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Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 12.17.19

December 17, 2019 | Posted by Larry Csonka
SCU AEW Full Gear Win Scorpio Sky
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Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 12.17.19  

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Csonka’s AEW Dark Review 12.17.19

Non-Title Match: Champions SCU defeated Private Party @ 12:00 via pin [***¼]
– Britt Baker defeated Machiko @ 3:00 via submission [NR]
– Kris Statlander defeated Bea Priestley @ 10:00 via pin [***]
– THE BASTARD PAC, Jack Evans & Angelico defeated The Best Friends & Orange Cassidy @ 13:00 via submission [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– We open with highlights of the Santana & Ortiz vs. Young Bucks feud and last week’s match.

– Tony & Dasha welcome us to the show and run down the card.

– Vickie Guerrero joins commentary.

Champions SCU vs. Private Party: Kaz and Kassidy begin. They lockup and Kaz grounds things. He follows with a shoulder tackle, and cradle for 2. Kaz keeps him grounded, Kassidy powers up and follows with elbow strikes and a cradle for 2. They work into a standoff, and Sky and Quen now tag in. Quen hits a shoulder tackle, Sky pops up and follows with a dropkick. Quen quickly counters back with a dropkick, Kaz cuts him off and follows with the springboard leg drop for 2. Sky tags back in and keeps Quen grounded. The champions follow with quick tags and double teams. Kaz goes king’s road and drops Quen on his head with a German for 2. Sky in, Quen battles back and sends Kaz into Sky. Tag to Kassidy and he follows with a moonsault into both. The leg lariat follows as Quen tags in and double teams follow for 2. They isolate Sky, run wild with double teams and dump Kaz to the floor. They work over Sky in the corner, they Kid & play dance as Kaz cuts them off. He runs wild with elbows and dropkicks, The backstabber and double teams follow for 2. Kassidy takes out Kaz, Quen dumps Sky and follows with the tope con hello. Kassidy follows with the springboard moonsault. Back in and double teams on Sky follow for 2. Quen up top, the shooting star press misses and Kaz cradles him for 2. Quen is draped over the ropes, Sky cuts off silly string and Kaz hits the cutter as SCU-later finishes it. Champions SCU defeated Private Party @ 12:00 via pin [***¼] Good opener and Private Party getting to work veterans like SCU will only help them improve.

– Lexi Nair breaks down the recent happenings in the women’s division.

– Joey Janela joins commentary.

Britt Baker vs. Machiko: Machiko attacks but Baker quickly cuts her off and the cradle follows for 2. Baker follows with a suplex for 2. She grounds Machiko, slams her to the buckles and grounds her again. Machiko grabs the hair, fires back and baker cuts her off with a knee strike and sling blade. The neck breaker follows for 2. the superkick and lockjaw finishes it. Britt Baker defeated Machiko @ 3:00 via submission [NR] Baker picks up a quick win a head of tomorrow’s #1 contender’s match. It was fine and what it needed to be.

-Tony & Dasha hype tomorrow’s women’s #1 contender’s match.

Kris Statlander vs. Bea Priestley: They lockup and work to the ropes. Bea follows with strikes and Statlander cuts her off and follows with a leg drop but Bea cradles her for 2. Statlander dumps her and Bea cuts her off on the floor with a knee strike and slams her to the apron. Back in and Bea grounds the action. Statlander follows with strikes and chops, but Bea slams her down by the hair. Bea chokes her out in the ropes, follows with face washes and the dropkick for 2. Bea follows with an enziguri sand heads up top, Statlander cuts her off and follows her up top. Statlander counters Cheeky nandos and hits a head kick. The running knee strike and gourd buster follows for 2. They work into counters, German by Bea and is cut off with the rolling lariat. Statlander dumps her and follows with a suicide dive. Brandi’s crew arrives at ringside, Bea traps Statlander in the ropes and the springboard double stomp follows for 2. The capture suplex follows for 2. Bea fires up but Statlander counters into the tumbleweed and cradles her for 2. They work into counters, Saito by Bea and Statlander cuts her off with the gut buster and axe kick for 2. The enziguri and big bang theory finishes it. Kris Statlander defeated Bea Priestley @ 10:00 via pin [***] Good match with Statlander looking good and Bea putting in her best singles effort in AW to date. Statlander picks up an important win a head of tomorrow’s #1 contender’s match.

– Tony & Dasha hype tomorrow night’s Dynamite card.

– Statlander cuts a promo backstage, she will be our leader and Baker is next for her tomorrow night. The title is coming to her.

THE BASTARD Pac, Jack Evans & Angelico vs. The Best Friends & Orange Cassidy: Trent and Angelico begin. They lockup and Trent follows with arm drags. Chuck tags in and they work quick tags and double teams. Angelico fires back, but Chuck cuts him off with a single leg crab as Evans cuts him off. Chuck hits soul food on Angelico, but Pac cheap shots Chuck. He tags in and takes control with running uppercuts. Evans in and follows with a hip toss and covers for 1. Angelico back in and misses a charge. Tag to Trent and he runs wild on Evans and Angelico. Chuck joins in and Trent follows with a tope, The best Friends try to hug but Pac cuts them off. Angelico lays the boots to Trent and Pac tags in as they isolate Trent and Pac covers for 2. Evans back in and follows with a spin kick for 2. Pac continues to work over Trent, and the blue thunder bomb follows for 2. Trent fires up and hits the half and half on Pac. Angelico in and dumps Chuck, misses a charge and Trent hits the tornado DDT. Lariat to Evans and Trent tags in Cassidy! My God it’s the hottest tag of all time as Cassidy runs wild with the hands in his pockets. Pac misses him and takes out Evans. Devastating kicks by Cassidy to Pac, tornado DDT by Cassidy and he follows with the hands in his pockets suicide dive. The faces all hug and then double chokeslam Angelico. Cassidy hits the top rope splash for 2. Chuck up top and misses the moonsault. Evans clears out the others and work over Chuck. Pac hits the 450 for 2 as Trent makes the save. Pac runs wild, takes out Cassidy and Chuck cradles him for2, German by Pac, and Pac locks in the brutalizer to finish it. PAC, Jack Evans & Angelico defeated The Best Friends & Orange Cassidy @ 13:00 via submission [***½] This was a really good and tremendously fun main event that the crowd loved. It’s also nice to see Angelico and Evans pick up a win.

– Tony & Dasha wrap things up.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 75. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Jeremy Lambert break down a very busy weekend in wrestling, including ROH Final Battle, NWA Into the Fire, and WWE TLC 2019. The show is approximately 140-minutes long.

* Intro
* NWA Into the Fire 2019 Review: 1:55
* WWE TLC 2019 Review: 47:10
* ROH Final Battle 2019 Review: 1:27:10

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* Stitcher
* Google Play

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This week’s AEW Dark was good show, adding to the build for tomorrow’s women’s #1 contender’s match and providing a good night of in ring action.