wrestling / TV Reports
Hall’s WWE Raw Review 7.4.22

Monday Night Raw
Date: July 4, 2022
Location: Pechange Arena, San Diego, California
Commentators: Kevin Patrick, Corey Graves, Byron Saxton
It’s a special day as we are live on a major holiday, meaning there will be a grand total of no one watching this show. We’re also fresh off of Money In The Bank and one briefcase is down, as Liv Morgan is the new Smackdown Women’s Champion. Theory is no longer the US Champion but he is Mr. Money In The Bank, which he probably will be for a long time since I’m not sure if Roman Reigns works here anymore. Let’s get to it.
Ric Flair’s WOO is back in the Then, Now, Forever opening.
The opening video features a look at some very American things before promising to celebrate freedom and breaking the bank tonight. Kind of weird that they didn’t go with a more traditional 4th of July video.
Here is new United States Champion Bobby Lashley to get things going. Lashley is very happy to be back and welcomes us to the show. It’s the man that makes the title and there is not another man in any division or promotion who can beat him for this title. Cue Theory to say he is a young Mr. Money In The Bank and while Lashley won the first half, Theory had a great comeback and came through in the clutch.
Lashley isn’t impressed, but Theory announces that he is getting a rematch at Summerslam and then is cashing in that night to leave with both titles. Lashley is ready to go right now but Theory knocks him down with the briefcase. That’s broken up and Lashley hits the big spinebuster to send Theory running.
The Mysterios are glad to be home.
Judgment Day vs. Mysterios
The villains jump the Mysterios before the bell and we start during the break. Back with Rey fighting back on Priest but a springboard is broken up with a shot to the face. Dominik is taken outside and sent into the barricade as we take a break less than two and a half minutes after we came back from the other one.
Back with Rey hitting a super seated senton on Priest but Dominik charges into a boot in the corner. Rey’s super hurricanrana gets two on Priest, setting up the double 619. A frog splash hits Balor’s raised knees so Dominik brings in a chair. Balor takes that away, meaning it’s time for Rey’s second Eddie tribute in thirty seconds…..and him falling down is enough for the DQ at 9:13.
Rating: C. This has been the latest edition of “Eddie Guerrero was awesome and you will remember that forever” theater, with a special encore at the end. Judgment Day losing to something screwy like this isn’t a good thing to see but at least the Mysterios didn’t get beaten down in their hometown. Granted the night is young, so you never know how bad it could get for them.
We look at Logan Paul signing with WWE and wanting to face the Miz.
Miz knows what it’s like to bring celebrity status into WWE and wants Paul to retract his statement about them being enemies. Now he’s ready to beat AJ Styles and prove the size of his testicles.
And now (well, earlier today), the Street Profits held a 4th of July party, but the Alpha Academy comes in to mock the Profits for losing last night and for not understanding what this holiday is about. Gable gets slapped in the face and the solution is Otis vs. Angelo Dawkins in a hot dog eating contest.
Judgment Day jumps the Mysterios in the back.
AJ Styles vs. Miz
Styles strikes away to start and sends Miz outside as we take an early break. Back with Styles in trouble and Miz hitting the short DDT for two. Not that it matters as the Phenomenal Forearm finishes for Styles at 6:25. Not enough shown to rate but this was nothing.
Post match Ciampa runs in to jump AJ but Styles fights back. Miz is back in with the Skull Crushing Finale and shakes hands with Ciampa, likely sealing Ciampa’s fate.
We recap Liv Morgan winning Money in the Bank and cashing in on Ronda Rousey later that night. Then Rousey was all happy and ok with losing the title.
Here is a crying Liv Morgan for her big championship speech. The fans say she deserves it but she says WE deserve it. She believed in herself and the fans believed in her, which gave her the confidence to do everything on Saturday. This is for all of us…..and here is Natalya to interrupt. Natalya wants the thank you for softening up Rousey and wants the title shot. Liv says bring it and you know where to find her but here is Carmella to interrupt. Carmella wants them to go back to Smackdown and Liv mocks her for the loss on Saturday. The double beatdown is on until Bianca Belair makes the save. Adam Pearce, tag match.
Liv Morgan/Bianca Belair vs. Carmella/Natalya
Joined in progress with Natalya coming in and getting headlocked by Morgan. That’s fine with Natalya, who takes her down and hits the basement dropkick for two. The Sharpshooter goes on so Belair tosses her hair over so Morgan can pull herself to the corner for a tag. Belair comes in but gets caught in another Sharpshooter. That’s broken up so Natalya posts her as we take a break, just over three minutes after coming back from the last one.
Back with Belair fighting out of a chinlock but getting stomped in the corner by Natalya. Belair gets over for the tag off to Morgan for a Codebreaker but Natalya drops her as well. Everything breaks down and Morgan has to kick off a Sharpshooter attempt. Oblivion finishes Natalya at 10:12.
Rating: C-. Yes, their big idea for Liv’s first night is a match with Natalya and Carmella, because that’s the best we can do on the 4th of July. I’m not sure how that is the best they have for her, but it isn’t like her title win was the kind of thing that deserves much better. I like Liv a good bit, but this isn’t the kind of thing that gives me the greatest hope for her future.
Back to the party, with Veer Mahaan having his food stolen, Omos throwing Reggie around and Ezekiel talking about bad 4th of July experiences with his brothers. Then Ezekiel sprays ketchup on Seth Rollins.
We get the creepy video from Money In The Bank, featuring various artifacts from various stars over the years.
Seth Rollins vs. Ezekiel
Rollins sends him into the corner but Ezekiel takes it to the floor for a breather. Back in and Rollins grabs a neckbreaker for two, only to have Ezekiel kick him out of the corner. Ezekiel takes Rollins down on the floor and we take a break. Back with Rollins hitting a Downward Spiral into the middle buckle, only to get kneed out of the air for two. Ezekiel pulls him out of the corner for a helicopter bomb and another near fall, followed by some rollups for the same. Rollins is back with the Stomp for the pin at 10:14.
Rating: C. Watchable enough match, but Ezekiel was in over his head here and that was fairly obvious. Odds are Rollins is being set up for another match with Riddle, likely at Summerslam, so he needed a boost here. Ezekiel is in danger of having his feud with Kevin Owens cool off while he’s gone, but how much longer could that have gone anyway?
Post match Rollins loads up another Stomp but Riddle runs in with the RKO to lay him out.
Earlier today, Akira Tozawa beat Otis and Angelo Dawkins in a hot dog eating contest, winning more than both of them combined. Chad Gable wants a recount but Otis isn’t feeling good.
Bobby Lashley/Street Profits vs. Alpha Academy/Theory
Dawkins and Theory start things off with Theory taking over and handing it off to Gable to go after the leg. That’s broken up and it’s Lashley and Ford busting out the double suplexes, with salutes. Dawkins adds the running flip dive and we take a break. Back with Ford knocking Theory down and diving over to tag….no one, as Gable pulled Dawkins off the apron.
Lashley gets the tag a few seconds later and starts cleaning house as Dawkins launches Theory over the announcers’ table. Lashley powerslams Gable but Otis makes the save. That’s fine with Lashley, who spears Otis to set up Ford’s frog splash. Gable makes a save this time and starts throwing suplexes, setting up a moonsault for two on Lashley. The American Automatic (Rolling Chaos Theory) is loaded up but Lashley escapes and hits the spear to pin Gable at 10:02.
Rating: C+. Best match on the show so far, and that is at least partially due to Otis and/or Dawkins not getting sick halfway through. There is always room for a good six man tag and this worked well enough, as the good guys didn’t get handed a fast loss. Gable is still better than what he is doing here but at least he is getting some TV time.
Post match, Otis vomits and we get a slow motion replay.
Becky Lynch doesn’t care about any of this and wants the Women’s Title back. She is ready for Asuka but Asuka isn’t ready for her.
And now, Uncle Sam’s 4th of July celebration, with R-Truth dressed as Uncle Sam. We hear about this being the greatest holiday, which celebrates America’s victory over the aliens in 1996. Sam reads his favorite passage from the Constitution: “WELCOME TO EARTH!” Cue Ludvig Kaiser and Gunther to interrupt so pain can begin.
Gunther vs. R-Truth
Non-title. Graves about Gunther: “He is not human. He is like a piece of iron.” Nice Rocky IV line, but you got the countries wrong you buffoon. Big boot, clothesline and powerbomb finish for Gunther at 48 seconds.
Alexa Bliss wants the title back but Asuka comes in to yell at her.
Same spooky vignette from earlier.
Video on Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns.
Asuka vs. Becky Lynch
Street fight and they both have weapons. It’s a brawl to start with Asuka kicking her down and hitting a chair shot to the back. Becky manages to get a chair into the corner but Asuka breaks that up and hits a dropkick off of another chair. A powerbomb off the apron is broken up and Becky hits a Bexploder onto the pile of chairs on the floor. They trade chair shots until Asuka hits a running hip attack into a chair into Becky through the barricade.
We take a break and come back with Becky going up top but getting caught with a chair. A superplex onto the pile of chairs rocks Becky so Asuka puts a trashcan over her and strikes away. There’s the missile dropkick to drop Becky for two so it’s time to set up the table. With that blocked, Asuka loads up the mist, which Becky blocks with a well timed umbrella. Asuka takes her up top but Becky is back with the Manhandle Slam through the table for the pin at 11:40.
Rating: B-. It was ok, but it was little more than a house show main event. They have probably had this match about a dozen times in front of not that many people and that is not a bad thing. They never came close to another gear or anything close to it, but Becky getting her big win is a good idea. Now just don’t have them fight ever again.
Becky says she’s back to end the show.
Mysterios b. Judgment Day via DQ when Finn Balor was accused of using a chair
AJ Styles b. Miz – Phenomenal Forearm
Liv Morgan/Bianca Belair b. Carmella/Natalya – Oblivion to Natalya
Seth Rollins b. Ezekiel – Stomp
Bobby Lashley/Street Profits b. Theory/Alpha Academy – Spear to Gable
Gunther b. R-Truth – Powerbomb
Becky Lynch b. Asuka – Manhandle Slam through a table