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John Cena Says He Wants to Wrestle The Undertaker

January 3, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
John Cena WWE

– John Cena recently spoke wit ESPN, here are the highlights….

On The New Crop of WWE Talent: “Over the past decade and a half that I’ve been around, the superstar turnover rate has been [high]. I’ve seen maybe three waves of talent come and go. I was just fortunate to be in a group in the turn of the century that was extremely talented, [with the] likes of Randy Orton and Brock Lesnar, just to name a few.”

On a Possible Match With The Undertaker: “Undertaker certainly is a cornerstone of WWE, and just as I say to myself that I really would have liked to been able to get to know and certainly get in the ring with Andre the Giant, just because of all the respect and folklore that went around with Andre, I think The Undertaker has that same sort of respect and folklore around him. “If you’re asking if I’d want to be in a high-profile match with one of the most legendary superstars in the industry, my answer is yes.”