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Booker T Calls Dave Meltzer a ‘Dirtbag’, Defends Torrie Wilson HOF Induction

March 21, 2019 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Booker T Stevie Ray Harlem Heat WWE Hall of Fame Image Credit: WWE

– During a recent edition of his podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Booker T slammed critics of Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) and Torrie Wilson getting announced for inductions into the WWE Hall of Fame this year. Below are some highlights and an audio clip of the WWE Hall of Famer addressing the subject.

Booker T on critics for Harlem Heat and Torrie Wilson’s inductions: “What dictates whether you should get into the Hall of Fame or not? We’ve had dirt sheet writers talking about my brother [Stevie Ray] shouldn’t be in the Hall of Fame. People that hadn’t done anything for this business who should or who shouldn’t get into the Hall of Fame. My thing is this, if you’ve done nothing or contributed zero as far as taking one bump on the road, you don’t know who should get in and who shouldn’t get into the Hall of Fame. Torrie Wilson is definitely Hall of Fame worthy. She’s paved the way for so many other lovelies, such as herself, who perhaps didn’t think that they could do it because they didn’t fit that mold. Torrie Wilson gave them that belief in themselves of, ‘If Torrie Wilson can do it, I could do it too.’ So Torrie is definitely a Hall of Famer as far as I’m concerned.”

“All the critics out there, all the pundits who have never done anything, who has never taken one bump, who will never be awarded for one thing that they’ve done in their lives, they need to step off. Torrie Wilson, you’ve got my stamp of approval sweetheart. You stepped up. Yeah, but that’s the way I look at it.”

Booker T on why they deserve it: “I challenge any of these suckers out there, like I said, who haven’t done anything, who will never be honored for anything, who will never get an award, who will never reach a Hall of Fame status in any form of life, do something with your life as opposed as trying to down somebody else or trying to make somebody else feel bad. This is an award that only so many has gotten. Only so many get a chance to thank the fans for that ride. For Torrie Wilson to have been in the game for as long as she has, gave what she did, I think it’s only right for her have that moment onstage to do what so many of us didn’t get a chance to do. And a lot of those guys were Hall of Fame worthy. A lot of those guys passed before their time. A lot of those guys didn’t get the chance to step up on the stage and say, ‘Hey, fans. All of you guys that rooted for me, that cheered for me, that brought the signs, that brought the tickets, I thank you for that ride. Hey man, I really appreciate you guys. I thank you for the ride.’ That’s what this is all about.”

His thoughts on Dave Meltzer criticizing the induction: “And the — what’s his name? — the Dave Meltzers. I can’t even remember the guy’s name. He doesn’t understand that kinda stuff. You know what I mean? And I hate even giving him a plug on my show because that’s what kind of dirtbag he is. I just have to throw that out there too. If I see him anywhere, it better not be a Starbucks. I’mma be whooping his a**. But that’s another story. ”

Booker T on he and his brother deserving the honor: “Torrie Wilson and all the rest of them that’s going to be getting in, we all deserve that honor. All of us. And for me as a tag team, who didn’t even get a chance to work in WWE with my brother, my brother and I, we paved the way for so many other young African-American wrestlers that watched us and said ‘man if Booker T and Stevie Ray can do it, we can do it too.’ We talk about how there’s not that many black wrestlers in this business, it’s because they didn’t get to see a whole lot of them in there actually getting do it. That’s why my brother and I, us getting that nod, we deserve it because we paved the way not just for so many black wrestlers like Street Profits, but so many young, white kids as well. We represented for everyone. And for us to get up there to thank those fans for coming down there to Center Stage down there in Atlanta, for pumping us up, man of course. We all deserve it. So we going to have that moment. Barclays. So loud. It’s going to be good. Me and Torrie Wilson and all the rest of us. It’s going to be good.”

Please h/t 411mania.com if using any of the above quotes.