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Irene’s Impact Wrestling Under Siege Review

Tonight for the first time, IMPACT Wrestling goes Under Siege, featuring a card with forbidden doors swinging open left and right. New Japan’s El Phantasmo challenges IMPACT’s X-Division Champ, Josh Alexander in what should be a great look at the state of the division. IMPACT Tag Champs and New Japan stars, FinJuice team with Eddie Edwards to meet AAA Mega, AEW, and IMPACT World Champion Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers. Not to mention a high stakes six-way bout to determine the number one contender to Kenny Omega.
Brian Myers vs. Black Taurus (w/Decay)
Taurus tosses Myers around as the Most Professional Wreslter is hesitant to get back into the action. Myers locks the arm but Taurus responds by now displaying his athleticism to flip out. Myers feels outmatched as he heads to the outside and punches Crazzy Steve. This lures Taurus outside where Myers takes him out on the barricade. Taurus tries to break free again but Myers trips him on a slide outside. Taurus hits a corkscrew attack from the top, flooring both men. Taurus hits a running crucifix bomb for a near fall. Taurus hoists Myers up for a shoulder breaker but Myers hits a Pele Kick and a flatliner for a near fall of his own. Myers jabs a thumb in the eye and follows up with a Roster Cut to win.
WINNER: Brian Myers
This was a quality match bringing out the best in Myers. Both are good midcarders that were showcased effectively here in a fresh match that didn’t outstay its welcome.
Tenille Dashwood and Taylor Wilde vs. Kimber Lee and Susan
Tenille scores a quick blind tag as they work well together. Kimber lands a combo of kicks before tagging in Susan. Taylor comes in with a flurry but Susan makes her pay in the corner with gut shots. Tenille comes in to save Taylor but Kimber and Susan take care of both of them. Susan hits a superplex and pins Taylor with her feet on the ropes, but the ref catches it. The ref is distracted by Kimber as Kaleb with a K sends an enzigiuri into Susan from the outside allowing Taylor to hit a German Suplex finish.
WINNER: Tenille Dashwood and Taylor Wilde
This was a fine quick match that advanced the story. There’s not much to say about this one.
Ace Austin and Madman Fulton vs. Petey Williams and TJP vs. Rohit Raju and Mahabali Shera vs. XXXL
Tags are enforced here as Acey and Fulton work it out once things settle down. Rohit quickly tags in, feeling confident against Acey. TJP bends Rohit like a pretzel on the mat. Rohit dominates Petey before he breaks free and brings TJP back in. Ace and Fulton corner TJP and take control of the match. TJP fights against both with a dropkick and tornado DDT. Petey hops in and lands his signature Russian leg sweep. Fulton breaks up a Destroyer attempt as XXXL invades. Acey slaps the soul out of Shera but Ace clocks him with kicks. TJP comes in and launches him with a back suplex. Rohit hits a running knee but gets squashed by XXXL. Fulton saves his partner at the last second and folds Acey with a clothesline. Fulton hits Better Than Baron on Larry D and Ace hops off his back to splash onto a victory.
WINNERS: Ace Austin and Madman Fulton
This was a good match that was given time and allowed everyone to shine. These two were a good choice for contenders and could be the next duo to don the straps.
W. Morrisey vs. Willie Mack
Mack storms Morrisey but gets dropped with a shoulder tackle. Mack throws some big elbows as Morrisey takes a breather. Morrisey kicks Mack through the ropes onto the floor for a rough bump. Morrisey batters him outside, breaking the count to continue the onslaught. They return to the ring where Morrisey drives a knee and a chinlock into Mack. Morrisey dominates Mack, using the ropes to choke him out. Mack connects with a tall spinning back kick and a splash in the corner. Mack nails a clothesline from the top which is enough to get a one count. Morrisey hits his East River Crossing but decides against a pin. He delivers a boot to the back of the head and picks up the victory. Morrisey snatches a chair but Rich Swann’s music hits and makes the save of the day.
WINNER: W. Morrisey
This match was okay but felt a bit long during Morrisey’s beatdown. Mack looked great as the babyface but took another loss here. Swann’s return was unexpected and a feud with Morrisey could be interesting for both.
Fire n’ Flava vs. Jordynne Grace and Rachael Ellering (C)
Ellering uses her power to send Kiera down with a spinebuster. Kiera and Tasha use their wits to corner Ellering. Tasha shows swagger and aggression driving Ellering into the ropes. Her and Kiera have cut off the ring and set the tone for this match. Kiera backpacks Ellering but slips off, allowing Ellering to create some seperation. Kiera quickly tags Tasha as they regain control with a double stomp. Ellering nails a cutter but Tasha maintains the lead, backing her up and letting Kiera slide a kick to the face. They hit a double suplex as their time on top continues. Jordynne finally gets the tag, ragdolling Tasha with a Michinoku Driver. Tasha and Jordynne are left with the latter taking advantage. Kiera traps her in the ropes on a Vader Bomb attempt. Kiera hits a Sliced Bread outsdie on Ellering. Jordynne looks for the Grace Driver but Tasha escapes to the top rope. Jordynne gets dropped and eats a frog splash to LOSE THE TITLES. Fire n’ Flava are now two-time Knockouts Tag Champs.
That match was good with Fire n’ Flava looking good as the heels on top and Grace and Ellering coming back with some fire. The story here is that Grace is the weak link and her losing further advances that. The move was shocking but I’m happy to see it as Fire n’ Flava are money. Good stuff here and one of the better matches in this title’s return.
El Phantasmo vs. Josh Alexander (C)
I can’t express my excitement for this one. Josh has the edge early on in the technical and power department. ELP is wowed by Josh’s technical abilities as he’s countered. ELP has glimpses but Josh continues to roll out of his submission attempts. ELP hits a knee and is back to his confident ways. Josh starts laying in some chops causing ELP to take a hike. Josh chases him back into the ring where he continues to batter him. These shots start intensifying as ELP lands chops of his own. Josh is placed in a tree of woe, where ELP steps between his legs. Josh tosses him off with a spider suplex. ELP moves to joint manipulation on the champ’s fingers. ELP hits his strut on the top rope but Josh yanks him down. ELP grabs a nipple during a strike exchange and pays for it. Josh drops him with a boot and looks for Divine Intervention. ELP hits the ropes after escaping an ankle lock, landing a moonsaulft for a near fall. He hits a roundhouse but Josh holds on to pick the ankle. ELP breaks free, hitting a rack neckbreaker. He looks for the superkick but Josh breaks his back and grabs the ankle. ELP rolls through and grabs the tights for a near fall. Josh tosses him acrros the ring with an amazing German and hits a crossbody through the ropes. Josh is stunned on the top rope where ELP hits a rana. He hits a long distance splash for a close call. ELP escapes Divine Intervention with a jacknife pin for a near fall. Josh grabs the ankle again after a powerbomb backbreaker and sits down on it, making ELP tap.
WINNER: Josh Alexander
This match slapped as you can imagine. From start to finish I was entertained with these two just going at it. I hope Josh continues a world tour of X-Division challenges and I have to keep seeing ELP on IMPACT. Good clash here, check it out.
Havok vs. Deonna Purrazzo (C)
Havok enables her power to begin but Kimber pulls the champ out. Susan hops on the apron allowing Deonna to backpack Havok. Havok tosses her as Kimber looks on terrified. Deonna chops away at the arm, setting up her gameplan. Deonna looks smooth with each transition as she maintains wrist control. Deonna tries to bring her to the floor with an armbar but Havok responds with a clothesline. Havok locks in a Boston crab putting the champ in trouble but she reaches the ropes. Kimber causes a distraction allowing Deonna to snatch the arm. Havok rolls through and hits a knee. She follows up with a missed face wash, countered by a bicycle kick. Deonna locks the arm, hits the ropes and jumps into a Fujiwara armbar to retain.
WINNER: Deonna Purrazzo
Definately a solid match but not much heat to this one. Deonna is always a pleasure to watch and the story was told well here.
Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers vs. Eddie Edwards and FinJuice
Finlay and Anderson will kick it off, serving as a rematch from two days ago. FinJuice work together to silence The Machine Gun but he works dirty to land a tag to The Big LG. Doc Gallows unloads with an uppercut but FinJuice continues to show chemistry. Juice lands a slam and senton on Anderson as the tag champs continue their dominance. Eddie Edwards enters the match, yanking on the arm of Anderson. Omega tags himself in, locking in a headlock in the ropes in the process. Omega and Edwards trade strikes as Eddie hits his belly to belly suplex. FinJuice work on Omega’s arm and hit a tandem bulldog for a near fall. The Club gains control on the outside with Omega driving Juice into the apron. Juice delivers a back suplex to Anderson creating enough separation to make a tag to Finlay. He takes out the entire team before his pin is broken up by Omega. Omega snatches the foot of Finlay allowing Anderson to dump him outside. The Good Brothers now take full control with Finlay in desperate need of a tag. Finlay connects with a crossbody and flips out of a suplex to get the tag to Eddie. Omega falls victim to rapid fire chops in the corner. Eddie goes nuts on Omega landing a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Eddie hits a Tiger Driver for a 2.9 on Omega. Omega lands a V-Trigger on Juice and a snap dragon on Eddie. LG backpacks Omega with Anderson hopping on top for a splash cover broken up by FinJuice. The Brothers set up the Magic Killer but FinJuice makes the save. Omega kicks Eddie into the ropes but he bounces back with a lariat. Anderson hits a TKO out of nowhere for a near fall. Finlay lands a stunner on Anderson, allowing Eddie to hit the Boston Knee Party and pick up a big win.
WINNERS: Eddie Edwards and FinJuice
Maybe I’m just a sucker for Eddie Edwards, but I really enjoyed that match. Seeing him against Omega in brief instances was a thrill and these guys worked hard from the start. Main event style tag match with some great drama and effort. Big win for Eddie also, so I’m curious to see where they go with it.
Sami Callihan vs. Chris Bey vs. Matt Cardona vs. Trey Miguel vs. Chris Sabin vs. Moose
Moose stands front and center to start it out, destroying everyone in sight. Sabin and Bey work double superkicks on Moose and empty the ring for themselves. Bey connects with a stiff dropkick sending Sabin out. Trey hits the ropes as fast as possible and sends Bey out with a kick. Cardona sends Moose outside and hits him with a basement dropkick. Trey pumps up his sneakers as he and Bey hit flips over the ropes. Callihan pop-up bombs Bey onto the apron and sends him inside. Sami hangs Cardona and Bey up in the ropes. Bey spider suplexes Sami but Sabin hits a hesitation dropkick. Trey storms the ring and locks in a dragon sleeper on Sabin. Trey drops Moose from the top rope but he hops right back up with a superplex. Bey connects with a frog splash immediately after and hops into the cover. Sami comes out of nowhere with a legal steel chair shot. Sami hits a T-bone onto a chair but Cardona breaks up the pin. Sabin hits a DDT/Flatliner combo on Cardona and Sami. Cardona hits Radio Silence on Moose but Sami pulls up with a nut shot. Anderson and Gallows storm the ring and take out Sami. Sabin hits an enziguiri and a Cradle Shock on Cardona but Moose pulls the ref out. Sabin hits a suicide dive and a sunset flip near fall back in the ring. Moose chops the surgically repaired knee of Sabin before spearing him and becoming number one contender to Kenny Omega. Moose warns Omega and says he’s going to bring the belt to “us”.
This is an interesting development. I’m not sure when this title shot is occurring but hopefully it’s Slammiversary because this would be a huge match. I’m not sure where Callihan fits into this. They do have Against All Odds where he could have a mini feud but it feels bigger than that. Anyway the match was fun as you’d expect with constant action and charisma displayed. Fun main event on par with the preceding match quality.
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