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Hall’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.4.23

October 4, 2023 | Posted by Thomas Hall
AEW Dynamite Chris Jericho Kenny Omega Image Credit: AEW
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Hall’s AEW Dynamite Review 10.4.23  

Date: October 4, 2023
Location: Stockton Arena, Stockton, California
Commentators: Excalibur, Taz, Tony Schiavone

We’re done with WrestleDream and more importantly, it’s the fourth anniversary of Dynamite. The card is fairly stacked as a result with the International Title on the line, plus Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho acing the Don Callis Family. Oh and Adam Copeland is here as well. Let’s get to it.

Opening sequence.

Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho are ready to fight the Don Callis Family when Adam Copeland shows up. Adam is glad to be here and shakes hands with Jericho. Omega introduces himself, saying Adam had him on the edge of his seat at WrestleDream. They shake hands and Omega is looking forward to what Adam brings to AEW and everything seems cool.

International Title: Rey Fenix vs. Nick Jackson

Fenix is defending and Alex Abrahantes, Penta El Zero Miedo and Matt Jackson are here too. A running shoulder doesn’t do much for Fenix so they trade chops. Nick sends him to the apron but a sunset bomb to the floor is blocked, allowing Fenix to grab a middle rope armdrag. Fenix seems to come up a little sore but is fine enough to send Nick over the barricade. A hurricanrana gets Nick out of trouble though and they head back inside.

Fenix slips on the ropes though and Nick gets a Backstabber out of the corner. Fenix is fine enough to kick him off the apron and we take a break. Back with Fenix hitting a superkick but getting caught in a hurricanrana for two. Fenix knocks him to the floor but Nick catches him with a cutter.

Back in and the slingshot X Factor gets two on Fenix but Nick is pulled down on the ropes. He’s fine enough to hit a super cutter for two and they both need a breather. A springboard Canadian Destroyer drops Fenix for two more but Fenix is right back with a knockdown of his own. Fenix’s frog splash gets two but the Black Fire Driver is countered into a rollup which is countered into another rollup to pin Nick at 13:42.

Rating: B-. They kept the pace up here as you would have expected but it wasn’t exactly great. Granted that might be because Jackson isn’t known for his singles matches and isn’t usually as smooth in them. Odds are Fenix doesn’t hold the title that much longer and given the circumstances under which he won it, that shouldn’t be a surprise.

We get a segment with Adam Cole visiting Roderick Strong and the Kingdom. Strong talks about the works of Beethoven but Cole prefers Tchaikovsky. In theory at least, as there is no audio as Cole rides around on a bike that Strong has given him and Strong has a stuffed giraffe.

Wardlow vs. Griff Garrison

The referee stops it after a five movement Powerbomb Symphony at 1:02.

Wardlow leaves through the crowd, which seems to be pleased.

We look back at Adam Copeland’s debut at WrestleDream.

Don Callis says Sammy Guevara is hurt so Kyle Fletcher is taking his place.

We get the Cole/Strong segment, with Strong giving Cole a bike to get around on his bad ankle. As for the emergency from last week, Strong needs Cole to move some furniture. Cole struggles but manages to do it, only to have Strong ask him for one more favor.

Trios Titles: Billy Gunn/Acclaimed vs. Kip Sabian/Butcher and the Blade

Gunn and the Acclaimed are challenging and Penelope Ford is here with the challengers. It’s a big brawl before the match with the champs taking over. We take an early break and come back with everything breaking down. Scissor Me Timbers hits Blade and an assisted flipping slam finishes Sabian at 5:14. Not enough shown to rate but it was about what you would expect.

We get more of the Toni Storm interview as she freaks out over not having it anymore. She’s told she isn’t old, which sends her into saying “I’M TIMELESS” over and over.

Bryan Danielson is very pleased with his win over Zack Sabre Jr. but Sabre says the running knee was a scoundrel move.

Hangman Page says back to the drawing board after the loss to Swerve Strickland. Swerve is rather pleased.

We look back at MJF and Jay White arguing last week, followed by White being attacked to end the show.

Here is Bullet Club Gold, minus White, to mock MJF (after mocking Adam Cole’s ankle injury). He’s supposed to be some generational talent but the best he could think of was “tofu”. They call out MJF to come out here and face them like a man so cue MJF. We get some insults about various body parts and MJF has the fans chant both insults.

MJF lists off some things he’s done over the years, but he didn’t attack White. The challenge is on for a street fight but the Club runs, allowing Jay White to come in with the Blade Runner. White takes the title up to the stage and talks about how MJF is nowhere near elite. The challenge is made for Gull Gear and MJF is in. These segments still aren’t hitting the high points like you would expect from these two working together.

Hook and Orange Cassidy share some clips and talk about how Cassidy should get a title shot.

Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega vs. Kyle Fletcher/Konosuke Takeshita

Don Callis on commentary. Jericho shoulders Takeshita down to start and it’s Omega coming in for a double suplex. Takeshita suplexes Jericho to come back and we take a break. Back with Omega getting to clean house until Fletcher takes him down for two. Jericho comes back in to chop Fletcher in the corner, setting up the super hurricanrana.

Omega and Takeshita fight to the floor, leaving Jericho and Fletcher to chop it out from their knees. Jericho and Fletcher hit stereo clotheslines and we take another break. Back again with Jericho scoring with an enziguri, allowing the tag off to Omega for the slugout with Fletcher. A powerbomb into the knee to the face gives Omega two and Takeshita is knocked down. The Codebreaker into the One Winged Angel finishes for Omega at 15:11.

Rating: B-. This was hurt by having Fletcher, who has nothing to do with the story, included but if Sammy Guevara was injured, there is only so much they could have done. What we got was good, and Jericho teaming with Omega does feel like a big deal. I’m not sure what the endgame for the story with Callis is, but we still could be a long way off from it taking place.

Post match Powerhouse Hobbs runs in to take out Jericho and Omega as Don Callis seems to have a new star. The beating goes on in the crowd for a bit until they go back to ringside, where Omega is tied in the ropes. Callis gets in a chair shot to the head to end a rather lengthy beatdown. Of note: commentary explained that the Young Bucks and Hangman Page left/weren’t here to cover the lack of a save.

MJF is in the trainer’s room and wishes Adam Cole was here. For some reason Max Caster pops in to rub his neck, with MJF threatening a restraining order (apparently they have a running thing on Twitter). With Caster gone, MJF calls Adam Cole but gets voicemail.

Samoa Joe cuts some cigars and talks about needing to regain the hunger that it takes to be a champion. The championship he currently holds is not mentioned.

Toni Storm vs. Skye Blue

Storm is now officially timeless, complete with a black and white intro. Blue gets jumped to start but manages a forearm from the apron. Storm knocks her off the top though and scores with the hip attack. Storm: “We’ll be back after these words from our very important sponsors.” And we go to a break. Back with Blue rolling Storm up for two and firing off the forearms. A high crossbody gives Blue two but Storm’s chokebomb gets the same. The running hip attack into Storm Zero finishes Blue at 6:46.

Rating: C. This was the usual AEW women’s match, as they had so much time cut out that it wasn’t able to do much. Storm’s pitch to the commercial was funny, but other than that she didn’t do much different than her usual matches. That being said, the weird stuff she’s doing at the moment is making her more interesting than she’s been in years and that is great to see.

Here’s what’s coming on various shows.

Here is Adam Copeland for his Mission Statement. After praising (and dismissing) Tony Schiavone, Copeland says he likes the ADAM chant (Copeland: “I’ve never heard that one before!”). He likes the idea of the AEW World Title around his waist and thinks there are a lot of first time matches he likes the sound of facing (Jon Moxley, Miro, Powerhouse Hobbs, Jay White etc).

Not long ago he asked his daughters if he should retire, but one of them said he should go have fun with Uncle Jay, better known as Christian Cage. Cue Cage, with Copeland talking about how they’ve been best friends for 40 years. Copeland isn’t happy with what Cage did to Sting at WrestleDream, because he remembers Cage taking Sting’s picture to the barber shop so he could have the same haircut.

It’s time for the first time in over twenty years for the two of them to….team together again. They could face teams like FTR or the Young Bucks, so let’s do it one more time. They hug, but Cage says “Go CENSORED” and walks off. Cage brings out Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne for the staredown to end the show. This is an interesting way to go, as having Christian around and not tying Edge into him somehow would have felt off.


Rey Fenix b. Nick Jackson – Rollup
Wardlow b. Griff Garrison via referee stoppage
Billy Gunn/Acclaimed b. Kip Sabian/Butcher and the Blade – Assisted Iconoclasm to Sabian
Chris Jericho/Kenny Omega b. Konosuke Takeshita/Kyle Fletcher – One Winged Angel to Fletcher
Toni Storm b. Skye Blue – Storm Zero



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This wasn’t exactly a great show as save for the main event and the Hobbs deal, there wasn’t much going on. Wardlow being back is cool, but he was on screen for all of two minutes doing his usual stuff. For an anniversary show, I was expecting more, though I do like having the main event of Full Gear set up this far in advance. Next week’s show is the one that matters, but I was expecting more out of an anniversary/PPV fallout show.

article topics :

AEW Dynamite, Thomas Hall