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Csonka’s WOW – Women Of Wrestling Season 2 Finale Review (Pt. 1)

Csonka’s WOW – Women Of Wrestling Season 2 Finale Review (Pt. 1)
– Razor, Fury, & Mezmeriah defeated Sassy Massy, Chantilly Chella, & Keta Rush @ 6:45 via pin [**½]
– Reyna Reyes defeated The Disciplinarian @ 6:10 via pin [**½]
– WOW Tag Team Title Match: Adrenaline & Fire defeated Havok & Hazard @ 10:15 via pin [***¼]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– We open with highlights from the tag team series, leading to tonight’s main event title match.
– Siren the Voodoo Doll does some spooky voodoo shit, talking about Princess Aussie’s future path.
– We get a promo from the Psycho Sisters ahead of tonight’s opener.
Razor, Fury, & Mezmeriah vs. Sassy Massy, Chantilly Chella, & Keta Rush: the heels attack but the faces quickly battle back and take control with dropkicks. They isolate Razor early on, working double teams and quick tags as Chella hits the running meteora for 2. Razor cuts off Chella and tags in Fury, who follows wit ha backbreaker for 2. She grounds the action, Razor tags back in and chokes out Chella. Fury back in and the big boot follows for 2. She works her over in the corner, Massy tries to make the save but fails as Fury follows with chops on Chella. Razor then tosses her around until Chella hits a jawbreaker and Massy tags in, works over Fury and hits a senton. The bulldog then follows for 2. Rush tags n and Mezmeriah joins her. She hits a full nelson slam, it breaks down and bodies spill to the floor as Razor hits a clothesline for the win. Razor, Fury, & Mezmeriah defeated Sassy Massy, Chantilly Chella, & Keta Rush @ 6:45 via pin [**½] This was a solid tag match that felt as if it was building to something until the flat finish.
– Post match, the Psycho Sisters call out the winners of tonight’s tag team title match.
Reyna Reyes vs. The Disciplinarian: Samantha Smart is out with the Disciplinarian. They lock up and Reyes works into counters until Disciplinarian lays in elbow strikes. Reyes follows with arm drags, and the ropewalk arm drag follows. The final cut then gets 2. Smart distracts her allowing Disciplinarian to hit a big boot. She follows with strikes, chokes her out and Smart joins in to help out. Reyes fires back, they trade and Disciplinarian chokes her out again. She grounds the action, Reyes battles back with kicks and back elbows. Reyes follows with strikes, uppercuts and a back elbow for 2. She trips up Disciplinarian and follows with natural selection for 2. Disciplinarian cuts her off with a cutter and that gets 2, Disciplinarian gets the ruler, the ref takes it and Smart gets another but accidentally hits Disciplinarian and Reyes covers for 2 as Smart pulls out the ref. Reyes takes out Smart and the sky twister press connects for the win. Reyna Reyes defeated The Disciplinarian @ 6:10 via pin [**½] While overbooked down the stretch, it was a solid match overall with a good performance by Reyes
– Havok & Hazard say that they will win the titles tonight. Adrenaline & Fire say that they have the passion and courage to overcome and win tonight. Some may call them a fluke, but tonight will prove that they belong because they believe in themselves.
– They hype Tessa defending against the Beast on the next show, which is the season two finale.
Adrenaline & Fire vs. Havok & Hazard: This is for the vacant WOW tag team titles. The heels attack, dump Adrenaline and isolate Fire early on. Havok works a full nelson, a backbreaker and clothesline, The camel clutch follows, and then tags in Hazard. She lays the boots to Fire, and follows with a suplex for 2. Havok back in and tosses Fire around as double teams follow for 2. Quick tags follow as Havok works a bear hug. Hazard in, but Fire fires back and hits a dropkick. Tag to Adrenaline and she follows with clotheslines, a stunner and dropkicks as she covers for 2. the superkick follows for 2. Havok cuts her off wit a knee strike as Hazard hits the German for 2. Havok tags in and works over Adrenaline in the corner. She chokes her out and the crab follows. Havok then dumps Fire, tags in Hazard and she cradles Adrenaline for 2. The heels keep the heat, working double teams and Havok now mauls Adrenaline with ground and pound. The running face washes follow, Hazard tags in and follows with a suplex for 2. Adrenaline fires back, hits an enziguri and tags in Fire. She runs wild on Havok with dropkicks, head kicks, and superkicks for 2. The corner dropkick follows and that gets 2. Havok cuts her off with a clothesline, tags in Hazard and Fire gets the sunset flip for the win! Adrenaline & Fire defeated Havok & Hazard @ 10:15 via pin [***¼] This was a simple tag formula, with the monster heels dominating the plucky underdog babyfaces. The match was good and the babyface heroes overcame in the end, which I fee was the right result as they have been one of the best acts in the company in season two.
– Adrenaline & Fire get the big celebration to close out the show until Malia Hosaka and two others attack and lay out the champions. Exile is here. Hosaka says she was exiled from the promotion and is now back, and demands respect. Her trainees are with her and aren’t living off of their parent’s reputations. If anyone thinks that they can face them, be prepared to go to school old school style.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 69. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Jeremy Lambert break down & review the 2019 WWE Survivor Series & NXT WarGames events. The show is approximately 102-minutes long.
* Intro
* NXT WarGames 2019 Review: 5:40
* WWE Survivor Series 2019 Review: 36:53
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– End Scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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