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AEW News: Plans To Use Dark Matches Taped Last Night, Details On Signs Posted Around Arena at Dynamite, Tony Schiavone To Miss Full Gear

October 3, 2019 | Posted by Joseph Lee
AEW Logo Sandra Gray, AEW Figure Fighters, Kevin Kelly Image Credit: AEW

PWInsider reports that there are plans to use last night’s dark matches in some form down the line, but it’s unknown how at this time. Last week, it was reported that AEW had been considering free content for B/R Live. The dark matches that were taped include:

* CIMA vs. Darby Allin
* Best Friends & Private Party vs. Lucha Bros, Angelico & Jack Evans
* Bea Priestley & Penelope Ford vs. Allie and Britt Baker
* SCU vs. Jurassic Express

– There were signs outside the Dynamite taping that said that professional cameras, detachable lenses, audio and video recording devices, laptops, ipads, tablets, GoPros, Selfie Sticks, Monopods, Tripod, Weapons, Fireworks, Laser Pointers, Glass Containers, Political or Profane Sign and Banners were banned.

– Tony Schiavonie will miss Full Gear on November 9 due to his other broadcasting commitments.

article topics :

AEW, Tony Schiavone, Joseph Lee