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Deonna Purrazzo Wants to Team With Britt Baker in AEW, Discusses Possible Women’s Tag Titles

May 26, 2024 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
AEW Deonna Purrazzo Image Credit: AEW

– During a recent interview with SEScoops, AEW wrestler Deonna Purrazzo discussed wanting to be paired up with Britt Baker when she’s return to the ring in AEW. She also discussed AEW potentially adding a women’s tag team division with tag team titles, and wanting to form a different iteration of VXT with Dr. Baker. Below are some highlights from SEScoops:

Deonna Purrazzo on wanting to be paired with Britt Baker when she returns to action: “It has been interesting because I think in our mind we always envisioned us being there at the same time and doing it together. That has not been the case for the last six months, so I’m very excited for whenever Brit comes back and I get to work with her on this kind of level because we never have before. Also, I want to see how she can reinvent herself and what she can do because she is one of the OG girls and has been there since Day 1 as the first woman signed. To hear her thoughts and take on the way the division has grown and the potential she sees for the future is interesting. It’s some of the same things I want for our division. It will be fun to work together and achieve that.”

On wanting to team with Baker to compete for hypothetical AEW Women’s Tag Titles: “I think the most logical answer is Britt. I don’t know if we can have a different rendition of VXT in AEW or what that looks like. Coming from a division that had or still has a world tag team championship, it is interesting because I think more opportunities for women is amazing. I don’t think it is something you can introduce and say, ‘Here is the women’s tag team championship because you wanted it and gave it to you.’ I think there is a long process of developing real teams and having people have partnerships that are meaningful and long-lasting, especially for women. I think it’s easy to throw girls in there and say you’re a tag team. That hinders women’s tag team division a whole bunch.”

On how it takes time to build chemistry with a tag team partner: “It takes time to build chemistry. A relationship that then you can feel through the screen. I think if there was going to be AEW women’s tag team championship, I would like to see it far out and see our tag division really cultivated and the relationship truly formed. Then maybe there is a tournament to solidify who would wrestle for the titles or who would become champion. Something more with long-term storytelling and a large format instead of just, ‘You asked for it, here it is.'”

Britt Baker has been out of action since last year. It’s unknown when she will be able to return to the ring. Deonna Purrazzo will be in action at today’s AEW Double or Nothing event. She will face former Women’s World Champion Thunder Rosa during the Buy In pre-show.

Today’s event is being held at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Double or Nothing will be broadcast live on pay-per-view.