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Acero’s WWE Raw Review 11.25.24

November 25, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE Raw Bianca Belair 11-25-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Acero’s WWE Raw Review 11.25.24  


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Michael Ornelas Went to Sam’s Hofbrau with a porn star, and I’m truly truly upset that he didn’t invite me…

After we see a bunch of our WWE RAW Superstars arriving, we go live to the ring where our World Champ is readying to appear.

Gunther is out, suited up, wearing his gold. Jackie is in the ring with him and asks Gunther about last week on RAW and the attack Gunther attempted on Priest.

We get a recap of it then Jackie asks Gunther what he has to say, but he is interrupted by Damien Priest. Jackie is about to leave, Gunther tells her to hand him the mic because he wants to see if Gunther grew a set and has anything to say to his face.

Priest says Gunther used to have this aura, this killer vibe. Gunther would speak and no one would make a move. Maybe the pressure of being champ got to him. He gets it, he gets the pressure. He wants the title back. Gunther has had a lot of accomplishments in his life. He knows why Gunther can’t talk or act right. In his life, he’s never had to deal with a problem like Priest. At Survivor Series, this problem is taking that championship. Priest wonders what happens to Gunther after Survivor Series when he loses to a guy from the streets.

Priest allows Gunther to speak. Gunther raises the mic then lowers it with nothing to say. He looks to turn but cheap shots Priest with the mic. Again. Right hands to Priest. Big kick. Gunther sends Priest outside then whips to into a short clothesline. Gunther to the table, clearing the debris. Here comes some refs to stop the action, but Priest grabs Gunther and sends him into the post. Priest lifts up Gunther, RAZOR’S EDGE THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! Priest grabs the title and holds it high.

WE get an update on Jade Cargill, who is apparently out for a while.

We go live to Bianca Belair and Naomi who wanna try an figure out who hurt Jade. Naomi asks who their new 5th will be. Here comes Iyo Sky to recommend Kairi Sane. Naomi says Bayley. In comes Rhea Ripley to stop the bickering and says whoever it is simply needs to stay out of her way. Bianca suggests Rhea choose the fifth. Rhea says as long as they leave her Liv, she couldn’t care less. Bianca mocks this as ‘good leadership,’ and says she’ll put the team on her back tonight and win the advantage match while they figure it out.

Tornado Tag Match
Rey Mysterio and Dragon Lee vs The Creed Brothers

Brutus corners Lee as Julius manhandles Rey into the opposite corner. Julius then helps his brother grab Lee and whip hard into the corner. Rey is up, and he is favoring his wrist. The Creeds whip Lee into Rey, who continues to grab at his wrist. They send Lee into the ropes, Lee udcks under an attack, ranan to Brutus who ends up outside, then Lee and Rey double team to allow Rey hit a seated senton. Sprongboard Moonsault and a cover to Julius for 1..2.NO!!!! Brutus tries to get in and Lee stops him. Lee and Rey double team with kicks and dropkicks. A pin to Brutus and gets out at 2. Kicks from Lee and Rey. Elbow, clothesline from Brutus. Right hand from Brutus. He sits Lee on the top rope. Brutus hits rights to the back. Headbutt from Lee. Antoher, and brutus is hung up. Here comes Julisu to hop up to the top rope, locks the head, and hits a superplex to Lee. Julius drops the straps. Brutus is still hung upside down, and he’s laughing at Lee. He flips onto his feet as Julius kicks Lee then covers for 1..2.NO!!! Rey in! Rana to Brutus to the outside! 619 attempt, but Julius hits a clothesline!

WE are back to frekaing Julius hitting a 450 on Rey! Lee in to stop the pin at 1.2…NO!!! Lee corners Brutus, kicks up high, trips him, then swings into the ring with a kick! Lee from the corner goes for a rana but Julius stops him, only for Lee to hit a DDT! Cover! 1..2.NO!!! Brutus stops the pin. Whip is reversed, Lee rushes, gets flipped nto the apron, hits a shoulder, to the head, high kick to Brutus. Right hand to Lee. Brutus climbs the corner, Lee attacks the mid, here comes Julius to climb the corner and both brother locks up Lee. They try for a superplex but Lee swings down. Rey with a 619 to the legs!!! Both Creds hang and Lee is able to stomp both of them! The Creeds end up outsid, Rey slides with a splash to Brutus. Lee dives for a Code Red but kind of botches it. Julius with a suplex outside. He neters the ring, Rey is there, tries for a Rana, Julius overpowers him, Rey shoots him into 619 position but Brutus is in!

Rey shoots Brutus into the ref! Gable is here! Rey tries to kick him! Gable turns Rey’s mask, Brutus rolls him up! Ref counts for 1..2…3!!!!

Winners: The Creed Brothers
Not bad for an opening. Gable does need a more consistent edge. Does he want them to win by any means necessary or does he want them to be great on their own?
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 10:49

Backstage, Finn Balor is upset with The Judgment Day. R-Truth shows up to make us all laugh then Finn tries to think positively for his team. There are no leaders, but when everyone listens to Finn, they’re one big happy family.

Bron Breakker vs Ludwig Kaiser

Bron lifts Kaiser and rushes him to the corner. Overhead belly to belly!!! Kaiser corners Bron and attacdks them idsection then hits some rights to the face a few times. Bron hits his own, trying to et out of the corner. They meet in the middle of the ring and go at it. Kaiser with a chop, Bron no sells, and they work the ropes, but Bron gets the speed and drops Kaiser with ease! Bron to the corner. He lifts Kaiser. Kaiser rakes the eyes and Bron hops off the corner He turns and climbs, but Kaiser drops to his feet and drops Bron into the buckle. Chop to the back, he slinks away, Bron catches him and gets a lungblower! Knees to the belly! Kaiser rolls outside. Bron leaves the ring on the opposte sie and rushes…..BUT KAISER DODGES AND BRON HITS THE CORNER OF THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! Ouch!

WE are BACK and Bron and Ludwig are in the middle of the ring. Kaiser hits a body slam. He locks the right arm and drives elbows into the side. Then just starts beating down on them. Bron rolls towards the ropes. Kaiser stands tall. Kaiser with a kick to the chest. Kaiser chops again, then shoves the head. A blow to the back. Right hnds, Bron eats them. He fires back, whip to the ropes, big clothesline from Bron. Right hand to Kaiser. aNother. Ducks under, lifts Kaiser mid air and hits a powerslam! Kick from Kaiser, blocks a right, high kick from Ludwig. He climbs, but Steiner hops up and hits a Frankensteiner! Bron out the corner, but Kaiser with a surprise enziguri! Kaiser to the corner, Bron crawls out, draping himself over the steps.

Kaiser leaves the ring and looks to run around the ring and kick Bron’s head in, but here comes SHEAMUS TO ATTACK FOR THE DQ!!!

Winner: Bron Breakker via DQ
WE knew it was coming and yet I am unbothered. If this means triple threat, then sign me up.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 8:54

Bron gets in the face of Sheamus as officials and refs come down. Sheamus and Bron then attack! They go with a bunch of rights and here comes Kaiser to hop over all and we get a three way pull-apart brawl!

We come back and Adam Pearce makes it so:

Triple Threat at Survivor Series

We get a recap of what’s been goin on over on Smackdown wit Roman and The Bloodline.

We come back live to see Sami Zayn, Jimmy Uso, and Jey Uso. Sami says that Roman and Punk will have a sitdown then hype of Friday’s match where Jacob takes on Jey for an advantage come Survivor Series.

WWE Raw Tag Team Chmapionship Match
The War Raiders vs Finn Balor and JD McDonagh

The Raiders kick some ass to start. Erik body slams Ivar onto JD then Ivar flies off the apron with a cannonball onto both men.

We come back from a break and Finn has Erik in a pin for 1..2NO!!! Finn tags in his partner, and JD corners Erik with a splash, only for Erik to move and JD to crash and burn. JD with a tag! Finn grabs the left arm, stopping a tag. Erik turns to Finn. Chop! Right hand! Both men down! TAG! Tag to JD! Back body drop to JD! Side slam from Ivar. He hits the ropres. Crossbody! Ivar with a seated senton out of th corner. Spinning heel kick to Finn. Ivar! Cannonball! Tag to Erik! They shoot JD up and we get a powerslam from Ivar and a cover from Erik! 1…2.NO!! Finn stops it! Ivar sends Finn into a knee. Here comes DoM! He gets clocked by Ivar. Carlito is next and Erik sends ihm off. Tag to Ivar, War Macihine to JD!!! COVER! 1…2..NO!!! DOM WITH THE BOOT ON THE ROPE!!! The ref kicks him out but the pin was stopped!

JD with a surprise rollup to the distracted Ivar! 1..2…3!!!!

Winner: Finn Balor and JD McDonagh
If the War Raiders won here, I don’t think I’d be upset. Alas, they did not.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 9:54

Next week, we celebrate 10 years with The New Day. This week, Kofi and Woods wanna squash the beef. They love each other. Kofi says he is proud of all they’ve accomplished. Woods calls next week t he greatest night in their career. But right now, they wanna show the world what they’re about.

The New Day vs Alpha Academy

Woods argues that he wants to start. Kofi makes his argument and Woods agrees. Woods leaves the ring then blind tags himself in. Otis drops him with ease. Otis sends Kofi down hard too.

Otis corners Woods with a splash. Caterpillar attempt to Kofi! Hits it! Tag to Akira. Akira to the top rope. SENTON FROM THE TOP! Cover! 1..2…….3!!!!!

Winner: The Alpha Academy
uh oh…
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 1:05

Kofi Kingston is pissed. He goes to Woods, and they argue yet again. Woods leaves the ring, Kofi chases him asking where he is going. They argue up the ramp again. Woods says he is running the play, Kofi argues back and Woods says that’s Kofi’s problem, he never listens. Woods says Kofi wrestles like garbage. Kofi says all he has ever done is help Woods. He gave up his Ic title shot away. When Woods was KOtR, Kofi held his cape. Woods fumbled the title shot and fumbled the crown. There is a reason that E and him never let Woods call the shots. HE is too reckless.

Woods tells Kofi to shut up and let him talk. He rmembers when Kof was too terrified which is why he never got a shot at the big title until he came along. He is the reason Kofi became champion.

Kofi says he was a Hall of Famer when Woods met him, which is why he asked to be a part of the group, not the other way around. Woods shouldn’t be talking about titles, because he has yet to win a single title by itself. Do you know why Wods has never been a World champ like him and E? He’s just not good enough. That is not Kofi’s fault.

Woods says he was good enough to fight for Kofi, take his beatings for him, believe in him, just like the people, and turned it into Kofimania and handed it to him and Kofi pissed it away in 6 seconds to Brock.

Kofi swears to God if he was anyone else. Woods says what, if he was anyone else, Kofi would finally get mad?

Kofi seethes in the face of Woods. Tells him see you at the reunion, brother. Woods corrects him, says see him at the Anniersary.

We are backstage with The Final Testament. In comes The Miz who says The Wyatts are here. Cross asks if they saw Miz. Miz says no. Cross tells Scarlett to stay here and makes everone leave with him.

Scarlett is alone, looking in the mirror, and from behind comes Nikki Cross in a mask.

The lights go out.

We come back to The Miz and Final Testament walking through the halls. Miz runs into pete Dunne who asks where R-Truth is, and Miz says he doesn’t know but beat him up on his behalf.

They head back to their locker room and open the door. Scarlett is laid out. Cross grabs her, and she attacks until he stops her and she realizes it is him. He asks who did this, and she tells him. We see a message on the mirror, that everyone has something to lose.

We get a recap of the announcement earlier of the Women’s Intercontinental Championship Title.

Bianca Belair vs Nia Jax

Nia corners Bianca with ease, then tosses her across the ring nd hits a splash. Whip to the corner, Bianca heads to the apron and hits a shoulder and sends Nia into the buckle. She hops over and mounts for some right hands. Nia stops. A whip, Bianca hops to the apron, flips over Nia, hits the ropes, ducks under, switches, dropkick to Nia. Bianca kips up as Nia rolls outside. Bianca to the apron. She flies off but Nia catches her and sends her into the ringpost, again. Nia sends Bianca into the barricade.

We are back and Nia has a cover for 1..2NO!!! Nia lifts Bianca and whips, Bianva hops over, tries for a roll upm Nia tries to sit on her, Bianca moves out of the way then goes behind and tries for a German. Nia stops it and shoots Bianca off of her. Nia tries for a back suplex, Bianca lands on her feet, Nia tries for a shoulder, zBianca moves and Nia eats the ringpost. Bianca flies off the top with a crossbody. Bianca grabs Nia and sends her into the ring. Bianca follows. Hits the ropes, misses a moonsault so Nia drops an elbow onto her back then hits a leg drop. Cover for 1..2.2.NO!!! Nia drags Bianca to the corner. Nia to the top rope. Nia flies with another leg drop off the 2nd rope! Cover! 1..2….NO!!!!!!! Nia to the top rope again! Bianca shoves her to the apron. Bianca to the 2nd rope, hooks the arm, then tries for a suplex over the top rope but Nia shoves her. Nia to the 2nd rope, Bianca hits a right hand. Bianca flips Nia over her head off the corner! Holy shit. Bianca hits the ropes, moonsault! Cover! 1..2…NO!!!!! SAMOAN DROP! Nia to the top rope1 Bainca up again! She gets a suplex off the top roep! Nia has the buckle cover in her hand! Bianca covers! 1..2…NO!!! Bianca sets up for KOD, Nia gets off ,grabs th braid, tries to send Bianca into the corner, Bianca stops her self. Splash in the corner, another. Bianca rolls outside, Nia clears the table. Nia grabs the braid, SAMOAN DROP ONTO THE TABLE!! Nia rolls into the ring. The ref starts the count. Bianca is out on th table. Ref gets to 8. Nia heads outside and just whips Bianca into the steps by the braid! Nia gets back in the ring. Ref restarts the count. Nia stands tall in the corner.

But here comes BAYLEY!!! She pulls Nia off the corner and Nia eats buckle! Bianca in the ring! Bianca to the top rope! She hits a 450! Cover! 1..2…..3!!!!

Winner: Bianca Belair
Well I’ll be damned…we got ourselves a legit good Nia match.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 11:07

End Show

The final score: review Good
The 411
Pretty solid RAW here for the most part, as most the matches were good to great, and I had a lot of fun in the main event. Bianca Belair is THAT girl, because damn she pulled a good match out of Nia. All things considered, an enjoyable two hours.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero