wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s MLW: Fusion Review 2.15.20

Csonka’s MLW: Fusion Review 2.08.20
– Gino Medina defeated Septimo Dragon @ 7:00 via pin [**½]
– MLW National Openweight Title Match: Champion Alexander Hammerstone defeated Aerostar @ 4:45 via pin [**½]
– MLW Tag Team Title Match: Champions The Von Erichs defeated MJF & Richard Holliday @ 12:45 via pin [***¼]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– This is the special, Dynasty produced episode.
– Commentary says that Air Wolf’s “MLW career” has seemingly come to an end following the fireball attack from CONTRA.
Gino Medina vs. Septimo Dragon: Holiday is on commentary. Konnan is ringside with Dragon. They go fast-paced right away, moonsault to the floor by Dragon and then a suicide dive follows. Back in and they work into counters and end in a standoff. RANA by Dragon and Medina powders. Back in and v hits ahead scissors. Medina cuts him off, follows with chops and grounds things. He starts attacking the arm, and then delivers chops. Dragon fires back with kicks, a springboard arm drag until Medina hits trouble in paradise for 2. Medina argues with Konnan on the floor, Dragon wipes out Medina with a moonsault and follows wit a superkick. Back in and the Spanish fly follows for 2. The tornado DDT follows by Dragon for 2. Dragon heads up top, misses the double stomp and medina lawn darts him to the buckles and cradles him using the ropes for the win. Gino Medina defeated Septimo Dragon @ 7:00 via pin [**½] This was a solid match. I think Medina has potential, but in all honesty I haven’t been impressed with him in MLW thus far. Maybe he’ll thrive once MJF is finally gone.
– Post match, the Dynasty unmask Dragon until Konnan makes the save to stand tall.
– The bumpers are all Holiday mocking the Von Erichs ahead of the main event.
– The Dynasty have banned Mance Warner from the building since he didn’t meet the dress code.
– We get an Erick Stevens video package.
MLW National Openweight Champion Alexander Hammerstone vs. Aerostar: Konnan joins commentary. Hammerstone overpowers him to begin. Aerostar picks up the pace, hits a missile dropkick and dumps Hammerstone. Hammerstone hits an apron bomb and back in. hits the spinal countdown. Aerostar counters with an enziguri, top rope tornillo but Hammerstone cuts him off until Aerostar cradles him for 2. Aerostar rolls into a cutter and covers for 2. Aerostar up top and Hammerstone crotches him. He follows with strikes, and heads up top as the superplex follows for 2. Hammerstone is pissed, hits a bicycle kick, German but Aerostar counters the powerbomb into a destroyer for 2. Hammerstone unmasks and cradles Aerostar for the win. Champion Alexander Hammerstone defeated Aerostar @ 4:45 via pin [**½] This was a solid match for the rime given, but unfortunately ended just as it felt as if they were really hitting that next gear. The unmasking angle would have meant more if they just didn’t do it in the previous match.
– Konnan argues with Hammerstone post match.
– Tom Lawlor & Dom Garrini and wish the Von Erichs luck. They are on the property where the Sportatorium used to be and says Team Filthy is coming for the tag team championships and they piss on the Sportatorium grounds.
– We get Killer Kross video package. I’m excited for his two-week MLW run.
– We get highlights from last week, where Fatu beat Pillman Jr while Smith and the Von Erichs fought off Contra.
– Fatu hypes his upcoming match (in three weeks) with CIMA.
– The Von Erichs cut a promo on tonight’s match. They are linked with the Harts and they are a unified force. Smith says he has their back and is coming for Tom Lawlor.
– Old Mancer is being kept out of the building and drinks a beer with the security guy. He buys him off with beers, and tells him to go down the road to see a dancer that’ll dance for him all night long. Security dude says MJF is an asshole and lets Mance in.
– LA PARK returns soon.
– We get an amazing Dynasty video package, set to Carmina Burana; it was tremendous.
– King Mo returns to action next week as well as Erick Stevens vs. Douglas James & Ross Von Erich vs. Tom Lawlor.
Champions The Von Erichs vs. MJF & Richard Holliday: The Dynasty attack the champions during their entrance. They beat them down, hit them with the flowers the fans gave then and slam then to the barricades. MJF is doing his best to incite a riot here and they isolate Ross in the ring. They work quick tags, double teams and just beat Ross down. Holiday takes control with a neck breaker for 2. He grounds the action, talks shit and tags in MJF. MJF works over Ross, talking big time trash as he slaps him around. Ross starts to fire back, Holiday takes out Marshall and the challengers keep the heat. Holiday back in and double teams follow for 2. Ross counters back, fights for the tag but Holiday cuts him off. MJF tags in and grounds things, covering for 2. The suplex connects and that gets 2. Holiday in and the suplex gets 2. MJF lays the boots to Ross, grounds things and Ross slowly fires up but gets cut off until he hits a desperation double neck breaker. Tag to Marshall and he’s all fired up, running wild on the Dynasty. He dumps MJF and hits a cannonball on Holiday. The standing moonsault gets 2. Double dropkick to MJF and Ross follows with a dive. Holiday dumps Ross, Marshall takes him up top and Holiday fights of the superplex, and hits the market crash. MJF follows with the top rope splash and Ross makes the save. Mance Warner cuts off Hammerstone & Medina as they try to interfere, the champions dump Holiday and the double team claw slam finishes MJF. Champions The Von Erichs defeated MJF & Richard Holliday @ 12:45 via pin [***¼] This was a good and basic tag, the heels got the heat forever, the hometown babyfaces overcame to pickup the win and I loved Warner fighting off Hammerstone & Medina.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 90. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook preview NXT Takeover: Portland, review this week’s AEW vs. NXT battle, & hit a quick news roundup. The show is approximately 91-minutes long.
* Intro
* News Roundup (Matt Hardy, Elimination Chamber, NJPW to MSG, WWE Hall of Fame Rumors, More): 2:30
* AEW Dynamite (2.12.20) Review: 21:15
* NXT (2.12.20) Review: 44:05
* The head to head comparison: 1:02:45
* NXT Takeover: Portland Preview: 1:07:55
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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