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Csonka’s NJPW Road to Power Struggle Review 10.30.17

October 30, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
NJPW Road to Power Struggle Review
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Csonka’s NJPW Road to Power Struggle Review 10.30.17  

Csonka’s NJPW Road to Power Struggle Review 10.30.17

– Tiger Mask and Jushin “Thunder” Liger defeated TAKA Michinoku and Taichi @ 5:16 via pin [*]
– Hirooki Goto and Toru Yano defeated Minoru Suzuki and Takishi Iizuka @ 5:56 via DQ [DUD]
– YOSHI-HASHI, Will Ospreay, Beretta defeated Kenny Omega, Marty Scurll, Chase Owens @ 10:47 via pin [*]
– Kota Ibushi, Juice Robinson, David Finlay, Dragon Lee and Titan defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi, Togi Makabe, Katsuya Kitamura, Hirai Kawato and KUSHIDA @ 14:07 via pin [***½]
– EVIL, SANADA, Tetsuya Naito defeated Tomohiro Ishii, Gedo, and Kazuchika Okada @ 11:58 via submission [***]
Super Jr. Tag Tournament Semifinal Match: Ryusuke Taguchi and ACH defeated Yoshinobu Kanemaru and El Desperado @ 17:06 via pin [***¾]
Super Jr. Tag Tournament Semifinal Match: Roppongi 3K defeated Hiromu Takahashi and BUSHI @ 20:34 via pin [****¼]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

Tiger Mask and Jushin “Thunder” Liger vs. TAKA Michinoku and Taichi: Liger and Tiger Mask went after Taichi, who was chilling in the crowd. TAKA grabbed a chair and attacked Tiger Mask. This led to the usual Suzuki-gun floor brawl, willed with chairs and choking out Liger with a cable for the count out tease. They worked the heat on Liger, including Taichi attacking both he and Tiger Mask with the bell hammer. Liger eventually made a come back, Tiger Mask got the tag and TAKA cut him off as Taichi took the ref. Tiger Mask was tossed to the floor, Taichi worked him over and tossed him under the ring. He escaped and got a crucifix on TAKA for the win. Tiger Mask and Jushin “Thunder” Liger defeated TAKA Michinoku and Taichi @ 5:16 via pin [*] Nothing to see here, move along.

Hirooki Goto and Toru Yano vs. Minoru Suzuki and Takishi Iizuka: So stop if you’ve heard this before, but Suzuki-gun attacked before the bell and it led to a meandering floor brawl that we’ve seen about 300 times this year. Suzuki used the bull rope to attack Yano, setting up their November 5th match that I am not looking forward too. The two brawled into the crowd, with Suzuki using the rope to make sure Yano doesn’t run away. This seemingly lasted forever, as Goto & Iizuka disappeared. They worked back to the ring, Suzuki beat on Yano and shoved the ref down before choking out Yano. Goto and Iizuka are actually arrive, as they head back to ringside. Goto tries to make the save, but Iizuka hits him with the iron fingers. Suzuki hangs Yano over the ropes and that’s finally a DQ. Hirooki Goto and Toru Yano defeated Minoru Suzuki and Takishi Iizuka @ 5:56 via DQ [DUD] The drizzling shits.

– Post match, Suzuki again beats the fuck out of the young lions.

YOSHI-HASHI, Will Ospreay, Beretta vs. Kenny Omega, Marty Scurll, Chase Owens: Scurll is dressed as Aladdin, Owens is the genie, and Omega is the princess. Disney club attacks at the bell, and work over HASHI. Scurll and Omega “ride a magic carpet” to do a double team splash. Baretta makes the save, Ospreay flies in and CHAOS takes control back. Owens cuts off Ospreay, tagging in Scurll. Ospreay quickly sends him to the floor, and then they do some comedy with the magic carpet. Scurll works the arm of Ospreay, we get more “comedy” as the match continues. Ospreay finally battles back and hits a stunner. HASHI gets the tag, runs wild and no one really cares. Scurll cuts him off, attacking the arm as princess Kenny tags in. HASHI kicks his wig off, and HASHI is now in. He works over Omega, hits the tornado DDT and follows with chops. Owens in and helps Omega, and they double team Baretta. Ospreay flies in and takes out Owens, but eats a snapdragon suplex. Scull and Omega kiss, because why not. Ospreay tries to make me care, hitting a Sasuke special and then uses “the magic carpet” to hit a shooting star press. Baretta hits the dude buster on Owens for the win. YOSHI-HASHI, Will Ospreay, Beretta defeated Kenny Omega, Marty Scurll, Chase Owens @ 10:47 via pin [*] This was all about adding to the build for Omega vs. Baretta & Scurll vs. Ospreay. Their poor attempts at comedy made it impossible to care about this match or the matches they were allegedly hyping. I hope Kenny and friends had fun playing grab ass and enjoyed their night off.

– Post match, Baretta attacks Omega and then lays him out with an apron piledriver.

Kota Ibushi, Juice Robinson, David Finlay, Dragon Lee and Titan defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi, Togi Makabe, Katsuya Kitamura, Hirai Kawato and KUSHIDA: It’s nice to see Ibushi and Tanahashi serious about building their match instead of dressing up as Belle and the Beast and pretending to fuck in the ring. Anyway, they work to the ground for some grappling. Ibushi doesn’t stay down long; fires up they continue to work back and forth into a stalemate. Kitamura tags in and the crowd loves this big jacked up bastard. Juice tags in now, and tries to work a side headlock, but Kitamura escapes, and then shakes off some shoulder blocks and tosses Juice around. Juice avoids the spear, Finlay is in and they work double teams. Team Ibushi takes the heat on Kitamura, as Lee and Titan work double teams on the big man. They double cover, but Kitamura does the roar spot for the kick out, sending them flying off. Finlay and Juice work quick tags, Juice lights him up with strikes but Kitamura hits a suplex and tags in Makabe. Makabe runs wild, hitting clotheslines and powerslams. Corner clotheslines follow, and then mounted punches for Juice. The lariat follows for 2. Juice finally huts a spinebuster and cuts off Makabe. Ibushi tags in, attacks Tanahashi and then lays in strikes on Makabe. Makabe hits the lariat and tags in Tanahashi. Ibushi lights him up with kicks and hits a standing corkscrew moonsault for 2. They trade strikes and kicks, Tanahashi finally hits a dragon screw leg whip and locks on the cloverleaf. Juice makes the save, and KUSHIDA and Titan tag in, working some energetic back and forth. Lee in he sends KUSHIDA to the floor and follows with a tope. Back in and they trade strikes, just lighting each other up and ending in a double down. Wholesale changed to Kawato & Finlay, Kawato runs wild on the hot tag, heads up top and hits the missile dropkick, covering for 2. Finlay cuts him off with a Saito suplex, it breaks down and Kitamura is sent to the floor and wiped out by Titan. Kawato gets a back slide and roll up, both for near falls and great reactions. Finlay hits a big lariat and then finishes him with the stunner. Kota Ibushi, Juice Robinson, David Finlay, Dragon Lee and Titan defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi, Togi Makabe, Katsuya Kitamura, Hirai Kawato and KUSHIDA @ 14:07 via pin [***½] This was a ton of fun and very good, and the first thing on the show with any real energy or that felt as if it mattered.

EVIL, SANADA, Tetsuya Naito defeated Tomohiro Ishii, Gedo, and Kazuchika Okada: Okada and Naito start off, but Naito bails as SANADA tags in. They work some back and forth; SANADA tries to ground the action but Okada powers out and to his feet. Okada takes control, hitting a slam and senton atomico, He and Gedo work double teams, and then Ishii tags in. They trade chops, Ishii seems amused by SANADA’s attempts at chops and striking, they continue to trade until SANADA rakes the eyes. LIJ clears out Okada and Gedo, allowing SANADA to work over Ishii in the ring. Okada and Naito brawl up the entranceway, and Naito returns to work over Ishii, hitting the corner dropkick combo. EVIL tags back in, Ishii fires but gets cut off with chops and the standing senton. Ishii cuts him off with a Saito suplex and Okada and Naito tag back in. Okada hits a big boot, turning Naito inside out and then hitting the flapjack for 2. Naito hits a neck breaker to cut him off, SANADA back in and they double team the champion, and that gets a cover for 2. Okada fights off SANADA, the neck breaker across the knee follows and Gedo tags in. he works over SANADA with strikes and a superkick, covering for 2. SANADA cuts him off with a dropkick, goes for skull end, but Ishii makes the save and hits a suplex. Ishii takes out EVIL, Okada hits the dropkick on Naito and EVIL hits Gedo with the fisherman’s buster. SANADA follows with the TKO for 2. SANADA locks on skull end, and Gedo is done. EVIL, SANADA, Tetsuya Naito defeated Tomohiro Ishii, Gedo, and Kazuchika Okada @ 11:58 via submission [***] CHAOS vs. LIJ is at the very least, always good. This wasn’t anything special, but was good and the interactions with Naito and Okada are just enough to make you want more.

Super Jr. Tag Tournament Semifinal Match: Suzuki-gun (Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Desperado) vs. Super 69 (Ryusuke Taguchi & ACH): Taguchi and ACH have their pre-match meeting and initially stop the Suzuki-gun sneak attack. We all brawl to begin, with Super 69 taking control and Kanemaru slamming Taguchi into ACH’s ass. That allows Suzuki-gun to take control, as the action spills to the floor and Taguchi gets whipped into the chairs. Suzuki-gun takes the heat on ACH back in the ring, ACH fights back and seemingly gets the tag, but the ref doesn’t see it. This allows Desperado to take him to the floor, beat on him with chairs and whip him into the chairs at ringside. ACH beats the count, but Kanemaru is right there to greet him as he does, and locks on a Boston crab. Suzuki-gun works quick tags, and keeps ACH isolated in their corner. he finally escapes the Suzuki-gun attacks and tags in Taguchi. Taguchi is fired the fuck up. He hits ass attacks, a slingshot dive and then a big old tope! Back in and the springboard ass attack hits and Taguchi covers Desperado for 2. Taguchi follows with the three amigos, again covering for 2. Taguchi then tries for the ankle lock, but Desperado escaped and they work into a double down. They work back to their feet, but Kanemaru is back. Taguchi manages to hit the double ass attack and tags in ACH. He works over Kanemaru, but as heads up top, gets cut off. They battle up top, and ACH is able to knock Kanemaru to the mat. The ACH frog splash eats knees, Desperado hits a big spear, and Kanemaru hits a tornado DDT for 2. They toss Taguchi, Kanemaru hits a moonsault but ACH kicks out at 2. Kanemaru up top and ACH counters deep impact with a dropkick. Kanemaru then tries to mist ACH, but he moves and Desperado gets the mist. Taguchi fires up, bum a ye to Kanemaru connects. ACH then hits a 450, but Desperado just barely makes the save. ACH and Taguchi hit the Super 69 (X-factor/dodon combo) for the win. Ryusuke Taguchi and ACH defeated Yoshinobu Kanemaru and El Desperado @ 17:06 via pin [***¾] I still prefer Taguchi & Ricochet as a team, but ACH has done well sliding into replace Ricochet. He’s been working hard and plays to Taguchi’s comedic side better. This was very good overall, with a tremendously fun closing stretch. I love when Taguchi breaks away from his usual comedy stuff and gets serious, he was awesome down the stretch.

Super Jr. Tag Tournament Semifinal Match: Roppongi 3K (Sho & Yoh) vs. BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi: Sho and BUSHI to begin. Sho lays in strikes, and they trade back and forth. BUSHI hits a dropkick, and then takes him to his corner. Takahashi tags in, and so does Yoh. Takahashi lights him up with chops and they trade centering, Yoh’s chest is still bruised up from previous chops and it’s getting worse as Takahashi lights him up. Yoh’s chest is red and maybe bleeding a bit. Tag to Sho, they double team Takahashi and then Sho lays in kicks. They then trade strikes, BUSHI takes out Yoh and they all brawl to the floor, where Yoh gets posted. Back in and Takahashi works over Sho, BUSHI tags back in and continues the heat on Sho. Yoh in and makes the save, but he gets double teamed and taken back to the floor. Takahashi runs wild on Sho, using explosive attacks and showing great aggression. BUSHI back in and works a crossface on Sho. Takahashi takes out Yoh again as BUSHI continues to work the crossface. Sho finally makes the ropes. Takahashi maintains control as Sho is bleeding from the mouth. Sho hits a desperation clothesline and tags Yoh in. Yoh hits corner knees on Takahashi, covering for 2. They trade strikes, with Yoh hitting a charging forearm. Takahashi misses a charge, but suplexes Yoh to the buckles. BUSHI tags back in, hits a DDT and covers for 2. Yoh hits a side slam, tagging in Sho and BUSHI fights them off and runs them together. BUSHI wipes out Yoh with a dive as Sho and Takahashi battle in the ring. BUSHI returns and LIJ takes control. Sho manages to fight off an MX, and BUSHI double team knees. LIJ sent to the floor, and Roppongi 3k hit stereo dives. Back in and Sho hits rolling Germans on BUSHI, scoring a near fall. Yoh back in, and they hit the dominator/clothesline combo for 2. Takahashi makes the save, hits Germans and runs wild. LIJ hit double team Germans and everyone is down. BUSHI and Yoh are now left in the ring, trading strikes and BUSHI finally taking control. The destroyer follows and Sho makes the save. Takahashi takes him out with a pop up powerbomb, and LIJ hits a double team MX on Yoh for a great near fall. They now look for the doomsday MX, but Sho makes the save. Roppongi 3k fight backs and hit the double team flatliner on BUSHI, more double teams follow and then hit the double team flatliner again to finally put BUSHI away. Roppongi 3K defeated Hiromu Takahashi and BUSHI @ 20:34 via pin [****¼] This was an absolutely great match, not only for the action, which was superb, but also for the story. The story was that Roppongi 3K were the champions, but they were still overcoming the stigma of being young boys. The fans were with LIJ early, but Roppongi 3K’s never say die attitudes turned them around by the end. When all were said and done, Roppongi 3K over came and won, but they topped two of the junior division’s top stars in the process. This was another huge win for Roppongi 3K, and a big feather in their cap, delivering big time in the main event of the show.

– Thanks for reading.

– End scene.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
If you value your time, skip the first three matches, they are trash and 20-minutes I’ll never get back. While the show picked up down the stretch, as a whole if found it to be a below average event overall. The Road to Power Struggle has been filled with some major potholes.