a gutwrench, Kris escapes, hits the ropes, axe kick! Cover! 1..2.NO!! GERMAN FROM KRIS! 1..2..NO!!! Willow with some back elbows to prevent another. Kris attacks the back, hits the corner, Willow follows, attacks the back, climbs the corner and we get a GERMAN OFF THE 2ND ROPE!!!!! Willow climbs, Kris wit a right hand! She hits the ropes, running big boot to the head! Kris grabs Willow off the top! But Willow rolls through! 1..2..N!O!! Kris rolls up for 1..2.NO!!!! Kris ties for a lariat, Willow with a fireman,s Kris slips off, right hand to Willow. Kris with an F-5 like move! Cover! 1.2…NO!!!!
Stokely has a chain! He places it in the corner. Kris runs over to grab it as the ref is distracted by Stokely on the apron. Willow grabs Stoke! Kris runs for a hit, but Willow moves and Kris stops before she clocks Stokely! Rollup from Willow! 1.2…3!!!
Winner: Willow Nightingale
Gahd Damn, these were to big girls – and I mean that with the utmost respect – having a match worthy of Big E’s love. Power moves galore, and they made each move look easy, knowing damn well more than half of us could do em ourselves. Major win here. Good shit.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 8:02
Backstage, Renee is with Jeff Jarrett and the other dudes he hangs with. Renee asks him how he prepares, but Jeff doesn’t answer and just walks away. Jay Lethal says he has never seen JJ more prepared. Tonight is for Owen Hart.
We are back with the other Tony in the middle of the ring. He introduces the return of Britt Baker D.M.D.
She is out and just wants to talk to us, if that’s ok. She wants to talk about three things we all have: a past, a present, and a future. The past is our lesson, our present is a gift, and our future is our motivation.
Let’s start with the past. For the last ten months, she is sure we’ve all been wondering where she is, and any time that question was asked, the answer was she’s injured. But you know by now that it would take more than a few herniated discs to keep her away. Back in November, she was banged up and running on empty mentally, but every time she looked herself in the mirror, she said she was good until one day she wasn’t. One day, she started feeling sick, the room was spinning, her vision was blurry, and her right arm was tingling. She tried to open a bottle of water and she couldn’t, and her entire right side stopped working. To sum it up, she spent a week in the hospital suffering a TIA. Basically, her brain wasn’t getting enough blood for that moment. It was a warning sign for a stroke. So she told herself she is NOT good. She told Tony she needed to stay home and get herself right, and Tony said ok let me know when you’re good.
Fast forward to the present. She’s here, she’s cleared, and she is healthy. BUT, she’s gotta be honest – in her entire career, she was never more nervous than she was Sunday night. She was never more unsure of herself than that night, because she didn’t know if anyone was going to give a damn. We’ve all felt that, the fear of rejection – it’s irrational but persistent as hell. The fear is worse than rejection itself. But vulnerability is showing up when you have no idea what is going to happen, and Sunday, when she needed us, we welcomed her back with open arms and DMD chants. For that, she will always be in our corner. At the end of the day, she is one of us. She means this.
Let’s go to the future. When you are going through a hard time, go through that shit. Be present and feel all of it. If you do, it’ll make it that much better on the other side – and you will. Because we all possess the impulse to be Elite. Speaking of Elite…she must bring this up – we have a new female face of All Elite Wrestling. It must be so great to call herself that after shedding blood and tears and building this company from the ground up. Must feel great, right?
And CEO? She is sure she worked so hard for ten plus years to achieve those letters, and it must be so great to manipulate her fanbase to chant those letters by putting them into her theme music. She doesn’t need to tell her that the only three letters that matter are ….DMD
We look to the tron where a horn honks, and an SUV pulls up. Mercedes Mone walks out and The Young Bucks are here to greet her. She is a CEO that they can actually get behind. Her championship celebration is ready.
Matt tells the cam let’s have a great show.
With Britt still in the ring, we see stagehands bring balloons out, and Mercedes music hits!
The goons hilariously drop gold balloons around Britt as Mercedes makes her entrance. She does her dance then walks into the ring where Britt continues to stand.
Mercedes grabs a mic and smiles. She holds both her titles then looks to Britt as the DMD chants shower her. Mercedes shows a look of disgust.
She tells Britt oops, did she interrupt something? Mercedes tries to get some Chi-town love, but they boo her.
Britt says she gets it. Britt outshines her moment at Forbidden Door, so now Mercedes is trying to outshine hers.
Mercedes calls her irrelevant. But if you want to talk about Forbidden Door, let’s talk about it. She should have known Britt would try and take her spotlight.
Shut the Fuck Up chant. Nice.
Mone says unlike Chicago and her, look at what a real star looks like.
Britt walks up to her, cuts the bullshit, and says, “All-In.” She wrestled at the first one here in Chicago, was the first female to go all-in by signing the contract. She wrestled last year when Mone was looking like a broken bitch with a broken leg in the stands.
Mercedes sticks her hand out and shoves Britt’s face. She says she is never broke, she stays rich. Since she is a double champ, there is a long list of girls, so Britt needs to get in the back of the line…bitch.
Britt: “Bitch…what line?”
Mone says she knows Britt is a fan, so she knows what Mone is going to say next. Mercedes with the catchphrase.
She dances a bit then leaves the ring with her titles.
Renee is backstage with Will Ospreay and Kyle Fletcher. She asks how he feels, but here comes Don Callis. Will says he can stay silent, it’s not Don’s fault, it’s his fault. He hit the ref, and couldn’t bring himself to do the Tiger Driver, but he doesn’t think that he’s that guy anymore. Dongave him the tools it took to be that man. He gave Will Chris Jericho at Wembley. His life has changed, he owes Don so much. He has a loyalty, but he wants out. He wants out of the Don Callis family.
Kyle looks on, shocked, behind the two, and Don says he is not normally in the habit of letting people out of signed agreements, but he is so proud of him. He’s happy to do him the favor. Maybe one day, he’ll ask Will for a favor.
They hug. Don says he’ll be World Champ, then gives an evil sneer. He then tells Kyle to come on. Kyle looks to Will, then leaves.
Chris Jericho is here. He wants to address Hook who stole a finisher. That’s the ultimate sign of disrespect, and that doesn’t work for Jericho, brother! And Tazz, he should be unbiased, but he was standing there clapping like a mark. This is why he spoke to The Young Bucks, and they granted Jericho an executive order that says Tazz is relieved from his announce duties for the rest of the evening, AND he must vacate the arena immediately.
Security is by Tazz. Tazz wants to see the order.
Jericho thanks security then says bye to Tazz.
Here comes…..Samoa Joe as Jericho joins commentary.
Samoa Joe, Katsuyori Shibata, and Hook vs Cage of Agony
Joe and Toa to start, with Toa backing Joe against the ropes with a bunch of ight hands. Joe circles and hits some rights, then some jabs. Running back elbow, big enziguri from Joe. Toa tags in Cage, and Shibata gets a tag. Shibata rolls under a right hand, kick, sends Cage into the corner, another kick. Right elbows to the face, he hits the corner, runs and Cage is up with a shoulder tackle. Cage locks up from behind, Shibata hooks the head, captures the leg, Cage to the ropes. Hook gets a tag, then gets kicked off the apron onto the floor. Bishop sends him into the chair security sits on.
We are back and Shibata is on the back of Toa like a spidermonkey! Shibata sends Toa into the corner and tags in Hook. Hook runs as Toa gets a tag with Bishop. Hook ducks under a right, hits Cage, knocks Bishop off his feet, then hits cage. Bishop runs into a sick ass suplex! Toa in! Suplex attempt but toa is too heavy. He pops up for a powerbomb, Hook lands on his feet. Uppercut from Toa, gutbuster from Bishop! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Bishop locks his head, tag from Toa. Hook punches Cage, another, another, Cage hangs him up, Hook turns into a double slam from Agony! Cover! Joe in to stop the pin! H sends Bishop out fo the ring, hits the ropes for some fliht, but Toa with a shoulder block! Shibata sends him outside! Cage in! Knee strike! F5!!! Cage runs into an elbow from Hook. Fireaman’s from Cage! Trise for an F5, but DDT from Hook!!! Tag to Joe! Joe in! Big right to Bishop, to Toa, Powerslam! Toa hits an elnow, lands on Bishop, STO out of the corner from JOE! He lifts Cage with a Manhattan Drop! Kick to Cage! He calls for Hook and Shibata! Whip to Hook into Toa! Splash from Joe! Shibata with a running dropkick! Shibata and Hook with a suplex! Joe with a running senton! Cover! 1..2..NO!!!
Bishop and Toa and Cage grab their own opponents and all three lift up,only for Hook, Joe, and Shibata to lock in submissions!!! It’s over! That was sick.
Winners: Hook, Samoa Joe, and Katsuyori Shibata
Nicely done, guys.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 9:11
Jericho applauds from commentary, garnering the attention of Hook, Joe, and Shibata.
From behind comes Big Bill and Bryan Keith to attack with chairs! Keith stomps the chair around Shibata’s arm as Big Bill drops a chair nto the gut of Joe, then smacks him across the back a few times. Jericho is choking Hook with his shirt, then swings his belt across Hook on the mat. Big Bill comes in to grab Hook. Jericho grabs some brass knucks from Keith then clocks Hook across the dome.
Keith grabs a chair from under the ring and slides it into the ring. Jericho and Bill set it up. Ketih grabs Hook and toses him over to Big Bill. Bill lifts up, then chokeslams Hook into the table.
Up next…The Wild Card!
It’s Hangman Adam Page!
Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Match
Hangman Adam Page vs Jeff Jarrett
LOCKUP!!! Page gets JJ in the corner. Ref breaks it. Page with a right hand. JJ hits his own right. They meet in the middle with rights but Aubrey breaks it up only for Page to attack, then sit on the back of JJ and hammer down on the back of his head! Kicks over and over to the back of JJ. JJ blocks a right then runs with a leg across the head. He hits the ropes and Page is up. HUGE LARIAT TO JJ!!!! He picks up JJ for a Fallaway Slam. JJ is up on the apron. Page leaves the ring and grabs JJ for a powerbomb. He drops JJ onto the apron’s edge!
WE come back just in time to catch Hangman biting the forehead of Jeff. Page points to JJ as if to say, “Is this your champion?” Page tries for Dead Eye, but Jeff slides off. The Stroke to Page! Both men down on the outside! The ref starts the count. Both men slide in the ring at 9. Jeff is up, calls for Page to stand, right, left, right, left! Russian Leg Sweep! He grabs the leg, wants a Figure Four, but Page kicks him away. Enziguri from JJ! Cover! 1.2…NO!!! Hangman wants Dead Eye, JJ goes for Sharpshooter! PAGE WITH RIGHT HANDS. DEADEYE!!!
The crowd starts chanting for Swerve, and Page is noticeably pissed. Page to the apron. Jeff stands, but drops to his back once he realizes. Page heads back in, JJ shoves him to the apron. JJ up, kick from Page, Bucksho—JJ ducks!!! SHARPSHOOTER!!! JJs got the Sharpshooter locked in! Page crawls! He gets to the ropes. He shoots JJ to the ropes, Page to the apron.
BUCKSHOT!!! He mounts with punches to the head! Over and over! Page lifts JJ. Another Dead Eye! Cover! 1…2…3!!!
Winner: Hangman Adam Page
Oooo, Page is a bad guy. A good match that was caried by its emotion and Page’s return. Hell yeah.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time:11:10
Backstage, medical is checking on Hook, until Big Bill comes by to send that dude flying! Keith attacks then a fireball comes from out of nowhere and Hook rolls around.
Renee is backstage with Hangman, but here comes The Young Bucks to send her away. They want him to be their fifth at Blood and Guts.
Page pulls Matt in close .He is not a child, not his puppet, not The Elite’s man anymore. He doesn’t need anymore of their bullshit games. He is in the Owen and he is going to win The Owen.
Nick tries to hold him back, but Page shoves him and walks away. Nick wonders what his problem is. Matt welcomes him back. Nick asks for a cut.
International Championship Match
Daniel Garcia (w/ MJF) vs Will Ospreay
MJF is super hyped, circling the ring and trying to get the crowd into it.
LOCKUP!!!!!!!! Will backs Garcia into the ropes. Ref breaks them at 4. Garcia tries for a right, Will ducks, side headlock, to the ropes, sholder tackle. Garcia is upset, hits a tackle of his own, snapmare and a kick to the back. Will hops up and chops Garcia down hard. MJF to the corner, tells him that aint nothin, you’re Daniel Garcia, that ain’t nothin.
Kick from Will. Will whips, blocks the throw, back flip, side headlock, Garcia down, hops over, Will shoves, ducks, Garcia kicks, hip toss, Will kicks him away, side headlock takedown from Garcia, leg scissors, kip up from Garcia, they reverse, Will’s head trapped. Will tries to flip out but Garcia hits him with a piledriver. Kick to the back of the neck! Will blocks a lock, Garcia with a cravat, flips Will and hits him ith a dropkick. Cover for 1..NO!! Another cravat. Will turns into it. Blocks the hold with a swipe, Will turns, and Garcia hits a neckbreaker. Will upin the corner, Garcia runs with a clorheline, monuts up and hits some rights. Will slinks under and traps Garcia’s head then kicks him in the face. Garcia to the outside! Will hits the ropes! He dives! MJF is there to hype Garcia up, but Will comes by to get in the face of MJF. Will sends Garcia back into the ring and we go to break.
We are BACK and Garcia corners Will with right hands! Over and over till the ref stops him. Big boot from Will, Garcia screams, ducks under, neckbreaker, holds on for a second neckbreaker, holds on for. Third, but Will lands on his feet, hits the ropes, Garcia hits the ropes, spins Will, hits a DDT! He grabs Will, another neckbreaker! Cover! 1..2.>NO!!! Will corners Garcia, Garcia blocks a right hand, Will kicks out of the conrer, to the top rope, flies with a fist to the head. Cover for 1.2..N!O!! Will with quick kicks ot the face. Garcia falls to a flat back. Will stands by his head, pulls him up, spins him and goes for more kicks to the face. Garcia stands, tries to shake it off, and Will offers Garcia an open shot to the head, asking for kicks of his own. Instead, Garcia does his dance!! Hahahaha. Will slaps him, and Garcia punches him! Another dance! SAITO SUPLEX TO WILL! He rushes the middle, Will locks up, a Spanish Fly into a pin! Cover! 1.2..NO!!! Double underhook, but Garcia lifts im up and drops him down head first Cover! 1.2..NO!!!
Garcia locks the head, pin attempt gets 2, Will runs up Garcia, hits a nenziguri, swings, misses, poweromb from Will! Turns it into a Styles Clash! Cover! 1..2…NO!!! Elbow pad off. He tries for it, but Garcia locks ihm up from behind! He’s on the back of Will! He’s got a chokehold, Will stnds, reaches for the ropes, Garcia spins to the front and we got another headlock! Will pulls up and drops Garcia on his face then double underhooks, Garcia escapes, DDT attempt, Will to the ropes, tries for OsCutter but Garcia stops itand hits a piledriver! Cover! `1..2….NO!!!!!
MJF is shown dropping the ring on the mat. Garcia grabs it, but Will rolls him up and we get an exchange of pins, each man getting two more than once. Big clothesline from Garcia!
MJF yells at him to use the ring! Garcia has it in his hand. He gives it back to MJ, and MJF understands, but HERE COMES THE HIDDEN BLADE!!!! COVER! 1..2….3!!!
Winner: Will Ospreay
A great main event with Garcia proving yet again that he can go with the big names.
Total Rating: ***3/4
Match Time: 14:21
After the match, Garcia is shown disappointed in the corner. Will goes over to check on him. He’s got some words for Garcia.
MJF is on the apron looking on. Will gives Garcia some mad love then applauds him before leaving the ring.
MJF walks over to Garcia in the corner, looks over to Will, then turns to Garcia. MJF asks for the music to be cut. He looks to Garcia, says this was on him, not on Garcia. “These people still love you, Danny!”
MJF pulls Garcia up and holds his hand up high. He hugs Garcia in the middle of the ring then gives him the ol Low Blow.
MJF grabs his ring from his pocket and puts it on. He waits for Garcia to stand, but here comes Menard! He gets clocked in the forehead as soon as he hops on the apron. MJF spits on Garcia then yells for him to get up. MJF runs and drops Garcia with a huge right hand.
MJF runs up the corner and holds his ring up in the air then blows it a kiss.
Garcia is busted open. MJF stands over him then puts a boot to his chest. Security comes and MJF knocks them off the apron then attacks Garcia some more with right hands. He holds Garcia’s face then yells at us, asking if this is our boy. He continues the beatdown, with blood on his white tank top, as Garcia lays, eyes glazed over.
MJF lifts Garcia, hooks the head, then turns to the crowd and drops him. He looks to the corner. We get a look at Menard, who is also busted open on the outside. MJF sits Garcia on the corner then grabs him on his shoulders and looks to hit a piledriver.
Christoper Daniels runs down and hops on the apron. MJF with a piledriver to Garcia!
Refs and med team all check on Garcia as Daniels screams why over and over. MJF stares at him, without blinking, then shoves everyone away and mounts Garcia again for some right hands.
Will fucking Ospreay, comes hobbling down with his title. Will slides in the ring, in noticeable pain, and MJF leaves the ring through the crowd before Will can do anything. MJF sees a fan nearby and smacks a cup out of his hand, then tosss a trash can at some fans. One fan gets in his face, and security holds him back as MJF goes forehead to forehead. Lol stupid fan.
In the ring, Will is being held back as CD asks him to let the doctors do their job. Will is showing major concern as Daniels says, “This has gone beyond the ring.” Lol.
Garcia gets the stretcher job.
End Show
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