wrestling / Columns

The Differences Between WWE & NXT

August 29, 2018 | Posted by Justin Watry
Triple H WWE NXT

“Hello Mr. Watry,

“I’m an avid reader, and I just wanted to reach out and tell you how much I enjoy your articles. I find them very insightful and well-written and I really find your perspective unique. I think what I appreciate most is how little negativity you show. I respect that. I’m honestly not sure why you are met with such resentment and hostility by some of the readers, but I guess you can’t make everyone happy. Anyway, thank you again for all you do and please keep up the good work.”

– 411mania reader


Next week is my monthly ‘reader feedback’ edition. The best/worst comments will earn a reply. No cussing or insults allowed.

Big ups to @WWEFactoids here. As always, I am more than open to column ideas. Thanks again.

Differences Between NXT & WWE

NXT Show – NXT airs once a week for one hours. In actuality, it is about 45 minutes with different promos and junk in between matches. Some weeks are a little bit longer; some a little bit shorter. No real set time.

WWE Shows – Oh boy. There is a three hour Raw every Monday night. Most week, there is an over run past the 10 o’clock hour. There is a two hour Smackdown LIVE show every Tuesday night, usually ending on time. Then there is 205 Live, Main Event, Superstars, Jakked, Heat, and a million other programs that hit the airwaves during the week.

NXT Writers – Not WWE writers.

WWE Writers – Not NXT writers.

NXT Sponsors – With the show airing on WWE Network, the bosses that watch over the content is…themselves? Yes, some foreign countries outside of the United States air NXT as a weekly ‘show’ – that is true. However, for the most part, NXT is basically its’ own game to be played with. No rules or restrictions.

WWE Sponsors – My, oh my. There are far too many to name. First off, there is keeping stock holders happy. Then there is USA Network (NBCUniversal) which pays up the wazoo for Raw and Smackdown. Then there is FOX likely to be breathing down the next of the blue brand come 2019. That is not even counting actual real advertisers that WWE partners with. Fortune 500 companies and MAJOR corporations. Right or wrong, when you see WWE do certain things that may upset the die hard fans, there is a reason behind those actions. Money. Money. Money. Money and more money. Vince McMahon may be the leader of the wrestling and world and do what he wants when he wants, but that doesn’t mean he is untouchable. Especially when it comes to his six billion company. That didn’t happen by mistake ladies and gentlemen.

NXT Live Specials – Averages out to an NXT Takeover event about every couple of months. Easy to work with and simple to plan for. Regardless of if there is an injury or not, NXT has always come out of the cutting room floor with a solid looking card and plenty of in-ring ability to deliver come bell time.

WWE Live Specials – Like I outlined above with their television shows, the oversaturation problem also lends itself to pay-per-view events. Normally one a month BUT also ‘specials’ sprinkled in between on occasion. Roadblock in March 2016 is an examples. The return of Elimination in May 2015 is an example. Obviously, we all know about the Greatest Royal Rumble in April. Tons and tons of shows, meaning more than likely the hit/miss ratio will be clear after awhile.

NXT Schedule – NXT tapes most of their programming days/weeks in advance and have the benefit of editing to make everything look pretty. Polishes up story lines, deletes crap that didn’t work at the tapings, and most importantly – if a problem arises, there is plenty of time to FIX the problem before the next NXT Takeover live specials. Again, everything can then come up smelling like roses. Very important.

WWE Schedule – Live Raw and Live Smackdown every single week without fail. Also, as noted with the pay-per-view events, then comes the live specials every few weeks. Comes at you super fast sometimes and right or wrong, there is little time to fix a problem should something go down. Not good and I think fans often times forget that ‘life happens.’ A contract issues, a talent issues, a behavioral issues, a whatever. The clock never stops moving, nor does the WWE schedule. It is go, go, go…so yes, more is bound to go wrong in WWE than NXT.

NXT Developmental – NXT is no longer a developmental program. We all get that by now. It is 2018. Cut the crap. The REAL developmental program is the Performance Center in Florida. NXT? Not the developmental program anymore. Thus, that allows for creative freedom and the ability to screw up off camera and perfect your craft before getting the green light to appear in front of a camera. Remember Alexa Bliss’ first gimmick? Yeah, now look at her.

WWE Developmental – WWE is the finished product. You have your character. You have your role, and you have your spot. There is moving and shaking involved but by the time you leave NXT for WWE, that is kind of it. This goes back to the advertisers and sponsors. What worked in NXT may not work in WWE or what was approved by officials before may not be anymore. Not entirely fair but remember…six billion company. That isn’t a fluke.

SUMMARY: Long story short, I agree with @WWEFactoids on this. It is not fair and never has been fair to constantly compare NXT Takeover live specials to WWE pay-per-views. Two massively different shows with two massively different goals. You tell me which is easier – writing for ten hours of programming each week or one hour of programming. You tell me how a veteran acts on the main roster versus a young rookie looking to make an impact in NXT. A million differences but just so happen to be under the same umbrella. Think about that the next time you judge WWE or NXT.

Cheap Plugs


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Twitter: @JustinWatry


article topics :

NXT, WWE, Justin Watry