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Jimmy Korderas Recommends Fans “Calm Down A Little Bit” About RAW is XXX Logo

In his most recent Reffin Rant on Twitter, Jimmy Korderas made an effort to pre-emptively address potential issues fans might have with the new Raw Is XXX logo. The logo was posted on social media yesterday and may have somehow hit a nerve for fans who are not in favor of the possible double entendre.
“So it seems like double entendres these days seem to get people a little too offended? Hmm…” Korderas began. “They announced the location and day that the Raw 30th anniversary is going to take place in Philly — in fact, on the 23rd of January. And the logo for it says Raw is X-X-X, obviously referring to the Roman numerals for 10, for the number 30, which is three Xs. But, triple X also has another meaning which I don’t have to explain to any of you. And some people seem to be offended by that, and you know what? We have to calm down a little bit. Because look, remember the Attitude Era was bad, there was a lot of stuff going on there. And even me with this cup, I’m sure someone is going to say something bad about it. It’s meant to be funny, that’s all. Take it easy.”
You can see Korderas’ original post below.
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Jimmy Korderas with a h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.
In today's #ReffinRant are some fans today too easily 'offended' by obvious attempts at humor & should they lighten up a tad? 🤔#StaySafe pic.twitter.com/iDz4Digx1w
— Jimmy Korderas (@jimmykorderas) November 8, 2022
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