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Csonka’s Impact Rebellion 2020 (Pt. I) Review

April 21, 2020 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Willie Mack Champ Impact
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Csonka’s Impact Rebellion 2020 (Pt. I) Review  

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Csonka’s Impact Rebellion 2020 (Pt. I) Review

– Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, & Crazzy Steve defeated oVe @ 9:30 via pin [**]
– The Rascalz defeated TJP & Bahh & XXXL @ 14:01 via pin [***¼]
Impact X-Division Title Match: Willie Mack defeated Champion Ace Austin @ 13:30 via pin [***½]
– Kylie Rae defeated Kiera Hogan @ 9:25 via submission [***¼]
Unsanctioned Match:: Ken Shamrock defeated Sami Callihan @ 11:00 via submission [**]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– The empty studio has been set up nicely. Josh & Madison are on commentary.

Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, & Crazzy Steve vs. oVe: Oh hey, Crazzy Steve is back. I’ll take him, especially since he isn’t Sabu. Jake and Dreamer begin. They work into counters, as Jake grounds things. Dreamer tries and fails to kip up, Rhino & Steve help him up and that allow Dreamer to take over as he tags in Steve. They double team Jake, Fulton tags in and Rhino joins him. Fulton attacks, lays in strikes and Rhino fires back, but Dave tags in and they double team Rhino until Rhino fires back on Dave. Steve tags in, controlling with clotheslines and Fulton tags in. Steve powders, and Rhino tags in. They trade, Fulton works him over in the corner and Dave then follows with strikes. Rhino cuts him off, tags in Steve and Dave cuts him off. Jake tags in, takes over and oVe follow with quick tags until Steve tags in Dreamer. He strolls mildly and isolates Jake, hits the cutter and Fulton makes the save. Jake follows with a flurry of kicks, tags in Dave and he and Fulton work over Dreamer. Jake and Dreamer then work into a double down, wholesale changes to Dave and Rhino, Rhino controls with strikes, a corner spear and the belly to belly for 2. It breaks down, Dreamer and Jake to the floor, Fulton dumps Steve, and Rhino gores Dave for the win. Tommy Dreamer, Rhino, & Crazzy Steve defeated oVe @ 9:30 via pin [**] This was an OK but flat opener as oVe continues to lose to Dreamer and Rhino.

– Josh & Madison hype the two-part special, running down the rest of tonight’s card.

– Josh mentions that Tessa wasn’t at Rebellion as she’s at home in Mexico, and questions what this means for the Impact World Championship. Eddie Edwards is also not here. Eddie joins us via Facetime, and says he’s not here because he has a family and wants to do what’s best for them. It was a hard call, but he’ll have to live with. Elgin knows he can beat him, he will be back and will be hungrier than ever.

– Michael Elgin comments on Tessa & Eddie not being here. He talks about his successful career, but he wanted more. He wants the title that Styles, Joe, & Angle held and will be the best. Tessa isn’t here, but he calls her afraid of jumping in the deep end. Eddie made excuses not to be here, so he will leave the world champion.

The Rascalz vs. TJP & Bahh vs. XXXL: TJP & Dez begin, locking up and working into counters as they work into a standoff. TJP grounds things, Dez counters back until TJP hits a head scissors. Dez counters back, hits the dropkick but TJP gets the octopus. Dez fights and tags in Wentz. Double teams to TJP follow and clear the ring, covering for 2. Wentz grounds TJP, until TJP makes the ropes. Wentz follows with strikes, keeping TJP grounded and controlling. TJP fights back, hits a dragon screw and Bahh is in for double teams. Post break and Larry trades with Bahh, hits the spinebuster and that gets 2. He works over Bahh in the corner, hits a superkick and covers for 2. Romero tags in, they double team Bahh and Romero covers for 2. Larry back in and he follows with strikes and covers for 2. He grounds things and Bahh battles back, but is quickly cut off until TJP makes the save. Larry grounds things again, Bahh fires back and the belly to belly connects. Romero tags in, they double team Bahh. Post break and Larry tags back in, more double teams follow and Bahh starts to Bahh up. NO NO NO… Samoan drop by Bahh and he tags in TJP. Strike and a dropkick follow, Wentz tags in hand the Rascalz follow with double teams. They send Romero into Larry, TJP cuts off the push-sault and it breaks down as Bahh hits across body. Dez cuts him off, pounce by Romero and Larry covers for 2. XXXL isolate Dez, working double teams and TJP dumps Romero. Wentz fires back, hits the springboard cutter and Dez hits the spiral tap for the win. The Rascalz defeated TJP & Bahh & XXXL @ 14:01 via pin [***¼] While a bit lethargic in the middle when Larry D was in control, this was an overall good tag match with the right team winning.

– The North joins us via video, and says they are in Canada, but not stuck, they are in the greatest country on Earth on an extended vacation. They will find the best Canada has to offer and defend their championships.

– Rich Swann joins Willie Mack to talk about tonight’s X-Division title match. Mack is thrilled his boy is here to support him, but wishes it was for the tag team championships, Swann tells him to focus to win that X-Division championship and say Mack will bring the thunder and win gold. And then, they will celebrate all night long.

Impact X-Division Title Match: Champion Ace Austin vs. Willie Mack: Austin stalls to begin, killing over a minute. He then offers a handshake, tries to attack and Mack cuts that off and Austin powders. Back in and Austin cradles him for 2. Mack fires back and Austin powders again, Mack follows him out and delivers chops. Back in and Austin counters the cannonball, hits a superkick and the tree of WHOA follows as Austin lays the boots to Mack. He chokes him out and looks for a high cross but Mack counters into a Samoan drop. The standing moonsault, and ground and pound follows until Austin makes the ropes. Austin counters back, delivers kick and covers for 2. He chokes out Mack, follows with trouble in paradise and heads up top. He flies but Mack counters into a powerbomb for 2. Mack follows with elbow strikes, they trade until Mack rocks him and follows with running corner strikes. The cannonball follows and the stunner is countered into a back flip and the fold for 2. Austin is pissed, but Mack counters the fold into a popup cutter for 2. Mack heads up top, and hits coast to coast on Austin. The frog splash misses, and Austin cradles him with the ropes, the ref catches him and they argue. Austin up top, Mack cuts him off and Austin counters and crotches him. Mack counters into a stunner on the buckles and the frog splash finishes it. Willie Mack defeated Champion Ace Austin @ 13:30 via pin [***½] I could have done without the Austin stalling early on, because it makes no sense in an empty arena setting since it’s designed to get crowd heat. But that being said, this was really good and fun with Mack picking up the championship.

– Post match, Swann arrives to celebrate with his pal. They celebrate backstage and Swann says this proves how great Mack is. Swann says they will always be a tag team, but they can go after those tag titles when he’s back. Johnny Swinger arrives and says their team will live on forever. Mack no sells him and Swinger says he was promised a title shot. Swann wants to party and Swinger promises to get his Cadillac so they can go. Mack & Swann bail on him.
Kylie Rae vs. Kiera Hogan: Hogan shoves Rae and tries to make her mad. Rae quickly takes her down, locks on an STF but Hogan makes the ropes. She flows with arm drags, and Hogan runs to the ropes. Hogan attacks with kicks, but counters back and follows with the running boot. Hogan counters the Kylie special and the draping leg drop follows for 2. Hogan follows with corner kicks, and covers for 2. Post break and Rae avoids the charge, and follows with strikes until Hogan cuts her off with the corner dropkick for 2. Hogan grounds things. Rae tries to fire up but Hogan continues to control Rae fires back, they trade and Rae hits the superkick, one from Hogan and they work into a double down. They trade from their knees, Rae fires up and hits clotheslines, the Kylie special and covers for 2. Hogan fights off the STF, stuns her off the ropes and the superkick follows for 2. Rae counters the purge into a suplex, follows with uppercuts and the cannonball for 2. Hogan eye pokes her, hits the grounded superkick and follows with ground and pound. She talks shit as Rae lock on the STF for the win. Kylie Rae defeated Kiera Hogan @ 9:25 via submission [***¼] This was a good, fun and competitive match that allowed both women to shine but also made sure to put over Rae in victory.

Unsanctioned Match: Sami Callihan vs. Ken Shamrock: Sami attacks with a suicide dive during Ken’s entrance, and follows with a suplex on the floor. He whips Ken to the barricades, Ken fires up and follows with strikes and kicks. He whips Sami to the barricades, lays in more strikes and kicks slams him to the barricades again. Ken to the stage and runs off, kinda hitting a body attack. They fight backstage, and it’s cinematic presentation time. Sami blinds him with powder, follows with trashcan lid shots. Sami has a chain, uses it to punch Ken with and chokes out Ken, claiming he’s the real world’s most dangerous man. Ken fires back with kicks, ground and pound and yells a lot until oVe attack. They kick the shit out of Ken, Sami gives the thumbs down and KOs Fulton with a bat, and then takes out Jake & Dave. He comes face to face with Ken, and they agree to finish things outside. They take it to the parking lot, brawling by a production truck as Ken controls until Sami low blows him and chokes him out. Ken fights, escapes and ankle locks Sami. Sami fights, fades and the ref waves it off. Ken Shamrock defeated Sami Callihan @ 11:00 via submission [**] This was ok, thankfully not bad, although I feel the finish was as it makes no sense to have Shamrock win since Sami lost the world title, came back with this big rebooted character, seemingly broke away from oVe here, and… then loses to Ken Shamrock in 2020..


* Cousin Jake vs. Joseph P Ryan
* Trey vs. Rohit Raju vs. Suicide vs. Chris Bey
* Full Metal mayhem: Havok vs. Rosemary
* The Fate on the Impact World Championship

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 108. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook go retro, looking back to 2004 with reviews of WrestleMania XX, the Raw after, and WWE Backlash 2004 w/@VPenguin. The show is approximately 131-minutes long.

* Intro
* WrestleMania XX Review: 6:20
* Reviewing The Raw The Night After: 49:25
* WWE Backlash 2004 Review w/Trent (@VPenguin) : 1:22:56

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– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Average
The 411
Impact Rebellion 2020 (Pt. I) was a pretty good show, with some good and fun action in the middle, but in my opinion, held back by a sub par opener and main event, with some questionable booking decision to go along with them.