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Csonka Reviews Free ROH Matches With Marty Scurll, The Briscoes, & More

Csonka Reviews Free ROH Matches With Marty Scurll, The Briscoes, & More
– From ROH Honor United: London 2018 : Silas Young defeated SANADA, Hiroshi Tanahashi, & Punishment Martinez @ 11:56 via pin [**¾]
– From ROH: State of The Art Dallas 2018: The Briscoes defeated The Killer Elite Squad @ 15:40 via pin [***]
– From ROH Bound by Honor 2020: Marty Scurll defeated Slex and Bandido @ 7:40 via pin [***½]
ROH TV Title Match: TV Champion Silas Young vs. SANADA vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Punishment Martinez: This was hanged to a TV title match after being originally announced as a non-title match. The match is one fall to a finish. They all attack Martinez, but he shoves them all away. Martinez then takes them to he corner and attacks. Tanahashi dumped to the floor, Young attacks Martinez, and SANADA dumps him and Young follows with a clothesline as Tanahashi hits a plancha onto Martinez. They all attack Martinez and look for pins. They all argue and Martinez is then dumped. The rest talk and shake hands, but Tanahashi and SANADA attack Young and Martinez is back. He dumps SANADA and works him over on the floor. Young works over Tanahashi as well. Back in and Martinez hits an elbow drop for 2. Tanahashi is sent to the barricade. Young dumps Martinez and attacks SANADA. Martinez back in as Young begs off and wants to work with him. They work over SANADA, and Young predictably double-crosses Martinez. Martinez overpowers him and lays in rights. SANADA hits a RANA and Tanahashi is back. He runs wild, sling blade connects on Young and then twist and shout on Martinez. Tanahashi up top, but SANADA outs Young & Martinez into the paradise lock. Tanahashi then tries it on SANADA, but gets confused. SANADA ties up Tanahashi in the ropes with the paradise lock. Dropkicks for all follow. Young cuts him off, but SANADA gets skull end. Tanahashi makes the save, but Martinez wipes him out. SANADA takes him out with a missile dropkick, and Young cuts off SANADA with the back breaker/lariat combo. Chokeslam by Martinez on Tanahashi, he kicks Young to the floor and follows with the step up dive. Martinez grabs a chair, Tanahashi cuts him off but SANADA dropkicks them to the floor. Young rolls up SANADA with the ropes for the win. Champion Silas Young defeated SANADA, Hiroshi Tanahashi, & Punishment Martinez @ 11:56 via pin [**¾] This was a pretty good match with some fun moments, but was way too disjointed and chaotic in a bad way to be anything more.
ROH Tag Team Title Match: Champions The Briscoes vs. The Killer Elite Squad (Smith & Archer): Mark and Archer to begin. Jay in and attacks, Smith joins in and they all brawl and quickly sill to the floor. Jay hits a suicide dive and Smith works over Mark. The champions dump Smith and Jay and Mark follow with topes. They brawl at ringside, with the champions in control. They roll Archer back in and Mark works him over. The champions work quick tags, isolating Archer until he cuts off Mark with a pounce and they work back to the floor. KES takes control, slamming the champions to the barricades. Smith tags in and hits a suplex for 2. He now grounds the action and cradles Mark for 2. Archer choke shim out a Smith takes the ref. Archer follows with a clothesline and hits a running splash for 2. Smith tags in and continues control, stopping the tag and continuing to beat down Mark. Smith lays in chops and hits a powerslam for 2. Archer tags back in and KES continues with double teams, and pick up another near fall. He dumps Mark but Mark battles back with an apron blockbuster. Smith cuts him off, back in and Mark hits a PELE and tags in Jay. He and Smith trade strikes and jay then hits the dropkick but Archer tags himself in and KES takes control, but Jay fights off the killer bomb and dumps Smith. He follows and they battle on the floor. Mark then hits a high cross to the floor. Jay hits the DVD on archer and Mark hits froggy bow for 2. Archer fights off Jay driller, but Jay hits a lariat and Smith in to make the save with a German. Smith then Germans Mark, and lariats Jay. The buckle bomb follows, and Archer hits a chokeslam for 2. The killer bomb connects on Jay and then to Mark for 2 and NO reaction. Mark takes out Smith, Archer misses the moonsault and Mark tags back in and heads up top but Smith cuts him off. Jay takes out Smith and Archer up with Mark and Jay is in, they hit the doomsday device and that only gets 2. Smith back in and hits him with a German, and the shitty roll up finishes KES. Champions The Briscoes defeated The Killer Elite Squad @ 15:40 via pin [***] This was good and worked in the style it should have been, but there was a depressing lack of heat for it, especially considering they kicked out of all of their major shit.
Marty Scurll vs. Bandido and Slex: This was a really good opening match, with Marty looking good, Slex stepping up against two big ROH names and Bandido really shining through a combination of highflying, innovative combos, and strength spots. They kept up a strong pace, really limited the two in and one out cliché, working some really fun three-way spots and kept the crowd invested. The finish saw Bandido run wild. Hitting the 21-plex until Marty cut him off and countered into the black plague for the win. Marty Scurll defeated Slex and Bandido @ 7:40 via pin [***½] This was a very good match, with crisp action, good pacing and a really strong way to kick off the show.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 99. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka is joined by Steve Cook, Jerome Cusson, & Kevin Pantoja to talk the big news of the week, review the latest episodes of NXT & AEW TV, & do a retro review of WCW Uncensored 2000. The show is approximately 201-minutes long.
* Intro
* News Roundup (Coronavirus based cancellations, Mania to the PC, Gronk to WWE, Alberto Returning or Just Bullshitting?, More): 6:45
* AEW & NXT Reviews (3.18.20): 39:35
* Jerome Cusson talks ROH looking to rebound in 2020, the possible damaging effect on Mania week event cancellations due to Coronovirus, & more: 1:23:07
* Retro WCW Uncensored 2000 Review with Kevin Pantoja: 2:17:06
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– End scene.
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