wrestling / Columns
Csonka’s Impact Over Drive 2019 Preview

WELCOME back to column time with Larry! Today, I am going to discuss and preview the Impact Over Drive 2019 Twitch event. The show will feature Champion Sami Callihan vs. Rhino, Moose vs. Cage vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Michael Elgin, and more. So today I will breakdown and preview the event. Feel free to make your picks in the comment section. Thanks for reading! It’s wrestling, we love it and will disagree. The only rules are “have a take, be respectful, and don’t be a dick.”

Ace Austin vs. Fallah Bahh: This one may be sneaky good. Austin is a really good heel and has been delivering well as of late while Bahh is really over as a babyface and has had some really good matches as of late following his weight loss and becoming really motivated. With Austin involved, I can certainly see some shenanigans, which will work to a degree to counteract his size disadvantage and that will be fine as long as they don’t go overboard with it. I think that this will be quite good and possibly even surprise many who haven’t see Bahh’s recent efforts. With Austin being the X-Division champion, I see him picking up the win here, likely via nefarious means and after a great effort from Bahh. WINNER: Ace Austin

Shera vs. Willie Mack: That sweet Sony Six money from India is still Impact’s biggest stream of revenue, which means that The Desi Hit Squad, Gama Singh, and the returning Shera are here to stay. Willie Mack will have a big test ahead of him, trying to make Shera look not just competent, but good n the ring. It’s a big ask that many have failed at, but Willie Mack is really good so I have some small hopes here. Shera picks up the win because of the Sony Six deal and the feeling that they need to push him to some degree, and my thoughts and prayers are with Willie Mack during this most difficult of tasks. WINNER: Shera

Tessa Blanchard vs. Madison Rayne: Madison is good and plays her role really well, and tends to have solid to good matches. Tessa is arguably the biggest star in the company and can’t recall the last time she failed to deliver a bad singles match. If they keep it simple, the match should be good. Tessa is primed for big things following recent news, especially with the move to AXS TV, while Madison is basically a gatekeeper that again, plays her role well. Her role here will be to work hard and try to be a believable foil for Tessa before losing. WINNER: Tessa Blanchard

Rich Swann vs. Jake Crist: I really like this match, not only has Swann had on again off again issues with oVe, but he’s still looking for revenge from when Crist beat him for the X-Division championship. Swann has had a rather great Impact run overall and has proved to be a smart signing, and while Sami is booked as the star of oVe, I think that Jake Crist in some ways has been the stand out performer (and that’s no disrespect to Sami, I just think that Jake doesn’t get his due with some fans). As long as this doesn’t end up an overbooked mess with oVe involvement, it certainly has the chance to not only be very good but it could be great. I am really looking forward to this one, and feel that it could steal the show. With Swann recently pinning Sami on Impact, I think that he picks up the win here to maintain his momentum and to get some revenge on Jake. WINNER: Rich Swann

Moose vs. Cage vs. Eddie Edwards vs. Michael Elgin: I really like this one on paper as you have four of the big players in the world title mix involved all looking to get to that world title match. Moose &Edie have history and work well together, while Cage & Elgin have history and previously had a banger on PPV. With the talent involved, I really like the potential here. You have top guys, guys with some history, and as long as they keep it simple and the booking doesn’t get in the way this should deliver. With cage just losing the championship, this feels like a great opportunity to give him a big win and some momentum back, so I will go with Cage here. WINNER: Cage

Champion Sami Callihan vs. Rhino: For as much as I like some of the other matches I can’t say the same for this one. Sami has been good and consistent during his impact run, while I feel that Rhino has largely felt a step behind the younger roster members, especially in his matches with Elgin. If I am guessing right, Sami plays to his position of power and makes this some kind of hardcore/oVe rules match, which would be smart and play to the strengths Rhino has left, and the smoke and mirrors will likely help if that’s the case. Sami just won the title and is the hot hand, while Rhino is just Rhino, who Sami should not be losing to under any circumstances… so Sami the spectacular asshole wins. WINNER: Sami Callihan

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 65. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook review week 6 of the AEW vs. NXT Wednesday night war and then preview Saturday’s AEW Full Gear PPV. The show is approximately 96-minutes long.
* Intro
* AEW Review 11.06.19: 10:55
* NXT Review 11.06.19: 33:50
* The Head to Head Comparison: 54:00
* AEW Full Gear Preview: 1:01:00
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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