wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s Evolve 61 iPPV Review 5.07.16

Csonka’s Evolve 61 iPPV Review 5.07.16
– Matt Riddle defeated Lio Rush @ 4:57 via submission [**½]
– The Bravado Brothers defeated Ethan Page & Chris Dickinson @ 8:42 via pin [***]
– WWE Cruiserweight Classic Qualifier: TJP defeated Fred Yehi @ 13:55 via pin [****]
– WWE Cruiserweight Classic Qualifier: Drew Gulak defeated Tracy Williams @ 20:00 via submission [****½]
– Marty Scurll defeated Zack Sabre Jr @ 23:16 via submission [***½]
– Johnny Gargano defeated Drew Galloway @ 16:08 via DQ [***]
Matt Riddle vs. Lio Rush: Riddle has the Evolve title with him, continuing the angle from Mania weekend and last night, where is will challenge the champion Timothy Thatcher in August. Thatcher is suspended/written out at this time. Some really nice counter wrestling to begin, some slick exchanges and Rush mistakenly trying to take things to the ground with the former MMA fighter. Riddle then started to suplex the hell out of Rush, tossing him around like a small child Riddle then countered a hanging guillotine into a fisherman’s buster for a near fall. Rush his speed to counter the attacks of Riddle, and then ht the Spanish fly. Rush went up top for the frog splash, but Riddle caught him in the cross arm breaker to score the quick submission. Rush’s shoulder was taped up and that played into the finish well. Riddle is next in line for the title shot, and should have won here cleanly. It was short, but action packed and fun, no complaints.
– Riddle called out Thatcher post match and tossed the title down, which was stolen by Stokley Hathaway, who is courting Riddle.
The Bravado Brothers vs. Ethan Page & Chris Dickinson: Ethan Page & Chris Dickinson were scheduled to face off tonight, but due to an injury, they have been put together for this match. The Bravado Brothers are coming off of a win over Devastation Corporation last night, and are looking to get back into tag title contention. Good back and forth early, with the Bravados controlling until Page made a fiery comeback and hot tag to Dickinson. Really good energy here from all involved, with Page and Dickinson taking over and even using some double teams. Dickinson hit a RANA off the top, sending one Bravado onto the other for a near fall. It broke down into rapid-fire offence from all four, and then the Bravados were sent to the floor and Dickinson hit a high cross to the floor onto them. The Bravados took control back, and tosses Page to the floor, and then hit a Gory special into a flatliner combo for the win. Dickinson and Page put up a good fight, but the teamwork of the Bravado Brothers was the determining factor. That was a good and fun tag match; grandma Bravado would be proud.
– Post match, the Bravado Brothers cut a promo about being robbed, and they want a match with Team Tremendous. Dan Barry of Team Tremendous arrived. The Bravado Brothers mocked Barry and his teammate, but said they meant no disrespect. Barry claimed that they earned their title shot, and the Bravado Brothers hadn’t done anything. They agreed to a match and shook hands. And then the Bravado Brothers beat down Barry and laid him out.
– Trevin Adams is out to discuss the WWE Cruiserweight Classic qualifying matches. He asked the fans not to swear and or do inappropriate chants during the qualifying matches, so that they can be shown on WWE.com and so that these guys can get the attention they deserve.
WWE Cruiserweight Classic Qualifier: TJP vs. Fred Yehi: Both men are part of the Catch Point stable. Nice start to the match with both guys going for quick pins, before TJP took control with some grappling. Yehi got pissed off, working some stomps, throws and then some rough grappling where instead of just doing holds, he was also punishing the joint targeted. Really nice and smooth work, as they battled back and forth with neither man able to score a definitive advantage early. Yehi finally cut off TJP, and started to grind on him with stomps and then a body scissors. Yehi does some great little things, never stagnant in there, doing things like keeping the hold but grinding an elbow into the ribs or neck of TJP. Since this was so ground based, the hope spots are different, for example instead of firing up with punches or something similar, TJP would counter grapple and look for a submission, only to be cantered back into another submission style hold. After a bit of that, they worked back to the feet where they traded strikes and went into a double down spot. They then picked up the pace well, with TJP hitting a series of rolling suplexes and then MISING the frog splash. Yehi quickly went into the koji clutch, the bell accidentally rang as TJP fought, and he made the ropes. Yehi hit a series of Germans, but TJP came back with a springboard dropkick. He then missed another, and Yehi scored a near fall off of that. They’ve built this very well, constantly intensifying the action and drama. TJP hit his version of the GTS, and then finished it with the 450. That was great, built well from opening bell to the finish, with great work from both men. Also of importance, they never overstayed their welcome. Yehi lost, but his stock continues to rise. Post match they shook hands and hugged, because Catch Point for life.
WWE Cruiserweight Classic Qualifier: Drew Gulak vs. Tracy Williams: Both men are part of the Catch Point stable (Gulak is the Godfather of the family), and are also the current Evolve tag team champions. Lenny Leonard did a nice job discussing Gulak’s experience advantage, but made sure to note that Williams makes up for his lack of experience with the size and strength advantage. They started slowly with catch wrestling and counters, but then Williams fired up and hit a shotgun dropkick and suicide dive. Following that they worked a series of pinning combos, where Gulak showed some frustration when Williams got a near fall off of a rollup. Gulak busted out a powerbomb, and then went back to grounding Williams, using stomps and more aggressive limb work. Basically the elder statesman got pissed off at the young ion here, and is trying to make him pay. Williams was able to escape, and he then took chances, taking Gulak down and then hitting a top rope splash for a near fall. Gulak also started to take more risks, hitting a top rope clothesline for another near fall. Gulak followed with a series of basement dropkicks. Gulak challenged his young protégé to fight back, they fought up top and Williams hit the DDT to the apron, and then spiked Gulak with the brainbuster for a near fall. He locked in the crossface; Gulak fought and tried to roll for the ropes, and finally got the ropes. Williams connected with the backdrop driver, and went for a splash but ate boots by Gulak. Gulak connected with the lariat, went to the second rope but Williams caught him on the way down and pulled him into the crossface. Gulak escaped again. They worked in some good back and forth and near falls, with Gulak finally catching a slick dragon sleeper with the body scissors to pick up the victory. Goddamn that was great, they worked it completely differently than the previous match, and for as good as that was, this surpassed it. Gulak is great, and we all know that, bit Williams keeps impressing each and every time out. They almost worked past a point where I thought they should finish, but they did a great job of closing this out on a high note. This match kicked all of the asses.
– Both of the Cruiserweight Classic matches delivered big time, and they picked two great guys to represent Evolve.
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Marty Scurll: ZSJ had a rough night at Evolve 60, as Chris Hero once again made him his bitch. He looks to get back on track tonight against Scurll, who lost to Johnny Gargano last night. ZSJ had control early, utilizing his superb technical skills. Scurll worked in some nice counters, but they basically meant nothing because ZSJ kept control. ZSJ is so nonchalant about his work when he completely grapple fucks someone, because he knows he’s that good. Every time Scurll looked like he would gain an advantage, ZSJ simply worked out and made him look silly. They both then teased their submission finishers, with Scurll finally getting an advantage as he slammed ZSJ hard to the mat onto his left arm. Scurll took the heat, as they worked on the floor for a bit, and whenever ZSJ had a hope spot, he tried to attack the arm of Scurll. Scurll worked a solid heat here, mixing in work on the arm and his villainous shortcuts. ZSJ worked in that sick octopus hold, in two different variations, and again makes it look so easy. ZSJ started to make a run here, working a series of kicks and then a bridging tiger suplex for a near fall. They started to go back and forth here, some nice exchanges and near falls but Scurll completely ditch the arm work and ZSJ wasn’t selling it any longer, which is disappointing. They again both teased their submission finishes, working some great counters out of them. Scurll then got a near fall off of the tower of London. They did a cool combo of pinning spots, which lasted like 30-seconds, I dug it because it was different and it played off of the fact that they know each other so well. It then broke down into them beating the piss out of each other with uppercuts, and then ZSJ hitting the Liger bomb for a near fall. They again teased their submissions, working counters out of each other’s hold, and working in near falls. Scurll did his finger break spot, got the chicken wing and ZSJ had to tap. I think mileage will vary on this match, but I felt that it was not as good as the previous two matches. I felt that it went a bit too long, got a little repetitive and the fact that they dropped the work on the arm and selling; all combined it took away from the match in my eyes. It was good, but not great.
– Joanna Rose announced hat on July 16th, Marty Scurll has earned an Evolve title shot. Scurll then claimed that ZSJ was never the best, because he had surpassed him years ago. Stokely Hathaway, wearing the Evolve title, arrives and said that TJP was the uncrowned #1 contender. Drew Gulak then arrived, took the Evolve title from Hathaway, and left without saying a word.
– Pre-match, Galloway cut a promo and said he is the last bastion of independent wrestling. He’s a leader and not a follower, and he doesn’t want the support of the Evolve fans because they are as bad as Gargano and the rest of the sheep that are slaves to WWE. He then claimed that he was trying to save Evolve from itself, and is willing to be a martyr for the cause. Gargano claimed Galloway was wrong, because the fans made this a special night as they supported TJP, Yehi, Gulak and Williams in their cruiserweight classic matches. These guys will get the exposure that they deserve. Gargano then put over the new production and packed house, noting that they aren’t bad things. Gargano said that Galloway is jealous of the opportunities that the Evolve roster is getting. He then called him a douche bag.
Drew Galloway vs. Johnny Gargano: This was a straight up brawl early, as they attacked each other at the bell and fought to the floor. It was fairly even early, with Galloway using his power and size advantage, but Gargano was willing to use his body as a weapon and hit a cannonball to the floor. Galloway then took control, and did Sheamus tribute spots (even did the beat the chest) and then proceeded to toss Gargano around with ease. Galloway continued the attack and would refuse to go for pins and even yelled that he would fuck Gargano up. After a long beating, Gargano managed to hit a powerbomb out of the corner and the slingshot spear for a near fall. Gargano did a crotch chop at one point and Leonard dropped a, “Paul said hello” on commentary. They went back and forth, trading some good near falls and then Gargano lit up Galloway with multiple superkicks, but Galloway surprised. Galloway countered the Superman spear with a claymore, and then locked in the Gargano escape on Gargano to try and humiliate him. Gargano would just not quit, Galloway tried to continue his attack, but he then got caught in the Gargano escape. Galloway planted Gargano with a tombstone, but Johnny Gargano would not die. Galloway hit the future shock, but Gargano lived! Galloway threw a fit at the referee, and then tried for an air raid crash off the ropes and connected with it. GARGANO WILL NOT DIE, and the crowd is willing him to fight back. Gargano looked to lock in the Gargano escape when TNA’s Ethan Carter III hit the ring and attacked Gargano.
– Carter said that he came in peace, but is now prepared for war. Carter took Gargano’s promos personally, because he didn’t blow anything. They both became world champions on their own, Stanford Connecticut, the “King of Kings” blew it. Officials hit the ring, and they promptly got their asses beat. Earl Cooter and Larry Dallas tried to help and they failed. Carter threatened to piss on the turnbuckle and take a shit in the ring. Carter then ran down NXT, noting that they became successes despite the machine not getting behind them. Gulak arrived and attacked, but he also got beaten down. Carter then ran down Bill DeMott, and said that he won. TJP arrived, he ran wild for a bit but got cut off and powerbombed by Galloway. Carter said that they weren’t failed football players, they were wrestlers and wrestling fans but they got passed over. Ethan Page arrived with a chair and finally ran off Carter and Galloway. Gargano challenged Galloway and Carter to a match in Florida on the next shows. Gargano made sure to call Carter Derrick Bateman to piss him off. Page asked Gargano to be his partner, and then ran down Carter. He knows that Gargano does not trust him, and suggested that TJP tag with Gargano. Page then wants a rematch with Galloway the next night, to prove himself, and wants it to be an anything goes match.
Sweet baby Christ, Gabe is booking a WWE vs. TNA feud in Evolve. Chalk this up to shit you never thought would happen.
* End scene.
* Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”