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Join 411’s Live AEW Dynamite Coverage

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Well, hey there, everyone! It’s Ryan, and I’m back for a second consecutive week to do the live coverage for the flagship program for AEW, Dynamite! That must mean I did something right in my debut!
Before this show gets underway, I just want to express my thanks and gratitude to everyone for posting positive comments for my coverage/review last week. You have no idea how much it means to me, and I will continue to do my best to not let you all down this week and for however long I am in this position!
That said, I want to hear from YOU, the AEW fans. I want to know what you have been up to, and how things are in your life. I also want to know what you’re most looking forward to on the card tonight. I think, for me anyway, I’ll enjoy the 6-man tag team match and the women’s tag team match.
With all of that said, it’s nearly go-time, and another night of fun action and promos are soon to be upon us. Also, overtime, don’t forget overtime. It’s just, you know, a question as to how long we get the overrun for tonight, I’ll say 10:08!
*We are LIVE tonight from the Mohegan Arena in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania! As usual, our announce team is the power trivium of Excalibur, Taz, and Tony Schiavone!
*We open with Moxley, Claudio, and Marinaentering the arena, followed by Darby riding in on his trusted skateboard. To live action we go!
Orange Cassidy vs. Chris Jericho
Ardy Arkada is the ring announcer tonight, filling in for The Dapper Yapper. Orange comes out with Mark Briscoe and Kyle O’Reilly, while Jericho has Big Bill and the Bad Apple.
And here we go! Everyone on the apron to start and now we’re in the ring! It’s a hockey fight to get going! The ring clears, leaving Orange and Chris. And Orange up top and FLIES out onto Keith and Big Bill! Here comes Mark Briscoe with a dive! Jericho is feeling a dive andddddddddddddddd no! HI GUYS wave, but Orange with a surprise ORANGE PUNCH, cover for a two! Cassidy loads up another punch, but Jericho gets out of the ring, only for Cassidy to dive out onto Jericho. Jericho whips Orange over the barricade, but he lands on his feet! Back into the ring with a slingshot splash for a two count! Both men up top, Orange knocks Chris to the mat, Orange dives into a counter! Jericho with the WALLS OF JERICHO! Cassidy counters with a cradle for a two count! Cassidy tries the around the world DDT but Jericho counters it into a powerslam and a cover for a two count! Jericho chops Cassidy into the corner, but Cassidy backs Jericho up to the middle of the ring with body punches. Jericho chop blocks Cassidy to the floor as Jericho goes out after him. Jericho works over Cassidy around the ring side before throwing him back into the ring. Cassidy back on his feet, peppers Jericho with forearms, but Jericho hooks the ropes to avoid the dropkick. Lionsault by Jericho gets a two count! Cassidy counters Jericho with a stunner into a Michanoku Driver for a two count. Orange heads to the top rope, but his elbow drop is countered with Jericho’s knees up. Jericho ends up on the floor, CATCHES Cassidy on the dive and catapults him right into the barricade! Jericho takes Cassidy into the timekeeper’s area; he has him up on the desk! JERICHO WITH A BACKDROP THROUGH THE TIMEKEEPER’S TABLE!!! HOLY SHIT CHANT FROM THE CROWD! We head to picture in picture!
We return, with both men struggling to their feet. They trade punches. BOO! YAY! BOO! YAY! AND both men hit the mat again! Now on their knees, the forearms continue! Cassidy with a thrust kick to break the forearm mood! Cassidy with the lazy kicks to Jericho into the corner, transitions into serious kicks. Jericho counts off Cassidy with a clothesline and cover him for a two! They fight to the corner, and Jericho cuts off Cassidy on the top rope. Cassidy with a BIG headbutt, catches Jericho with a diving crossbody! Cassidy tris the DDT but again Jericho counters into the Walls! Cassidy tries to fight it off, as he does the slow crawl to the bottom rope and he gets the break. And BIG BILL with a kick to the face of Cassidy from outta nowhere! Jericho for the pin but it’s only a two! O’Reilly returns to brawl with Big Bill as they head to the back. Cassidy catches Jericho with a cradle for a two count. Jericho with the DEATH VALLEY DRIVER for only a two count! Jericho mocks Cassidy with the lazy kicks, off the ropes, but Cassidy plants Jericho with a DDT! He finally hits the around the world DDT as Cassidy is going up top again. Jericho to his feet, diving DDT, cover, but just a two count! Cassidy with the Orange Punch attempt into the CODE BREAKER, BUT IT’S ONLY A TWO COUNT! Jericho looking for the Judas Effect. Cassidy counters into the Beach Break but Jericho kicks out at two! Here is the Bad Apple, here is Mark Briscoe! They fight on the apron to the floor. ORANGE PUNCH FROM CASSIDY TO JERICHO WITH A THROWN ROLL OF QUARTERS AND THAT’S A THREE!
WINNER: Orange Cassidy
TIME: 19:31
Thoughts: Good, solid match between two guys who have history between them. It probably didn’t need to be this long, but it was pretty solid.
Rating: ***1/4
*Last week after the show, Claudio and PAC cut a promo. They want to know where Wheeler is, with PAC claiming that they have a title defense next week. Moxley and Shafir show up. Jon tells Wheeler to make the choice for the greater good, and to look himself in the mirror, and figure out what kind of man he wants to be.
*As if on cue, we get highlights from Collision, with Yuta going over Anthony Henry. To the back with Alex Marvez, who wants a word with Wheeler. Wheeler says that he has wrestled his whole life to be a champion and if he has to show himself at WrestleDream…
Marvez: It’s Grand Slam.
Wheeler has a stagehand hand him his title, and he says he will kick whoever’s ass he has to next week.
*Roderick Strong and the rest of the UK are at the announce table for the following match.
HOOK vs. JD Ink
And yes, I know what you’re thinking, Mr. Ink has a LOT of ink on him! HOOK straight away with a knee and a double arm suplex. An overhead throw from HOOK, followed by a head and arm suplex. HOOK with the cross faces into the Red Rum and that’s all she wrote.
TIME: 1:08
Thoughts: An exhibition for Hook, simple as that.
Rating: N/R
*Post match, Strong talks to Hook, who walks away up the tunnel.
*To the back with Marvez, who says that the BCC has made an open challenge for the Trios Titles. Here is Private Party, saying that they want a shot at the Trios Titles, they will find a partner and they will take the titles from them in New York!
*Placement for Draft Kings Here.
*We return from commercial the Remarkable Renee Paquette as she has The Patriarchy here. Cage does not want to sign his contract yet for the World Title, but he does want to win more gold with Nick Wayne. Cage demands Renee call him by his official name, as Wayne walks off because he sees Kip Sabian off camera. Despite telling the camera to stop rolling, we hear everything, including Cage threatening to put Sabian in the dirt next to his dad if he doesn’t leave Nick alone.
*To the ring we go for the ladies!
Serena Deeb and Mariah May vs. Queen Aminata and Yuka Sakazaki
Taz the MC doing Yuka’s theme song is a highlight. Yuka and Serena will start us off. Yuka counters a dragon screw from Serena leads to a series of nearfalls. The ladies trade trips and more nearfalls. Serena from behind, Yuka with a rolling mere into a low kick. Aminata gets tagged in and they do some kicks and double teamwork. We see Mariah on the floor posing for the camera as Deeb gets Aminata trapped in the ropes and goes after her leg. May tags in and knocks Sakazaki off the ring apron as she poses again for the camera as we go to picture in picture.
We’re back, as Aminata hits a back body drop on Deeb. the Queen tags in Yuka, who takes down Deeb and May. A Northern Lights Bomb from Sakazaki and a cover gets her a two count. May hits a German Suplex on Sakazaki, but Aminata hits her with a German Suplex. It’s a German fest as Deeb hits the Queen with one. Sakazaki takes down Deeb, who rolls out to the floor. YUKA WITH A SPLASH FROM THE TOP, TAKING OUT HER OPPONENTS AND THE QUEEN! Back in the ring, Yuka with the Magical Girl Splash, but May breaks it up with a belt shot to the back and that is a DQ!
WINNER: Yuka Sakazaki and Queen Aminata by DQ
TIME: 8:22
Thoughts: Pretty good for what it was, which was storyline advancement for the Deeb-Aminata program as well as Sakazaki-May.
Rating: **1/2
*Post match, May continues to beat down Sakazaki with the title belt.
*We hear from MINA Shirakawa! She says in her heart she wants Mariah; she says she is coming to celebrate with Mariah! AEW, get ready!
Mein Gott, Nightcrawler, I am ready!
*We’re back, as Excalibur runs down the remainder of tonight’s card. He also talks about Nigel McGuiness throwing out the challenge to Bryan Danielson for Grand Slam.
*We get a video package for McGuiness, or so we were going to, apparently there are technical difficulties.
*Alright here we go, for real! We get comments from McGuinness, Strong, Briscoe, and Jerry Lynn. A really great package, and I hope that it doesn’t lead to a bait and switch next week.
*Moxley, Castagnoli, and Shafir make their way out to the ring, but here comes Private Party to ambush them. Joke’s on them, though, as the BCC turn the tables to beat the crap out of Zay and Quen. Shafir gets to stomp on Zay and lay in some punches while Moxley holds him up. Kommander appears in the middle of the ring! He kicks Claudio off the ring apron, but his dive eats an uppercut. Moxley goes under the ring and gets a hammer. He has a mic, says he could end Private Party’s careers, but he won’t. Five years, they have been here, they are still in the same position. Consider this a gift, as Moxley CRACKS the hand of Kassidy with the hammer. Here comes Darby Allin as he hits Moxley from behind with his skateboard. Darby and Jon in the ring, Allin swings but Moxley gets out of the ring. Darby on the mic. Allin says he is not the same man he was five years ago; he will run through Moxley at Grand Slam. He will go on to WrestleDream in his home state and will become AEW World Champion!
*We get a video package for the TNT Champion, The Scapegoat Jack Perry. It highlights his loss to Danielson and his defense of the title over Christopher Daniels and Lio Rush.
*Back to the ring, and here comes Ricochet!
Ricochet vs. The Beast Mortos
Ricochet wastes no time with strikes, but he gets overpowered by Mortos, who drops him with a punch. Mortos follows to the other corner with a quick combination. Mortos goes back but gets cut off by Ricochet. Mortos charges the corner, but he hits the floor. Ricochet with the tope suicida! Back in the ring, a running shooting star press from Ricochet gets a two count! Mortos shakes off the tiaras attempt, both men land on their feet after hurricanrana attempts, and we have a standoff! Ricochet with a thrust kick to Mortos knocks him to the floor, but his dive is caught by Mortos and he gets POWERBOMBED ONTO THE RING APRON! Time for picture in picture!
And we’re back, as Mortos has Ricochet in the dreaded chinlock! Ricochet back to his feet, tries to whip Mortos, but he goes through the ropes with the Tiger Fade Kick! Mortos counters a Ricochet hurricanrana with a Samoan Drop for a two count! Military press countered, Ricochet with a rebound enzigiri. Mortos with a headbutt, but he gets monkey flipped to the floor. Ricochet over the top and he bounces off the. (Looks like Mortos should have caught him). Mortos has his powerbomb reversed into a destroyer on the floor. Back in the ring, and Ricochet with a springboard 420, that’s a two count! Ricochet going back to the top again, but Mortos sweeps out his leg to crotch him. Mortos now up top, MILITARY PRESS SLAM FROM THE TOP! That’s only a two count! A-E-DUB CHANT! Mortos has Ricochet up, but he counters with the Crucifix Bomb! Back axe kick from Ricochet, he has him up and hits him the VERTIGO and that’s all!
WINNER: Ricochet
TIME: 11:17
Thoughts: Balls to the wall action. Ricochet needed the win, but damn if Mortos didn’t get a great showing in this one.
Rating: ***3/4
*A video package for Hangman Page. It pretty much covers all of his matches with Swerve and shows some other highlights. We will hear from the man coming up next!
Commercial Break in Progress!
*We return with highlights of this past week’s match between FTR and GYV. We get an announcement for a big 10-man match at Collision this Saturday.
*Tony Schiavone is in the ring, and here comes Hangman. Schiavone wants to know what the warning to anyone who supported Swerve was about. Page has watched and listened; he knew a day like this would come. Page knew it wouldn’t be just Swerve who had to pay for what happened to him; there were dozens of people who supported Strickland. Page doesn’t know why anyone would cheer for Strickland after what he did. He heard many voices that cheered Strickland on, but one became clear above all of them. Page stares down Schiavone, but here comes Jeff Jarrett. Page catches Jarrett as he enters the ring, and they fight out into the crowd. Back at ringside, and Page back on the apron looking for the Buckshot Lariat. But here comes security and referees to break up the fight. Page backs up the ramp as Satnam Singh and Jay Lethal to hold Jarrett back. Jeff on the mic. He’ll be damned if he is going to let Page put one finger on Schiavone. There is a locker room full of people who want to kick Page’s ass. He makes a promise to Page; somewhere, somehow, someday, the Last Outlaw is going to kick your ass!
*To the back with Renee with Ricochet, but here is Will Ospreay! Ricochet has something for Will; remember you told me to get some wins? Well, the way Ricochet sees it, everyone is worried about him more than he is worried about them. Ricochet talked to Tony Khan and got himself a match for October 2nd. It’ll be Ricochet and Ospreay! On October 2nd, he will find out why Ricochet is still out of this world…Little Bro!
Commercial Time!
*We are back for the MAIN EVENT of the evening!
Will Ospreay, Kyle Fletcher, and Konosuke Takeshita vs. Matthew and Nicholas Jackson and Kazuchika Okada
Don Callis joins the commentary team. Fletcher and Nicholas start us off. Fletcher runs over Nicholas with a shoulder tackle. Ospreay with the blind tag and a double kick and a wishbone! Nicholas tags out to Okada. Interesting to note that Takeshita wanted the tag, but Will did not want that. Okada with a shoulder block, but Ospreay nips right up. Okada with a kick and misses some lariats, Ospreay takes him down with a hurricanrana. Takeshita tags Ospreay on the neck, and the match breaks down as everyone is fighting everyone! The Elite pose on the floor, but baseball kicks by their opponents lead to crossbody’s over the top and to the floor! We go to picture in picture.
We return to action, as Ospreay attempts to fight out of the Elite’s corner. He does and tags in Fletcher, who runs over both of the Bucks with a double clothesline! Fletcher with a running comagiri to both Bucks in the corner. Brainbuster to Matthew Jackson for a two count! Okada gets the tag and knocks Takeshita off the ring apron. Short uppercuts from Okada have Fletcher staggered, but he hits Okada with the Michanoku Driver! Takeshita tags in and goes after Okada with the Takeshita Line! Takeshita to the top and a senton off the middle rope but he gets a two count! Okada lands on his feet and hits Takeshita with DDT. The Bucks take out Ospreay and Fletcher, and try to triple team Takeshita to no avail. Takeshita drops Okada on his face, and his team deliver a triple dropkick for a two count. The Bucks come in and hit Superkicks on everyone, but Takeshita eats it and takes the Bucks out! Okada catches Takeshita with the dropkick! The match resets with Takeshita and Okada in the corner. Neckbreaker from Okada but Takeshita kicks out at two. The final picture in picture break is upon us.
And we’re back, with the Bucks working over Takeshita in the middle of the ring. Matthew for the pin, but Fletcher breaks it up. The Bucks send Ospreay and Fletcher to the floor. Risky Business by the Bucks leads to a top rope elbow drop by Okada. The Bucks and Okada with the triple bird flip pose! The Bucks looks for the EVP Trigger, but Takeshita ducks out of the way. Takeshita hits both Bucks with a German Suplex. Takeshita tags out to Ospreay, who cleans house of the Bucks. Ospreay with a standing sky twister press gets a two count! Okada runs Ospreay into the Bucks for a double Superkick. Matthew with the double stomp from the top rope into a sitout powerbomb, but the pin is broken up. The Bucks take a moment to pump up the kicks but end up kicking each other before they rearm and launch a Superkick attack on Ospreay. They can’t keep him down, though, as Will kicks out. EVP Trigger is thwarted by Fletcher, who whips Matthew Jackson into some double team action. The pin is broken up by Okada, who gets thrown to the floor. The match breaks down with everyone getting their stuff in, but Takeshita counters the Rainmaker with a Blue Thunder Bomb! Takeshita over the top and wipes out Okada. Facebuster by Nicholas to Fletcher, but Kyle reserves into a twisting tombstone for a two! Ospreay with a HIDDEN BLADE! CORIALIS BY FLETCHER AND OSPREAY, AND THAT’S THE THREE!!!
WINNERS: Will Ospreay, Kyle Flecther, and Konosuke Takeshita
TIME: 19:36
Thoughts: Awesome match where the guys went all out. Great main event with a lot of wild and furious action.
Rating: ****
*The winning team celebrates in the ring, and with that, we are done!
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