wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s Impact Wrestling 2.04.20 Review

Csonka’s Impact Wrestling 2.04.20 Review
– Tessa Blanchard defeated Adam Thornstowe @ 8:00 via pin [**½]
– Rhino defeated Taurus @ 6:55 via DQ [**]
– Rosemary vs. Suzie went to a no contest @ 3:00 [NR]
– TJP defeated Vikingo @ 13:40 via pin [****]
– Daga & Dr. Wagner Jr defeated Jake & Dave Crist @ 8:20 via pin [**½]
– Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight: Ace Austin defeated Tommy Dreamer @ 19:55 via pin [**]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
Tessa Talks: Tessa says she’s heard what Austin has said, he plays mind games and she’s hard to kill, but not hard to find. She calls him out and Austin arrives with Reno Scum. They will face off February 22nd at Sacrifice.
Tessa Blanchard vs. Adam Thornstowe: They lockup, working into counters as Luster distracts Tessa until she runs Thornstowe into him, She takes control, hits a head scissors and Luster catches her dive and slams her to the apron. Back in and Thornstowe does pity city, Tessa fires back, but Thornstowe cuts her off and covers for 1. He grounds the action, Tessa fights to her feet and gets slammed back down. Thornstowe starts attacking the arm, and covers for 2. Tessa fires back with chops, Thornstowe cuts her off and chokes her out in the ropes. He follows with strikes, a slam and mocks her before missing a standing moonsault. Tessa fires back, delivers strikes and clotheslines. The enziguri follows, and the Samoan drop connects. She kicks him to the floor and follows with the suicide dive. Hits another and heads up top and wipes out Ace & Luster. Back in and the cutter follows for 2. The buzzsaw DDT finishes it. Tessa Blanchard defeated Adam Thornstowe @ 8:00 via pin [**½] The match made sense as one of Ace’s heaters tries to soften up Tessa, but I felt that Thornstowe, as a minion, took too much of the match against the world champion. The match was solid.
– Post match, they attack until Tommy Dreamer makes the save,
– Taya meets with Kiera & Madison, looking for help and they refuse.
– During the break, Tommy challenges Ace Austin for later tonight, in a falls count anywhere street fight.
Rhino vs. Taurus: They lockup and shove each other away. Lockup again and they trade shoulder tackles, Rhino takes him down and Taurus battles back, dumps him and Rhino pulls him to the floor. Taurus battles back with chops, strikes and back in, grounds Rhino. Rhino fires back, but Taurus attacks the arm and covers for 2. He follows with a running knee strike for 2. Taurus heads to the ropes, and the corkscrew senton misses. Rhino follows with chops, a clothesline and back elbow. The belly to belly gets 2. Taurus battles back, hits an enziguri and covers for 2. He follows with rights, but the spinebuster by Rhino connects and the gore is stopped by Moose who attacks for the DQ. Rhino and Taurus fight him off. Rhino defeated Taurus @ 6:55 via DQ [**] This was ok, but lethargic and had the flat finish to set up Moose vs. Rhino at Sacrifice.
– Elgin cuts a promo on Edwards and their best of five series. He wants the world title and promises to go up 2-0 next week.
– Johnny Swinger meets with Desi Hit Squad, talking about his fake tag team with Willie Mack. He sets up Mack vs. Shera.
– Taya meets with Rosemary and tries to make a deal for some help next week vs. Grace. Jim Mitchell arrives, Rosemary locks him in a room and leaves.
– Rosemary attacks Havok as she tries to free Mitchell, choking her out.
Rosemary vs. Suzie: Suzie is all smiles as she enters the ring. Rosemary wants Suzie to hit her, but Suzie says that’s bad. She wants to leave, Rosemary wants her to fight and slaps her. Suzie looks like she’s about to cry. Rosemary slaps her with Su Yung’s bloody glove, Suzie puts it on and snaps as she attacks Rosemary. She runs wild, hits a palm strike and gets the mandible claw. Rosemary escapes and Suzie looks confused. They brawl on the floor, up the ramp and to the back. Rosemary vs. Suzie went to a no contest @ 3:00 [NR] An interesting angle, I’m willing to see where they go with it.
– We see Rosemary & Havok laid out backstage as Mitchell finds them. Rosemary laughs as Mitchell says they are all doomed. Rosemary apparently hung Suzie, resurrecting Su Yung in the process.
TJP vs. Vikingo: Fallah Bahh is at ringside. They lockup, working into counters and TJP follows with shoulder tackles, a head scissors and grounds the action. Vikingo counters out and works into TJP’s guard. They work into a wacky upside down deal, trade slaps and ten work into a standoff. TJP follows with uppercuts, but Vikingo hits the springboard spear. He dumps TJP, to the floor and he slams TJP to the floor. The shooting star press from the apron follows, and back in, Vikingo is cut off with the dodon. TJP follows with the senton atomico and that gets 2. He then grounds him with the butterfly lock, Vikingo escapes and transitions into a bow and arrow, carries him around but TJP counters and snaps back on the arm, Pentagon style. The Russian leg sweep follows for 2. Vikingo pulls an arm bar, but TJP counters into a Muta lock. Vikingo fights and makes the ropes. TJP follows with chops, Vikingo fires back and delivers kicks. he dropkicks TJP to the floor, and follow with an over the post tope. Back in and Vikingo delivers strikes, kicks and the draping leg drop for 2. TJP fires back, and counters into the tombstone. TJP up top and the frog splash follows for a great near fall. TJP heads back up top, Vikingo cuts him off and hits the double knees for 2. They work up top, superplex by TJP and transitions into the octopus hold. Vikingo powers his way to the ropes. They trade strikes, kicks and Vikingo connects with the spin kick, but TJP counters into Regal stretch for the win. TJP defeated Vikingo @ 13:40 via pin [****] This was rather great, with an invested crowd, and a nice mix of submission work and highflying action. TJP continues to deliver, and someone please get Vikingo a VISA as soon as fucking possible.
-The North attack Vikingo post match until TJP & Bahh make the save.
– Katie Forbs distracts Joey Ryan backstage so that RVD can attack him.
– Josh is losing his voice.
Jake & Dave Crist vs. Daga & Dr. Wagner Jr: Fulton I& Wagner’s son are at ringside. Dave and Wagner begin, locking up as Wagner works the arm. he takes Dave down, kicks him in the head and follows with rights. Dave fires back, but runs into a powerslam. Jake tags in, Wagner delivers strikes and chops, Jake cuts him off until Wagner hits another clothesline and follows with a cutter for 2. Daga tags in, they work into counters and Jake follows with the DVD, Daga pops up and he hits a DVD. On the floor and Daga is cut off by Dave, back in and Jake covers for 2. Dave in, follows with strikes, Daga counters back and delivers kicks. Tag to Wagner, Jake joins him as Wagner runs wild. Dragon screws for both Jake & Dave, he follows with a German, and Daga joins in for double teams and the brainbuster gets 2 as Dave makes the save. Jake follows with a flurry of kicks, double teams follow on Daga and the double stomp tombstone follows for 2 as Wagner makes the save. Wagner takes out Jake. Hits the cannonball to the floor and the Jay driller gets the win for Daga. Daga & Dr. Wagner Jr defeated Jake & Dave Crist @ 8:20 via pin [**½] This ended up being solid, but felt disjointed and far from smooth at times.
– Fulton attacks post match, as oVe stands tall.
– Swinger tells Mack he has heat with Shera and that they have a match next week.
– NEXTR WEEK: Elgin vs. Edwards, Grace vs. Taya, RVD vs. Joey Ryan, & Daga vs. Fulton.
Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight: Ace Austin vs. Tommy Dreamer: Everyone is banned from ringside. They lockup, Austin attacks with strikes and gets dumped. They brawl on the floor, Austin fires back until Dreamer suplexes him onto the ramp. He gets a trashcan of hardcore toys, beats down Austin as they work up into the crowd. Post break and they are still walk and brawling in the crowd. Austin fires back, knock Dreamer to the floor and Austin dives from the crowd with a high cross. He follows with kicks and strikes, Dreamer trips him up and looks completely gassed. Dreamer uses a chair to trap and hurt his arm using another chair to hit him. Back in and Austin slams him onto a chair. He carves at him with the playing card, Dreamer is busted open and Austin covers for 2. He follows with chair shots, gets a table, but Dreamer kicks a chair into his face and elbow drops the chair onto him. They trade, Dreamer follows with jabs and the flip flop and fly. He bites Austin, hits a cutter and covers for 2. Kendo shots miss, Austin follow with the top rope fameasser and that gets 2. He props the table in the corner, follows with kendo shots, but Dreamer cuts him off with the white Russian leg sweep. Superkick by Austin and that gets 2. Dreamer battles back, and the DDT gets 2. He slams him through the table and that gets 2. Dreamer gets a ladder now, slides it in and Austin counters into a backstabber, and heads up top. Dreamer cuts him off, makes a ladder bridge and climbs until Austin hits him with the pop up cane, crotches Dreamer on the ladder and the fold finishes it. Ace Austin defeated Tommy Dreamer @ 19:55 via pin [**] Dreamer working 20-minute TV main events 2020 doing his ECW tribute act is completely sad, especially on a show with TJP & Vikingo tearing it up. No disrespect to Dreamer, I am sure he works hard and all, and yes he loses, but Austin had to work overtime to make him look competent. Yes, Austin won and that’s great, but I just don’t see what a win over Tommy Dreamer means in 2020. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate Dreamer putting people over, but not in main events. It FELT really long, but ended up ok because Ace Austin is rather great.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 87. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook break down the WWE management woes, the latest roadblocks for NXT Japan (DDT/NOAH), hit more news & notes and then talk TNA There’s No Place Like Home. Finally, Larry reviews NJPW New Beginning in Sapporo. The show is approximately 142-minutes long.
* Intro
* Corporate WWE/Management Woes: 3:35
* NXT Japan Road Blocks/DDT & NOAH: 34:45
* News Roundup (Beyond Wrestling to TV?, Harper Potentially to AEW, NJPW Back to US TV?, More): 48:45
* TNA There’s No Place Like Home Wish List: 1:05:35
* TNA Stars That Would Have Been Better Off Never Leaving For WWE: 1:41:55
* Larry’s NJPW New Beginning in Sapporo Reviews: 1:57:11
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.