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Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 10.03.18

October 3, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Kalisto WWE Raw 100217 WWE 205 Live, Lucha House Party Samuray del Sol Image Credit: WWE
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Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 10.03.18  

Csonka’s WWE 205 Live Review 9.26.18

– Akira Tozawa defeated Jack Gallagher @ 8:30 via pin [***]
– Kalisto defeated TJP @ 16:30 via pin [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– I did a column, “Where Are They Now, The Cruiserweight Classic Finals Performers” which you can check out at this link.

– You can check out my top 36 matches of SEPTEMBER list at this link.

Akira Tozawa vs. Jack Gallagher: Kendrick & Gulak are at ringside. They lock up and Tozawa yells at Gallagher, backing him off. Tozawa grounds the action, but Gallagher quickly transitions and takes control; the backslide follows for 2 and they work into a series of cradles until Tozawa hits the senton for 2. Tozawa now lays in chops, and the jab knocks Gallagher to the floor. Tozawa then takes out Kendrick but Gulak trips him up allowing Gallagher to take control and ground things. Gallagher follows with strikes, and the back elbow gets 2. Gallagher now works a cobra clutch variation, and then transitions to working the arm. Tozawa escapes and hits a RANA and spin kick. Tozawa heads up top and then drops down and hits the suicide dive. Back in and Tozawa hits the missile dropkick for 2. Tozawa now locks on the octopus hold, but Gallagher counters out and into a side slam. He works a half crab variation, but Tozawa makes the ropes. Gallagher looks for a superplex, but Tozawa dumps him to the mat and the senton finishes it. Akira Tozawa defeated Jack Gallagher @ 8:30 via pin [***] This was a good back and forth opening match, with Tozawa overcoming the odds, and getting back on the winning side of things.

– Gulak says the team has failed and teases a PowerPoint presentation. Gulak says they have no place for weak links or mercy. He and Gallagher attack and beat down Kendrick and stand tall. I really liked that angle, it was well done and mixed things up a bit.

WE GET TRAINING VIDEOS for Murphy & Alexander to set the stage for Saturday’s title match. I love stuff like this, the only thing that would have made it better would have been setting it to Hearts on Fire, and having Alexander climbing a mountain and yelling, “Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudy!” at the end.

– Drake Maverick arrives and comments on Ali & Itami. He says they were reckless last week, but the rivalry isn’t over. The next time they face, it will be a match no one wants to miss.

TJP vs. Kalisto: If TJP wins, it should put him inline for a future title shot. TJP is wearing a Lucha House Party shirt to mock Kalisto. TJP recently ripped off Lince Dorado’s mask, and Kalisto is looking for revenge here. They work into some fun back and forth to begin. Kalisto picks up the pace, lays in kicks, and hits a head scissors and then grounds the action. Kalisto dances and hits arm drags as TJP bails. Kalisto teases the dive and frustrates TJP. Back in and Kalisto lays in kicks until TJP cuts him off with a basement dropkick and then sends him to the floor. TJP slams him to the barricade, and back in the senton atomico follows. TJP takes control, whipping Kalisto to the buckles. TJP now locks on a leg lock and rips off part of Kalisto’s mask. The curb stomp follows for 2. TJP stomps on the hand and continues to ground the action, covering for 2. Kalisto fights to his feet, hits a jawbreaker, but TJP cuts off the springboard attack with a Russian leg sweep, right into a butterfly lock but Kalisto cradles him for 2. TJP kicks out and attack the back of Kalisto. TJP follows with rolling suplexes, covering for 2. He follows with uppercuts, and then heads up top and hits a senton for 2. Kalisto fires up with strikes and kicks, but TJP hits the flapjack and slam. TJP heads up top and takes his time, and then misses the senton. Kalisto fires back with kicks and a seated senton. The twisting elbow follows and then the rolling kick and spiked RANA gets 2. Kalisto fires up and looks for salida del sol, TJP counters but Kalisto hits an enziguri, heads up top and gets crotched. The iconoclasm by TJP gets 2. TJP back up top and gets cut off, Kalisto follows him up and they trade. Kalisto climbs back up and hits a wheelbarrow driver for 2. Kalisto again looks to finish it, salida del sol is countered as TJP takes out the knee and applies the knee bar but Kalisto gets a cradle for 2. TJP pulls him back into the knee bar but Kalisto makes the ropes. TJP lays in ground and pound, rips at the mask of Kalisto, Dorado arrives and TJP takes him out and Kalisto cradles him for the win. Kalisto defeated TJP @ 16:30 via pin [***½] This was a very good main event, with TJP being a great heel and playing off of his assault on Dorado well here. Kalisto was a great fighting babyface, and ended up with the win, but still had his mask stolen as they likely set up Metalik vs. TJP.

– Post match, TJP attacks Kalisto and unmasks him. I guess TJP vs. Metalik is next.

NEXT WEEK: Lio Rush’s open challenge.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Good
The 411
This week’s episode of WWE 205 Live was a good show, featuring good wrestling and some final build to Alexander vs. Murphy.