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Fan Sets Up Crowdfunding Campaign For Mick Foley’s Surgery Despite Foley’s Request Not To

December 28, 2016 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Mick Foley Image Credit: WWE

– A fan apparently read Mick Foley’s reveal from earlier today that he needs hip surgery but didn’t read the comments. After Foley noted on his Facebook page that the surgery will cost him $60,000 but that he didn’t have health insurance for 2016 because he’s on a handshake deal with WWE, wrestling fan Abby Spencer set up a GoFundMe page to help raise the money for Foley’s surgery. You can see it here.

The fan clearly has good intentions, and notes that she’s doing it in part because Foley helped bring awareness to her crowdfunding campaign from a couple of years ago trying to raise money for Leukemia and Lymphoma. However, in the top comment of Foley’s Facebook post, the Hardcore Legend made it clear that he doesn’t want people raising money for him:

“Thanks for all the comments and concerns. But PLEASE don’t set up a funding page for me! I love your intentions, and these funding sites can be invaluable for many wrestlers. But I have many options. I really do believe I got in all the paperwork necessary to be insured in 2017. If not, I can really try to find a couple of decent projects that will allow me to make the minimum to be covered by AFTRA insurance. I can take a look at getting the same operation for probably a third of the cost in another country. Yes, remember, I am 100 pounds lighter than I was a year ago making my way through those airports. While I really appreciate the outpouring of caring, I am going to find away out of this. It’s too bad that I don’t actually love pain the way some announcers suggested back in the day. I would be having the time of my life right now.”

As of now Spencer’s campaign has raised $170.

article topics :

Mick Foley, Jeremy Thomas