wrestling / Video Reviews
BG Says Special Edition: Super Dragon VS. The New S.B.S.

It’s my 24th birthday so hooray for me! On this day for me I’m going to share with all of you the feud that finally converted me into a full fledged PWG fan. So hold onto your hats and try not to get curb stomped.
Sometimes a great feud comes along when you least expect it. Nobody really expected Batista’s original run at Triple H’s World title leading into WrestleMania 21 to be anything but a chore. As it turns out it was one of the greatest babyface turns of the last decade and one of the most engaging feuds that I can remember. When that happens it’s a pleasant surprise, and worth documenting.
This happened in PWG. Much like with Batista, I underestimated the players in this feud, and was thusly shocked when from show to show I couldn’t wait to get to the next segment involving these men. The time was the summer of 2005 and feud was between Super Dragon and what came to be known as the New S.B.S. But before I can get to the matches (which really were just the icing on the cake of this feud) I have to take a look at how it all got started.
As many of you may not know Pro Wrestling Guerrilla is owned and operated by six wrestlers; Super Dragon, Excalibur, Disco Machine, Joey Ryan, Scott Lost & Topgun Talwar. All of those wrestlers were staples in the Revolution Pro promotion, and decided that between the six of them they could have their own company. Being that Super Dragon was the most popular (and arguably most talented) wrestler of the bunch he was often pushed to the top, and became the first of the six to win PWG’s top prize, the PWG Championship. He also aligned himself with longtime associates Excalibur and Disco Machine to form the S.B.S. Nobody really knew what S.B.S. stood for but as always my guess is Shaken Baby Syndrome. Ryan, Lost and Talwar also play important rolls in PWG, but they aren’t important to this story. What is important is that the S.B.S. was a staple in PWG and as tight as any three wrestlers could be.
In November of 2004 a Canadian wrestler with some hype behind him debuted. Kevin Steen and his sometimes friend sometimes foe El Generico wrestled for the first time in PWG against each other at Free Admission (Just Kidding. Generico won and Steen’s opinion of PWG was immediately tainted. The next month at Uncanny X-Mas Steen teamed with Generico to take on the Aerial Express. The PWG veterans picked up the win, prompting Steen to attack Generico after the match and put himself on the opposite side of the ring from the Generic Luchador permanently.
In February at All Nude Review Steen returned to PWG and picked up his third loss, this time to Christopher Daniels. After the match Steen lost it and attacked Daniels. He had to be pulled off by Topgun Talwar, Hook Bomberry and a gaggle of referees. He went on a rant about Daniels cheating and Generico being a pest. He demanded a triple threat match against them the upcoming All Star Weekend. Disco Machine, who was PWG Commissioner at the time, turned it into a four-way match against AJ Styles. Steen was obviously afraid of Styles, because he took the news badly.
The four way ended up being moved forward a month due to PWG hotshot Tony Stradlin getting signed to a WWE contract. He was supposed to challenge then champion Super Dragon for the title at The Ernest P. Worrell Memorial, so the four way was transplanted to that show and made a number one contender match. Steen picked up the win over Generico while Styles and Daniels fought on the floor. Later in the evening he fought Super Dragon for the PWG Championship. This was where Steen’s penchant for using mind games began to show through. He used Super Dragon’s offense against him, trying to psych the champion out as a way to gain the advantage. That came back to bite him as Super Dragon ended up retaining his belt by hitting Steen with his own package piledriver.
Steen immediately received a rematch after he whined that he only lost to Dragon because he had to wrestle earlier in the night. On the next show at All Star Weekend, Night 1 Steen took on Super Dragon for the title again, but this time El Generico was added to the mix to make it a triple threat match. Generico was likely added just to frustrate Steen considering that aside from his win over Steen at Free Admission (Just Kidding Generico had lost all his other matches in PWG. Dragon retained the title again by pinning Generico with a flurry of stiff offense. Steen was upset again.
Around the time that Steen was lobbying for all these title shots an odd thing was happening to Super Dragon. Show after show he was attacked by a man wearing a red Super Dragon outfit. It first happened at Uncanny X-Mas after Dragon’s title defense against Jonny Storm, and then happened again at All Nude Review after his match against Samoa Joe. At The Ernest P. Worrell Memorial Dragon’s ally Excalibur was tricked into coming out to the ring with the evil Super Dragon doppelganger and was attacked and beaten until the real Dragon and Disco Machine made the save.
After losing his title to AJ Styles at All Star Weekend, Night 2 Super Dragon was in a foul mood. Dragon doesn’t talk so he brought Excalibur out to the ring to be his mouthpiece for a rant at Jason Takes PWG the following month. Rather than complain about his title loss Excalibur just talked about the red Super Dragon. Super Dragon wanted a Guerrilla Warfare match against his impersonator, but when the he turned his back Excalibur attacked him. Excalibur shouted at the referee that he’d take the red Super Dragon’s spot in the Guerrilla Warfare match.
Super Dragon VS. Excalibur [Guerrilla Warfare Match – Jason Takes PWG]
Disco Machine is very upset about this turn of events on commentary. Excalibur maintains his pre-match advantage by bashing Dragon over the head with the chair. He gets 2 with a cocky cover. He dumps Dragon to the floor and whips him into rows of chairs. He whips Dragon at the wall but Dragon runs up it and hits a moonsault press on Excalibur. That was very cool. Dragon hits Excalibur with a chair shot to the back. He puts a ladder in the ring and then hits Excalibur over the head with a chair. Back in the ring Dragon puts Excalibur’s head between the ladder’s legs and double stomps the ladder. He hits the Curb Stomp with Excalibur’s head in that same position and then hits the ladder with a chair. That’s gross but it only gets 2. TARO tries to lift the mood on commentary but Disco is too distracted by watching his two best friends kill each other. Dragon goes after Excalibur’s mask and then blocks a blind charge. Excalibur whips Dragon hard into the turnbuckle and throws a chair at his face. Dragon rolls to the floor so Excalibur follows him out with a topé con hilo. Back in the ring he jabs Dragon’s chest with a chair for 2. He puts on a camel clutch and hits crossface forearms. He hits a tombstone piledriver on a chair for 2 with a very cocky cover. He puts on the leggy nelson and hits a chair shot to the back of Dragon’s head for 2. He sets Dragon up top but Dragon fights him off and hits a senton bomb. He hits a running chair shot to the face for 2. He sets up the ladder in the corner but Excalibur catches him with a low blow and hits a running Alabamaslam into the ladder. It gets 2. Disco comparing the broken ladder to his broken heart is priceless. Excalibur goes for a diving headbutt but Draogn blocks it with a chair. He hits a German suplex, a dragon suplex and a tiger suplex for 2. He puts a chair on Excalibur’s chest and climbs the ropes. Excalibur cuts him off with a chair shot and hits a German Spiderplex for 2. He comes off the second rope with a chair-assisted double kneedrop for 2. He goes for the Tiger Driver ’98 but Dragon counters to the Supernatural Driver for 2. He sets up a chair for the double stomp that won him his Guerrilla Warfare match against Scorpio Sky but Excalibur dodges it. Dragon hits a pair of lariats and a chair shot for 2. Dragon hits the double stomp on the chair again but Super Dragon Red runs out and keeps him from covering Excalibur. He kicks Dragon down and unmasks to reveal that he is in fact KEVIN STEEN. He hits the package piledriver and brings a table into the ring. He sets it up as Excalibur climbs the ropes. He feeds Dragon to Excalibur who hits the Tiger Driver ’98 onto the table for the win at 21:19. Disco Machine’s commentary alone made this a great match, but the action was pretty amazing as well. It really was just spot-kick out-spot-kick out-spot etc., but it was fast paced and consistent enough to be very entertaining.
Rating: ***¾
After the match Disco Machine runs out to check on Super Dragon. Excalibur tells him to “come home” but Disco stays with Dragon. It was pretty obvious in hindsight that Steen would be the red Super Dragon, as he had the right physique and didn’t appear on Card Subject to Change in January, the only show that didn’t have a red Super Dragon attack. After the show Excalibur revealed that Steen had convinced him to turn on Dragon because Dragon is selfish and always booking himself in the main event and in title matches. Excalibur still wanted Disco on his side, but the next month at Guitarmageddon Disco took Dragon’s side in a tag team match.
Excalibur & Kevin Steen VS. Super Dragon & Disco Machine [PWG Guitarmageddon]
Dragon and Disco rush the ring. Excalibur gets the better of Dragon, hitting a kneedrop and kicking him around. Dragon comes back with Kawada kicks but Excalibur cuts him off with a forearm. He hits a series of knees to the head but Dragon stops him with a forearm of his own. Disco tags in and holds Excalibur over his knees for a Super Dragon top rope double stomp. Excalibur gets up and crotches Dragon before he can attack. Steen drapes Disco over the middle turnbuckle and hits a double kneedrop. Excalibur hits Disco with a Finley roll and Steen hits the somersault legdrop for 2. Disco hits a dropkick on Excalibur. Excalibur goes to the floor so Disco goes for a somersault off the apron. Excalibur dodges it and Disco wipes out on the floor. Dragon goes for a suicide dive on Excalibur but Steen cuts it off with a knee to the face. Steen and Excalibur choke Dragon and lay him out on the apron. Steen hits a double stomp onto Super Dragon and then moonsaults off of him onto Disco on the floor. Crazy stuff and it looked like Steen stomped on Dragon’s balls. Back in the ring Excalibur puts the leggy nelson on Disco. He hits a double kneedrop and tags to Steen. Steen hits a slingshot senton for 2. He chokes Disco with his own necklace and chops him in the corner. Excalibur tags in and hits a low blow. He hits a neckbreaker for 2. He hits a leaping clothesline for 2. Steen tags in and puts on the Mark Nulty Special. He kicks the back and gets in Super Dragon’s face. Disco fights back so Steen chops him down. He hits a senton to the back for 2. He hits a backbreaker for 2. Excalibur tags in and hits a back suplex for 2. Steen tags in and hits a backbreaker for 2. Excalibur tags in and takes a lesson from Steen on how to chop. He hits a German suplex for 2. Disco starts to fight back and hits Steen with a swinging DDT on the apron. He hits Excalibur with an enziguiri and a DDT and tags to Super Dragon. Dragon runs in and gets 2. He beats Excalibur in the corner and hits a Koppo kick. He hits a gutwrench slam on Excalibur for 2. He hits a powerbomb and puts on the STF. He hits a double stomp to the back and tags to Disco.
This is where things get interesting. Disco, still exhausted, helps Super Dragon abuse Excalibur with the double team kneedrop he was looking for earlier. Dragon knocks Steen to the floor so Disco dives onto him from the top rope. Dragon puts Excalibur in the leggy nelson and tags Disco in again. Disco can barely stand and Excalibur hits him with the Ace Crusher. Steen tags in and hits a swinging back suplex for 2. He hits a powerbomb for 2. He hits the Go Home Driver for 2. He and Excalibur climb the ropes and hit a diving headbutt/frog splash combo for 2 when Dragon saves. Excalibur tags in and gets hit with a chokeslam. He looks to tag out but decides he can handle it on his own. Excalibur hits him with a low blow and the Alabamaslam into the turnbuckle. Steen tags in and hits a fisherman buster for 2 when Dragon breaks it up with a dropkick off the top. Excalibur tags in and gets hit with a DDT. Super Dragon drags Disco into the corner, kicking him in the head to wake him up and tags himself in. He hits the Curb Stomp on Excalibur and a roaring forearm on Steen. He hits the Psycho Driver on Excalibur for 2 when DISCO MACHINE BREAKS IT UP. Disco slaps Dragon around, shouting that he’s selfish and then hits him with the Chokebreaker. He feeds Dragon to Steen who hits the package piledriver for the win at 23:31.
This was a really good brawl, worthy of the main event spot. Steen was completely legitimized as a main eventer due to his absolute dominance while in the ring. Disco played a great face-in-peril, enough so that his turn was quite shocking. In fact, I think this is the first time where you got the feeling that the man who turned on his partner actually made the decision to do so during the course of the match. That’s just brilliant stuff. The commentators sold it perfectly, saying that Dragon tagged out to the worn out Disco repeatedly not because he wanted a rest himself, but because he wanted to prove to Disco that he could share the spotlight in spite of what Excalibur said. He probably went a little too far when he got frustrated with Disco near the end and Disco obviously took it the wrong way. This angle is fantastic and the match was storytelling at its best.
Rating: ****½
After the match Disco instructed Steen to beat Dragon with a chair. John Ian and some referees tried to drag Dragon out of the ring but the New S.B.S. wouldn’t let them. El Generico and Human Tornado eventually made the save. Excalibur and Steen noted that Dragon was smart for having Generico and Tornado watch his back, but then they unleashed a racial tirade and challenged them to a six-man tag match on the next show. Later in the evening the New S.B.S. cut a promo, pretty much saying in a short time what made this feud so great.
Excalibur talked about teaming with Disco Machine and Super Dragon and realizing that Dragon is only out for himself. He respects everyone, but Super Dragon respects no one. He said Kevin Steen convinced him of how bad he had it and to revolt against Dragon’s oppression. Steen then held up the SoCal rankings for the top contenders to the PWG title. He was at number five and Excalibur and Disco Machine weren’t even on the list. He said he wouldn’t stop until the top three names on the list were their names, and until he became the PWG champion and Disco and Excalibur had won the tag titles. Disco said it only made sense for him to turn on Super Dragon. The company is run by a six-man collective, making Super Dragon’s ego even more of a problem. He felt what it was like to be beaten down by Steen and Excalibur, and he never wanted to feel that again. Steen was perfect here. Obviously he only cared about himself but he made it so convincing that he wanted good things for Disco and Excalibur. That made these guys the best kind of heels. They believed they are doing the right thing and that Super Dragon was a bad element in the company.
Kevin Steen, Disco Machine & Excalibur VS. Human Tornado, Super Dragon & El Generico [Elimination Match – 2nd Annual PWG Bicentennial Birthday Extravaganza, Night 1]
Disco and Generico start and trade holds. Disco gets a roll up for 2. He starts to use a Super Dragon move so Dragon attacks. Generico hits a backdrop and tags to Tornado. Steen tags in and out immediately, fearing the retribution Tornado would exact after having the N-bomb dropped on him last month. Steen attacks Tornado from behind and all hell breaks loose. When things calm down Excalibur hits a bodyslam on Tornado. He hits a kneedrop and tags to Steen. Steen chokes Tornado in the ropes but Tornado comes back with a head scissors takedown. He hits a dropkick and tags to Generico. Generico goes for the swinging DDT but Steen blocks and hits a European uppercut. Disco tags in and runs into a series of armdrags. Tornado tags in and hits a backbreaker. Dragon tags in and hits a double stomp off the top for 2. He kicks Disco’s back and snaps on the leggy nelson. Excalibur tries to break it up but Dragon won’t let go. He hits a back elbow and a snap suplex for 2. Generico tags in and chops Disco in the corner. Tornado tags in and stomps Disco in the corner. Generico tags back in and hits a backbreaker for 2. Tornado tags in and hits a legsweep and a standing moonsault for 2. Generico tags in and hits a back elbow and a standing twisting senton. Tornado tags in and runs into a forearm. Excalibur runs in and hits a kneedrop on Tornado before dragging Disco into the SBS corner. Steen tags in and tosses Tornado across the ring by his hair. Tornado hits the Pimp Slap and a roundhouse kick. He dances his way into Steen’s crotch and then Dragon & Generico come in and put some pressure on Steen’s nether region. They hang Steen in the Tree of Woe and stand on his crotch as Tornado hits a dropkick to the face. Steen comes back with a backbreaker and tags to Excalibur. Excalibur puts on a chinlock, ending a period of non-stop action.
He releases to hit a backbreaker for 2. Disco tags in and comes off the second rope with a senton for 2. He hits a snap suplex for 2. Steen tags in and gets Generico to distract the referee before hitting a low blow on Tornado. He puts on the leggy nelson to anger Super Dragon. Tornado hits a swinging Bulldog on Steen after kicking off Disco and Excalibur on the corner. Generico tags in and cleans house. He hits a backbreaker and an ugly split-legged moonsault on Disco. Excalibur tags in and hits a vertical suplex for 2. He puts on a camel clutch before switching illegally with Disco Machine. Disco hits a bodyslam and tags to Steen. Steen hits a double stomp but Generico crotches him on the middle rope. Generico moonsaults Steen out of the ropes and tags to Dragon. Dragon dropkicks Excalibur off the apron and gets a head scissors takedown on Disco. He hits a backbreaker on Disco for 2. He goes for the Curb Stomp but Excalibur breaks it up. Dragon & Tornado clothesline Disco & Excalibur to the floor and follow them out with stereo dives. Generico quickly follows up with a dive onto Steen. Steen catches Generico with a slingshot Complete Shot for 2. Tornado hits Steen with a Regalplex for 2. He shouldn’t have mugged for the fans. He huts the Shoryuken and Dragon follows up with a German suplex and a tiger suplex for 2. Excalibur hits Dragon from behind and Disco hits a chokeslam on Tornado for 2. Excalibur crotches Dragon on the top rope and hits a German superplex. Generico sees it coming and hits Excalibur with the Van Terminator. Steen hits a neckbreaker on Generico and Tornado is left alone with the new SBS. Steen hits him with a powerbomb, Excalibur hits him with a lariat and Disco hits him with the Chokebreaker to put him out of the match at 25:10. Generico pulls the prone Super Dragon to safety as the referee tries to reestablish some order. The referee starts counting our heroes out of the ring to compensate for the bad fall Dragon took after that German superplex. Steen tries to attack Generico but falls to the floor. Excalibur goes after Dragon leaving Generico and Disco in the ring. Generico hits the corner Yakuza kick and a half nelson suplex. Dragon hits a tiger suplex and Generico tosses Steen to the floor. Generico hits the swinging DDT on Excalibur and Dragon hits him with the Curb Stomp. It only gets 2 when Disco saves. Steen pulls Dragon to the floor and Disco hits Generico with a swinging DDT. Steen hits him with a fisherman buster and Excalibur hits the Tiger Driver ’98 to eliminate Generico at 29:42. The New S.B.S. just stare at Super Dragon, who doesn’t seem to have a prayer at this point. Disco hits a string of elbows and stomps Dragon with Excalibur. Excalibur hits the Tiger Driver ’98 and Steen hits the package piledriver for the win at 32:10.
This was as good as any Dragon Gate spotfest but with the PWG wrestlers you’re used to. After the first elimination things slowed down as the evil SBS just viciously picked apart Super Dragon and his new friends. You basically get two great matches in one here; 25 minutes of non-stop stiffness and spots followed by seven minutes of heart wrenching drama as Super Dragon suffered from a terrible head injury but continued to take horrible punishment to the head. After the match Steen hits a low blow on Generico and a 450 splash on Super Dragon.
Rating: ****½
The next night Steen got a chance to prove that his losses to Super Dragon were due to the reasons he stated. He now had Dragon one-on-one, with no matches earlier in the night AND Dragon had a head injury from the six-man tag. That’s not even mentioning the mental edge he had from turning Dragon’s closest friends against him. If he lost this one, which was made into a number one contender match, he’d have no excuses except that Dragon was the better man.
Kevin Steen VS. Super Dragon [Number One Contender Match – 2nd Annual PWG Bicentennial Birthday Extravaganza, Night 2]
They stare each other down to start. Dragon opens the match with a forearm. Steen responds in kind and they trade off. Dragon goes for the Kawada kicks. They trade finisher attempts but neither can hit anything. Dragon hits an enziguiri and Steen bails. Dragon follows him out and gets struck down. Steen rams him into the post and hits a double stomp. Dragon comes back by climbing up the wall and kicking Steen. He hits a double stomp to the face and rolls Steen back into the ring. He hits a double stomp to the gut and puts on the Mark Nulty Special. Steen gets to the ropes. Dragon chops Steen’s face but rams his own shoulder into the post on a blind charge attempt. Steen follows him to the floor with a senton off the apron. He tosses Dragon into a row of chairs… twice. He starts to do it a third time but since the crowd wants to see it Steen refuses. Back in the ring he hits a double jump double stomp for 2. He hits a back elbow for 2. He puts on Dragon’s leggy nelson but Dragon powers out and puts on the Kayak. He kicks Steen’s head and flushes the toilet for 2. He puts Steen in the leggy nelson but Steen elbows out and puts on a pendulum. He swings Dragon’s head into the bottom turnbuckle and hits a double stomp to the back. Dragon tries to fight back but Steen goes low and hits a neckbreaker for 2. He puts on a modified cobra clutch and counters the Koppo kick to hit a sit-out powerbomb for 2. He takes off his T-shirt and chokes Dragon with it. He looks fine in the singlet, the T-shirt is unnecessary. He gives the shirt to ringside photographer Shane Kidder, who’s a great guy with a website you should totally check out! He hits the somersault legdrop for 2. He sets Dragon up top and slaps him to make him prone. He climbs up and hits a double stomp ON the top turnbuckle and Dragon falls to the floor. Back in the ring Steen gets 2. He sets Dragon up top again but Dragon fights him off and comes down with a huge senton bomb for 2. Steen comes back with a slingshot Complete Shot for 2. He climbs the ropes but Dragon blocks a swanton bomb with his knees and hits a turnbuckle powerbomb. He rolls into the STF but Steen gets to the ropes. Dragon goes for the Curb Stomp so Steen retreats under the rope. Dragon catapults Steen into the bottom rope and then hits a slingshot double stomp onto the back of Steen’s head, which was draped over the apron. Dragon gets back into the ring and goes for a suicide dive but Steen grabs him in a fireman’s carry and hits a Finlay roll into a row of chairs. After a lot of recovering Steen gets 2 back in the ring. He goes for the package piledriver but Dragon counters to a German suplex. He hits a tiger suplex for 2. He hits a pair of Curb Stomps and a double stomp to the back of Steen’s head. Steen sneaks in a superkick to stop Dragon’s momentum. They trade strikes and Steen hits a gutbuster. He climbs the ropes but Dragon crotches him and brings him down with a lariat. He climbs the ropes himself and comes down with a double stomp to the back of the head for 2. He climbs again but misses the Sky Twister Press. Steen hits an enziguiri and the package piledriver for 2. He climbs the ropes and hits a moonsault. He gets right back up and climbs again to hit the 450 splash for the win at 26:00.
Like in their first match Steen used Dragon’s moves against him, but this time he had a mental edge over Dragon (having stolen his best friends and allies) and was more successful in that endeavor. It’s actually nice to see that Dragon gets as good as he gives, getting hit with all kinds of painful looking offense in this match. This was just as violent as any Guerrilla Warfare match, even with no weapons used as projectiles. Great stuff that kept Steen extremely Strong heading into a title match.
Rating: ****
On the next show, Zombies Shouldn’t Run Steen got his shot at PWG Champion AJ Styles and won the title in very cheap fashion. Earlier that night Super Dragon wrestled Quicksilver in a match that saw Quicksilver survive for nearly a half hour and take Super Dragon to his limit. Steen granted the first shot at his title to Quicksilver so that he could prove that he could defeat him in a fraction of the time it took Dragon to. In the end Steen did just that. PWG then held the first annual Battle of Los Angeles tournament, sort of a King of the Ring style tournament to see who could raise their stock in the company. Steen and Dragon met in the final first round match.
Kevin Steen VS. Super Dragon [Round 1 Match – Battle of Los Angeles 2005]
They try to knuckle up to start but Steen begs off. They lock up and Steen forces Dragon to the ropes. They trade slaps and Dragon takes Steen to the mat. He pins Steen for 2 and puts on a front facelock. Steen puts on a headlock but misses an enziguiri and Dragon goes back to his front facelock. Steen goes after the arm so Dragon responds in kind. He stretches Steen’s arm while kicking his face but Steen comes back with a leglock. Steen blocks a lariat and puts on an armbar. The fans call him boring so he keeps up the same strategy for a while. He hits an elbowdrop and snaps Dragon’s neck against the top rope. Dragon dumps him to the floor and follows him out with a topé. He hits a kneedrop and but Steen rams him into the apron. The fans call for a chop to the face so Dragon hits it on Steen. Back in the ring Dragon gets 2. He puts on the Mark Nulty Special but Steen gets to the ropes. He puts on a butterfly hold and hits a DDT for 2. He blocks a blind charge and gets a head scissors takedown. Steen comes back with a double stomp and slaps Dragon across the face. He hangs Dragon over the top rope and boots him to the floor. He follows Dragon out with a senton over the top rope. That can’t have felt good. He hits a legdrop but refuses to chop Dragon’s face because the fans want to see it. He walks over Dragon to get back in the ring and break the count and then rolls Dragon back inside. They trade chops and Steen hits a superkick for 2. He puts on the leggy nelson but Dragon gets to the ropes. Dragon dodges a dropkick and hits the Curb Stomp. Steen blocks a second attempt but runs into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. He puts on a leglock and kicks Steen’s face. Steen blocks a blind charge and hits a somersault axe kick off the second rope. Dragon hits a German suplex and a blue thunder bomb for 2. He hits a kneedrop and climbs the ropes. He comes down with a senton bomb for 2. He rolls Steen onto his stomach and climbs again. Steen pushes him to the mat and hits an enziguiri for 2. He hits a powerbomb for 2. Dragon comes back with a lariat for 2. He sets Steen up top but Steen fights him off and hits the moonsault. Steen climbs again and hits the 450 splash for 2. Dragon rolls to the floor so Steen follows him out and tosses Dragon into the wall. Dragon dodges a second attempt and hits a backdrop on the floor. He powerbomb Steen into the wall and rolls him back into the ring. He comes off the top with a double stomp to the back of the head for 2. He hits the Psycho Driver for 2 when Steen slips in a crucifix pin for the win at 33:02. Eh, they probably could have cut ten minutes out of this match and made it a lot more interesting. Steen’s control portion was pretty dull for the most part. They threw in a few nods to their past matches, which is always a nice touch, and the punishment Steen took near the end was brutal.
Rating: ***¼
After the match Dragon gives Steen his due and asks for a handshake. Steen gives it to him and they hug. Well that’s ridiculous so it’s obviously a set up for Dragon to hit the Supernatural Driver. Excalibur and Disco Machine run out and chase Dragon from the ring. Considering how rare it is in independent wrestling to see the babyface get any kind of advantage during a feud that was a nice change pace.
Afterwards things cooled off for a while. Steen got under Super Dragon’s skin by promising to do something that Dragon had never done in his career, and then making good on his promise by pinning Samoa Joe in a PWG Championship defense. For his part Super Dragon won the tag team titles with young gun Davey Richards and was busy on a run of defenses. Disco Machine and Excalibur had gotten themselves stuck in a feud against Topgun Talwar and Hook Bomberry, who they were still mad at for turning on them long before any of the action with Kevin Steen had begun. During All Star Weekend 2 – Electric Boogaloo both Disco Machine & Excalibur and Gunning for Hookers received a shot at the tag titles. Hook & Talwar were set to go first but Excalibur made sure that they were drug tested the day of the show, knowing of their heavy cocaine use. With them suspended Excalibur sent New S.B.S. probationary member Ronin and Dragon’s former tag team partner B-Boy to soften the tag champs up in a non-title match in anticipation for the show the New S.B.S. would get the following night. Richards’s ankle was tweaked during the match but the champs still managed to destroy Ronin and B-Boy. With that challenge behind them it was time for Dragon to meet his former friends with the tag titles on the line.
Super Dragon & Davey Richards VS. Disco Machine & Excalibur [PWG Tag Team Title Match – All Star Weekend 2: Electric Boogaloo, Night Two]
Richards powers Disco to the corner to start. He puts Disco on the mat and stretches him out until Excalibur makes the save. Disco gets a pair of pin attempts for 1. Richards works over Disco’s arm and then puts on a bridging cravat. Dragon tags in and puts on the Mark Nulty Special. Disco gets to the ropes. Dragon hits a snap suplex for 2. He hits a butterfly suplex for 2. Richards tags in and kicks Disco down for 2. He hits a back suplex for 2. Disco kicks Richards’s knee, sending him to the floor. Excalibur tags in and dives onto Richards. He hits a bodyslam on the floor and sandwiches his leg between the post and the ring steps. Disco beats Richards’s leg up with a chair and Excalibur rolls him back into the ring. Excalibur stays on the leg and tags to Disco. Disco hits a vertical suplex for 2. He puts on a chinlock and then a figure 4 leglock. Dragon breaks it up by punching Disco in the face. Excalibur tags in and dropkicks Richards’s chest. He puts on a leglock and hits a knee kick for 2. He hits a vertical suplex and tags to Disco. Disco puts on a chinlock and then floats into a cloverleaf. Excalibur tags in and gets hit with a tiger suplex. Dragon and Excalibur tag in and Dragon takes Disco down with forearms. He hits a back elbow for 2. He hits a dragon screw and a double stomp to the leg. He hits a back suplex for 2. Excalibur runs in so Dragon hits him with the dragon screw and an elbowdrop. He climbs the ropes but Disco knocks him down. Dragon hits both opponents with a dropkick and then follows them to the floor with a topé con hilo. Back in the ring Richards puts Disco in a crossface. Dragon hits Excalibur with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker on the floor as Disco hits the Disco Bomb on Richards for 2. He goes for the Chokebreaker but Dragon makes the save. Dragon forearms Disco down for 2. He goes for the Psycho Driver but Disco counters to a dropkick. Excalibur hits Dragon with the Air Raid Crash for 2 when Richards saves. Richards hits a northern lights suplex on Excalibur but can’t hold the bridge. He hits Disco with an enziguiri and Dragon follows with a German suplex for 2. Dragon hits Excalibur with the Curb Stomp and Richards follows that with a standing 450 splash for 2. Dragon powerbombs Excalibur into a lungblower from Richards for 2 when Disco saves. Richards dropkicks Disco and then holds him over his knees for a top rope senton from Dragon for 2 when Kevin Steen runs out and distracts the referee. Dragon goes after Steen and Richards climbs the ropes. Excalibur sort of counters Richards’s shooting star press to an Ace Crusher for 2. Richards hits a backdrop on Excalibur and the DR Driver on Disco. Excalibur hits Richards with the Tiger Driver ’98 for 2 when Dragon saves. Dragon hits the Supernatural Driver on Excalibur for the win at 22:33. A lot of this match was quite meandering and the finish was a total cluster. After the match Kevin Steen hits Dragon with the package piledriver on a chair and hits Richards’s leg with a chair.
Rating: **¾
On the following show Steen defended his title against Joey Ryan. Even help from Chris Bosh couldn’t give Steen the win because Super Dragon interfered and hit Steen with two Psycho Drivers, costing him the PWG championship. That same night Dragon and Richards were set to defend their titles against Quicksilver and El Generico, but Quicksilver didn’t show up. Because he was in a bind Winwood gave the New S.B.S. another tag title shot, but stipulated that if they lost they wouldn’t get another shot for six months.
Super Dragon & Davey Richards VS. Disco Machine & Excalibur [PWG Tag Team Title Match – Chanukah Chaos (The C’s Are Silent)]
Richards and Disco start. They trade forearms and Richards hits a side suplex. Disco bails so Dragon hits him with a suicide dive. Richards hits a running forearm on Excalibur and hits Disco with another suicide dive. Dragon hits Excalibur with a koppo kick and puts him in the Tree of Woe. He stands on Excalibur’s crotch and Richards kicks Excalibur’s head. Excalibur leans over the apron so Dragon hits a double stomp to the back of his head. Back in the ring Richards hits Disco with a snap suplex for 2. Dragon tags in and hits a back suplex for 2. He hits a double stomp and a senton for 2. Richards tags in and hits a backbreaker for 2. He hits a back elbow for 2. Dragon tags in and hits a butterfly suplex. He keeps the double underhook on until Excalibur breaks it up… twice. He forces Disco’s head down with his knee and tags to Richards. Richards puts on a chinlock and kicks Disco down hard. Disco hits a low blow and tags to Excalibur. Excalibur hits a wristlock takedown and tags to Disco. Disco hits an elbowdrop and tags to Excalibur. Excalibur kicks Richards’s back and hits a jumping knee. He hits a Yakuza kick for 2. He slams Richards to the mat by his face and tags to Disco. Richards hits Disco with the STO and hits Excalibur with an enziguiri. Dragon tags in and hits a running forearm. He climbs the ropes but Disco knocks him to the mat. Disco hits a t-bone suplex for 2. He hits Richards with a chokeslam for 2. He goes for the Chokebreaker but Richards counters to a roll up for 2. Richards hits a tiger suplex and Dragon hits a turnbuckle powerbomb. He powerbombs Disco into a lungblower from Richards for 2. Excalibur hits a German suplex on Dragon. He hits a backbreaker and Disco hits a guillotine legdrop for 2. Excalibur hits the Air Raid Crash for 2. He hits the Tiger Driver ’98 for 2 when Richards grabs the bottom rope. The challengers hit a spike Tiger Driver ’98 but as the referee begins to count Kevin Steen runs in and attacks Super Dragon. The referee throws the match out at 12:34. Legal man issues and the non-finish aside this was great fun.
Rating: ***½
After the match Excalibur and Disco Machine were very upset that Steen cost them the titles and tried to rip him off Super Dragon. He slugged them down and dragged Dragon into the crowd. The locker room emptied to try to separate Steen and Dragon but had some trouble. Steen challenged Dragon to a Guerrilla Warfare match later in the month before getting out of the ring to brawl with him some more.
At CZW’s Best of the Best tournament, in a promo available on the Chanukah Chaos (The Cs are Silent) DVD Excalibur cuts a promo during which he realizes that the altruistic motives Steen gave him for turning on Super Dragon in the first place were all lies. Rather than apologies to Super Dragon he simply suggests that the New S.B.S. disband. All that was left was for Dragon and Steen to finish their business with each other in the most violent match PWG has.
Super Dragon VS. Kevin Steen [Guerrilla Warfare Match – Astonishing X-Mas]
After nine months of back and forth violence it comes to this. Steen and Dragon brawl in the crowd to start. Steen shoves Dragon into rows and rows of chairs. He hits a chair shot to the back and one to the head. Dragon comes back with a shot to the head and then rams Steen into the post. Steen whips Dragon low and press slams him onto dozens of chairs. Dragon comes back with a topé from the ring and then smacks Steen with a chair. He hits a kneedrop off the apron but Steen shoves Dragon into the wall. They throw chairs at each other and Steen hits a dropkick to the back. He hits the somersault legdrop and chops Dragon’s face. Dragon returns the favor and they trade strikes. Dragon throws the entranceway onto Steen and hits a suplex on the floor. Steen comes back with chair shots to the back and then finally rolls Dragon into the ring. He puts the Red Super Dragon mask on and hits the Curb Stomp. Dragon pops up and hits the Curb Stomp on Steen. He rips Steen’s mask off and hits another Curb Stomp. He sets up a table on the floor and lays Steen out on it. Fans surround the ring and pound on it to encourage Dragon to put Steen through the table. Steen gets off the table so Dragon dives onto him with a spin kick. He puts Steen back on the table but Steen catches him with a right hand to the face. Steen suplexes Dragon off the apron through the table, getting 2 back in the ring. He climbs the ropes and hits a Swanton Bomb for 2. He threatens to throw a chair at fans chanting for Dragon and then sets Dragon up top. Dragon fights Steen off and comes off the top with a huge senton for 2. Steen tries to crawl out of the ring so Dragon hits a slingshot double stomp to the back of his head. He puts a metal folding chair into the ring and then rolls Steen inside. Dragon blocks a chair shot and hits a low blow. He hits a disgusting chair shot to the head and then hits the Curb Stomp on it. He sets up the chair and puts Steen’s head on it. He climbs the ropes and hits a double stomp onto Steen’s head for 2. It looks like Steen is more resilient than Scorpio Sky. Dragon goes into a storage room and brings out a tin full of thumbtacks. He throws the tin at Steen’s head and goes for the Psycho Driver on the tacks. Steen blocks it and goes for the package piledriver on the tacks. Dragon blocks it so Steen hits a powerbomb onto the tacks for 2. He brings a few more metal chairs into the ring and piles them up. He hits a superkick and the package piledriver onto the chair pile for 2. Steen is flustered that Dragon won’t stay down and starts to walk out on the match, saying it’s not worth his life. A minute later he comes back from the locker room and brings a barbed wire board to the ring. He smacks Dragon over the head with the tin and the tin’s lid. He sets up two chairs and drapes the barbed wire board over them. He goes for a powerbomb onto the barbed wire board but Dragon blocks it and hits a lariat. Dragon sets Steen up top and hits a butterfly superplex through the barbed wire board for 2. He sets up a table on the floor and hits a Psycho Driver off the apron through it. Sadly that is not the first time I’ve seen him do that, but it is probably the first time he’d ever actually done it. Steen is busted open so Dragon works over the cut and gets 2 back in the ring when he pulls Steen up. He goes back to the storage room and gets another tin. This one has handcuffs in it, which he uses to bind Steen. He hits headbutts and kicks to get Steen on his knees. Steen spits in his face so Dragon smacks him across the face with a chair. He goes for a pin but pulls Steen up at 2 again. He sets the still handcuffed Steen up top and then hits the Psycho Driver on the tacks and rolls Steen onto the barbed wire board for the win at 29:53. Honestly, it’s no wonder that Super Dragon’s neck is all screwed up. This match alone probably took a year off of his life. Steen took the beating of a lifetime to end the match. It wasn’t all that bloody, but it was definitely one of the most violent matches I’ve ever seen.
Rating: ****½
Later in the evening a bloody Kevin Steen had a message for Super Dragon. He admitted that he was finally defeated, but he didn’t want Dragon to ever forget all it took for him to go down. It took handcuffs, chairs, tables, thumbtacks and barbed wire. He wasn’t making any excuses however, he lost fair and square. Their issue may or may not be over, but that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that he’s still walking, and he’ll be back in PWG. Before the cameras fade he pulled two thumbtacks out of his head.
The 411: ![]() I really can't say enough great things about this feud. Kevin Steen came in, convinced Dragon's friends to betray him, defeated him at every turn and dominated the company. Then the anti-hero Dragon got gold of his own, held back the challenge from his former friends, cost his enemy the title he'd been obsessing over and then defeated him by beating him within an inch of his life. It was simple, effective and engaging. This feud also displayed the formation and distruction of a heel stable with perfect timing. Steen collected his wrestlers, proved that the promises he made to them were lies and then lost them because it all caught up to him. It really just doesn't get any better. Head over to ProWrestlingGuerrilla.com and pick up these shows. You won't regret it. Make sure to check out The Cool Kids' Table as well as my archive. |
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Final Score: 9.5 [ Amazing ] legend |
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