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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

August 24, 2020 | Posted by Tony Acero

Keep Refreshing For The Latest WWE Raw Results

It’s coming…

We start live, with Renee Young in the crowd. Oh, wait, nevermind.

We’re getting a rematch between Asuka and Sasha in a Lumberjack Match tonight.

We are also getting an arm wrestling competition between Lashley and Apollo.

We are also getting Rey and Dom teaming up to take on Seth and Murphy.

Finally, we are informed of the return of Roman Reigns.

Drew McIntyre comes out to celebrate. What, you might ask? Well, the WWE will show you.

And show you, they do.

Drew welcomes us to the first RAW in Thunderdome. He asks everyone for a thumbs up on the screen. Everyone obliges. He says it’s cool. Know what else is cool? Drew v Orton, the biggest challenge he’s had to date, against one of the greatest and evil, and he stands here still champion. Wanna know why? Because he is so proud to be champion. He ain’t no quitter. He’s also this way because of his journey. He knows what Hard Times is. What it’s like to feel desperate, to know when that next check is coming. Randy has never had that feeling. Orton’s inner circle made sure he made it to the top. Orton was great, got better, and now he’s the absolute best, but last night…whew, Drew was that much better.

Didn’t Orton win a match called The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever? Then start bragging how he’s the greatest wrestler ever. But Drew beat him – and with a wrestling maneuver. So what does that make Drew? He offers Orton a second chance, since he didn’t get to hit a Claymore Kick.

Drew stands at the top of the ramp and holds his title in the air. Orton attacks from behind then sends him headfirst into the big RAW sign. Drew fights back, sends Orton into the LED board. They head backstage, and Orton pokes the eye. He sends Drew into a wall headfirst, then punts Drew in the face. Kinda looks like Orton missed there, but it’s coo. I’ll buy it.

Drew lays down on some nicely carpeted floor, then stirs. He heads to the wall until Orton grabs him and goes for a second punt, which also looks like it missed by a mile. Shame.

We come back after the break to Drew trying to stand, saying he is fine, while others try and help him.

We head to commentary, who call the debut of Kieth Lee a game changing debut, and we need to prepare to bask in his glory. A short video package calls Lee Limitless and shows some highlights.

Nia Jax is here, and is asked by Sarah what she is doing here. Nia asks where Sarah’s manners are. She says she has been reinstated, and all she had to do was go to Pat Buck and….Nia screams in Sarah’s ear. Ugh….

In comes Shayna who says we are all just counting down the moments for Nia to get kicked out again. Nia wonders if she needs any help with Bayley tonight, just give her a call.

Shayna calls her Haystacks Calhoun. No, wait, at least she Haystacks was good looking.

Nia calls Shayna an Addam’s Family reject.

This entire exchange wasn’t worth admission to an elementary school play.

I guess now is as good a time as any to announce….


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Sasha and Bayley come out, and do not seem too friendly with one another. My beautiful and beloved is distraught while Bayley seems to be a bit off her game as well, showing both happiness over her win from last night and concern for her friend’s anger. Bayley is in action next against Shayna, but Nia Jax decides she wants a closer look and comes out for the match.

Match 1: Shayna Baszler vs Bayley

LOCKUP! Nia is at the top of the ramp. Shayna sends Bayley into the corner. Bayley with a go-behind. Shayna works the arm, looking for a lock, but Bayley takes her down with some legs. Shayna works the arm again, stepping on the head and shoulder of Bayley. Shayna with a boot to the armpit, pulling Bayley into it. Shayna talks shit from the ring as the ref counts. Bayley hops back on the apron and into the ring at 7. Kick from Bayley. Elbow to the head. Side headlock takedown, Bayley rolls, then mounts and gets another side headlock takedown, screaming that she can wrestle, too. Whip to the ropes, right hand from Shayna. Another right to the face. She rushes the corner with a high knee strike. Rollup from Bayley for 1..2..NO!! Baszler turns this into a triangle. Banks rolls into the ring, Shayna breaks the hold. Bayley attacks from behind. Bayley with the rights in the corner. Bayley kicks in the corner a few times, then a right hand to the face. Another right to the face from Bayley. Bayley slams Shayna into the mat then runs with an elbow to the back, and a running clothesline to follow up. 1..2..NO!!!

Shayna is sent to the outside. She stands up on the apron, and Nia Jax runs down the ramp to trip her up, causing the DQ.

Winner: Shayna Baszler via DQ
Not much of a match, what with everything just leading to the interruption from Nia. There were hints of something there that would make it easy to see the good match that could exist between these two.
Total Rating: *1/2
Match Time: 4:26

Shayna is on the apron, and Nia is there to attack. She sends Baszler into the mat then rolls her into the ring. Bayley and Sasha are laughing it off. Nia runs in and clocks Shayna. Bayley and Sasha scream for Nia to get her, but Nia stops and stares down Sasha and Bayley. Shayna stands next to Nia, and they both leave the ring to, seemingly, team together to stare down Bayley and Sasha. I suppose they hate Bayley and Sasha just a little bit more together than they hate each other separately?

Kevin Owens is here, and he’s ultra fancy, wearing a tie over a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off.

Black is out with his head wrapped, covering one of his eyes. He takes a seat alongside Owens. Owens brings up Black’s eye, asking how it’s healing.

Black wants to just show the footage. Owens says we don’t need to look at it. Black says he’s seen it a million times. Owens rolls the footage. Owens knows how Black is feeling. Seth can get under your skin; they did it to Owens. They made hi question why he was even there. Ask Rey and Dom, it’s something Seth loves to do. Like Owens told Flair, he has done a lot of terrible things, but he’s tried to take a different past, but Seth is not like that. The reason Owens didn’t want to show it is…

Black drops to his knees. He seems to be fainting, or at least facing some Vertigo. Owens checks on him, and eats a spinning back elbow, then Black Mass to the face!

Banks and Bayley are arguing in the back. Bayley says they will take care of Shayna and Nia.

We are back after a break, and it looks like we’re getting a Fatal Four Way for the 24/7 Title.

Match 2: 24/7 Championship Match
R-Truth vs Akira Tozawa vs Shelton Benjamin vs Cedric Alexander

Shelton makes quick work of Akira with a body slam. Truth covers him for a 1…2..NO!!! Shelton stops him, gets sent to the corner, Cedric hops over him, hits a right, springboards, and Shelton hits a knee. Truth with a right hand to Shelton. Another, again, kick to the mid section. He hits the ropes, isses an axe kick, Shelton kicks and locks up but Akira runs up the back of Truth and sits atop Shelton’s shoulder, only to get powerbombed onto the ninjas on the outside. They shoot Akira back on the apron.

Truth sends Shelton over the top rope, and Akira rolls in and rolls up R-Truth.

Winner: Akira

Total Rating: NR
Match Time: NR

Shelton attacks the ninjas as Akira runs up the ramp. He takes the belt and the point of this entire match along with him.

Sarah finds Orton in the back and wonders if he cares about what Drew said or what Orton did to him.

Orton: “Yes I do.”


Orton comes to the ring to talk about him doing what he wants, when he wants. He promised all of us that he was going to RKO McIntyre, kick him in the skul, and take his title. But he didn’t. The boos are loud. Orton says we can call him a lot of things, but one thing he will forever be is a man of his word. He says that the opportunity presented itself earlier, and he took it to kick Drew twice. He enjoyed it so much. Why? Because Drew stood in this ring and offered a rematch out of pity. He wants to remind Drew who the hell he is. He is Randy Orton. He is The Legend Killer. He is The Greatest Wr-

KIETH LEE is here to interrupt him!

Lee tells Orton that he seems a little perplexed, but that makes sense because they haven’t been properly introduced. Greetings and salutations, Mr. Orton. He is here to offer Orton a spectacular opportunity and privilege to stop what he is doing and bask in the glory that is Keith Lee. Orton has been called many things. He has also been called many things. He is limitless, and since The Limitless one is here on RAW, and Orton seems to be looking for a fight, the likes of which no one has ever felt, with respect to his friend Drew McIntyre, he’d step up if Orton is willing to accept the challenge. Here. Now.

Orton circles Lee, removes his hoodie, then says maybe later, and slinks under the ropes to the outside.

Backstage, Charley is mid-sentence until she hears Zelina and Angel. She walks on over, and says hello, then asks if Zelina is ready to admit that she poisoned Ford. Zelina says the footage didn’t prove anything. Angel says she got caught, so what? Zelina says he’s not helping. She has a match coming and is going to leave now.

Angel offers Charley to come watch his match coming up.


Angel Garza comes down to the ring with Andrade and only Andrade.

The Street Profits make their entrance and drop…cups from the sky. Cool.

Match 3: Angel Garza vs Montez Ford

Garza with some side headlock action. Ford hops up and over twice then hits a dropkick. He rushes the corner, gets tossed to the apron, high kick, Ford acknowledges Andrade, then dives off the top rope and gets hit with a dropkick to the face!!! Angel covers for 1..2..NO!!!! Angel attacks from behind, sits Ford on the top buckle. Angel hangs him up and runs with a knee. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Side headlock. Ford turns into it so Angel switches to a wrist lock. Ford fights back with rights, shoves, ducks under a clothesline, spins, misses an enziguri.

Ivar comes down the ramp for some reason. Angel seems confused. Ivar hands a turkey leg to an office chair and takes it with him to the back.

Angel is bothered, screaming from the ring. He turns, and Ford is there to kick Angel then head to the top. Garza with a high kick. He climbs the corner, locks the head, Ford with right hands, sending Garza down.

Ford from the top, spins mid air, lands a Frog Splash and a pin for 1..2..3!!!

Winner: Montez Ford
Every single star for this match is for the Frog Splash.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 3:09

Backstage, Nia tells Shayna that she realized that if they team together, they can win the tag team titles. And she wants those titles. Shayna says she’s down as long as if she helps, Nia gets off her back. Nia says she will, so long as Shayna listens to her every instruction. Shayna slaps her.

Are they flirting?

In come Liv and Ruby, and they have some words for Iiconics along with Bianca. They are in action, next.

Match 4: Zelina Vega and The Iiconics vs Ruby Riott, Liv Morgan, and Bianca Belair

Billie and Liv to start. Lockup. Knee to Liv and Kay sends Liv into the corner and tags in Peyton. Double punch to the back of Liv. Peyton lifts, Liv attacks with right hands. Whip to Peyton into the corner, Liv rushes and hits a splash. Tag to Ruby who comes in to get whipped into Peyton. Ruby locks up. Elbow from Peyton. Tag to Billie. She hits a big boot to Ruby. Cover for 1..2..NO! YOU’VE GOT TO BE JOKING ME! Tag to Peyton. Another double team, kicking Ruby in the stomach then the back. Tag to Zelina. Zelina drops an ae kick on the back. She sends Ruby into the corner and gets a high kick in. Running knee and a cover for .1.2…NO!!! Cravat from behind, as she sits on Ruby’s back. Ruby sends her flying, Zelina drop Liv down then gives a riht hand to Bianca. Tag to Bianca. Zelina tries to hold her back, then reaches for a tag, but Bianca grabs her hair and trucks her down, another tackle, sends both Iiconic off the apron,Zelin with a hurricanrana, but Bianca lands on her feet and sends Zelina down. She wheelbarrows then lifts Zelina and drops her with a Glam Slam! Moonsault off the ropes! Pin for 1..2..NO!!! Iiconics in to stop it up. Enziguris from Ruby and Liv.

Zelina rolls Bianca up for 1..2..NO!!! Right hand to the face by Bianca. KOD. Cover. 1…2…3!!!

Winner: Ruby RIott, Liv Morgan, and Bianca Belair
Scary to think that the best match thus far is a 3.5 minute 1.5 star affair…
Total Rating: *1/2
Match Time: 3:27

Ricochet and Cedric are having a little arm-wrestling challenge. Cedric doesn’t seem pressed at all at losing the title match he had.

MVP feels the same way, asking him what he is doing, wondering why is over here playing games with Ricochet.

MVP tells Ric he doesn’t recall saying a damned thing to him. He abandoned Cedric. MVP says they’ll give Cedric that real talk, and let him know when he’s wasting his prime years running around with a dude calling himself THE ONE AND ONLY. MVP quotes E-40 for the second week in a row then leaves.

Mark Henry is in the ring, saying that Summerslam is over and we are already having a PPV. There will be two competitors for the US Title, and tonight we will find out which one is the strongest.

Lashley is out first. He, hesitantly, shakes the hand of Mark Henry. Uh oh, he’s got a mic.

Henry claims that he done told Ali, Ricochet, and Cedric not to come out here, along with MVP and Shelton as well. We want this to be fair.

Lashley says he doesn’t need MVP or Shelton down here with him, because we know how this will go. He’s going to slam Apollo’s hand then beat him in the ring, but not too bad, because he’s going to need him to come back next weekend so he can slam him down again and take the title.

Apollo says what happened to MVP will happen to him, but first, he’s going to beat Lashley in this arm wrestling contest.

Henry wonders if they’re ready to go.

They lockup. Lashley breaks it. He needs to remove his jacket.

They lockup again. Apollo stomps Lashley’s foot, which is under the table even though it shouldn’t be, and wins with a surprise.


Lashley goes for an attack, Pump Kick from Apollo. MVP and Shelton run down the ramp, Apollo flips over the rope on top of them, then grabs his title and runs to the back.

We are backstage with the Mysterio family. They’ve gone through a lot, says Charly, and wonders how he feels knowing Dom had his first match, but it was against someone who caused so much strife.

Rey says that whatever happens tonight, he is proud of his son. Dominik stepped into the ring facing one of the most dangerous superstars in the WWE in his first match ever. Rey couldn’t ask for more.

Charley asks Dom if he was nervous.

Dominik says he was terrified, but he knew that no matter what, he had his family in his corner, and that’s what gave him the courage.

This is something Seth doesn’t understand, says Rey. One day, Seth will have a family of his own, and he wil understand what Seth put Rey and his wife though. For now, Rey’s family is together, and Seth will have to deal with the consequences, because last night, Dominik became a man. Tonight is not about winning or losing. He’s so proud of Dominik for standing there in front of him, knowing how much pain Dom is in. Rey loves him so much, and he knows tonight will be a great night a night he’s dreamed of for many years. He’ll be damned if Seth ruins this moment.

Seth talks about the bright future of RAW. Well, Seth, you’re looking at it.

We come back to Natalya and Lana in the middle of the ring, saying they will be honoring a Hall of Fame Inductee. Tonight, they retire the Chick with the Kick. Nattie has put together a video package for Mickie. Nattie points to a blank screen for a while.

That’s the joke. Get it.

Mickie runs down, shoves Nattie, then kicks Lana.

Lashley walks up to Shane backstage, and says he wants to fight tonight. He’s muy angry. Shane invites him, MVP, and Shelton into RAW Underground.

Oh joy.

We return to Underground, and Lashley chokes some guy out.

Ziggler enters the ring and releases his ponytail. Ziggler shoots the leg, but Lashley blocks. Ziggler is able to take him down but Lashley lifts and slams him down then drops some rights. He kicks Ziggler in the back a few times and grabs his head. Ziggler kicks his head and locks on a Sleeper. Lashley rolls but Ziggler holds on. Lashley rolls him off then sends Ziggler flying into the crowd. I guess that’s good enough for a win?

MVP and Shelton send some dude into the ring to get kicked.


Match 5: Keith Lee vs Randy Orton

They tangle up until Lee tries to lift Orton. They hit the ropes, Lee hops up with ease. Orton is shocked. He is sent into the corner. Lee allows him to stand. Lee holds his hands in the air. Orton kicks him, hits an uppercut, another, Lee goes for a right hand. Lee catches the hand and crunches the fist! An over head belly to belly to Orton, and he runs to the outside. Lee follows. Lee lifts Orton onto his shoulders and runs, but gets sent into the post. Lee rolls into the ring. Orton slithers in after him and stomps the boot. Stomps the right leg. Stomps the right hand. Orton scrapes the face of Lee with his knee then covers for 1…..Lee powers out. Headlock from behind. He tries fo ra sleeper. Lee stands up with Orton on his back. Lee backs Orton into the corner, then crushes him one time. Lee hits the corner, rushes with a splash, hits the ropes, ducks a clothesine. Crossbody to Orton. Lee hits the ropes, Orton is up, shoulder tackle and Orton is sent to the outside. Lee follows. He lifts Orton by the head, sends him into the ring, and hops on the apron. He enters his head, and Orton kicks him, then locks the head. DDT to Lee. Orton wants the end. He waits.

DREW MCINTYRE is here!! He pulls Orton out of the ring for the DQ.

Winner: Randy Orton via DQ
I’m sorry, I have little to no reasoning behin what I have to say quite yet, but I strongly feel that Lee should have been nowhere near either orton or Drew as a debuting wrestler. I feared that no matter the performance, he wasn’t going to get the surprise win, and would likely have been considered an afterthought. I feel this match only served to prove my point. I don’t know that this is a good enough reason, as I try my hardest to explain why I don’t like something, but this in particular felt like one of the worst ways to debut Lee.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 4:47

Drew chases Orton ringside into the crowd. Drew rolls into the ring to show us all how angry he was.

Drew is backstage, walking sideways. Charley stops him. Drew says he is very happy for Lee. Ok. Lol.

Charley says he was kicked in the skull twice, what has he been experiencing? Drew says he doesn’t feel good – orton tried to end his career. He addresses Randy. If hes watching, of course.

BUT HERE HE IS!!! Hahaha.

Orton attacks from behind. Another Punt Kick to Drew! Refs come running. Orton screams fine, he’s coo.

WE RETURN to Charley outside of the Doctor/Trainer door. Do you think this is a shared office for one doctor and one trainer? Or are all their trainers doctors? Or, maybe there’s a trainer training to become a doctor?

Match 6: RAW Women’s Championship Match
Asuka vs Sasha Banks

Sasha shoots with a rollup for 1..2..NO!!! Asuka sends Sasha to the outside. She stands, and shoves Ruby. Sasha hops on the apron. Hip attack sends her down and Bayley is there to try and make everyone back away. Shayna comes up to stare at the fresh meat that is Sasha.

We return to Sasha holding Asuka from behind outside. Bayley punches Asuka in the gut. Sasha sends her into the apron then back into the ring. Sasha yells at Liv and Ruby, then rolls into the ring and covers for 1..2..NO!!! Kick out of the corner from Asuka. She heads to the 2nd rope and dives off with a DDT! Cover for 1..2..NO!!!! Sasha is up. She kicks. ASuka holds onto the leg, drops Sasha, rolls over her body, and locks up in Ankle Lock. Sasha rolls through, sending Asuka to the outside. Sasha heads to the apron. Sasha flies off, Asuka moves, and Sasha takes out Liv and Ruby. Asuka on the apron. She runs with a sliding knee! Asuka drives through all the Lumberjacks to try and get to Bayley. Sasha is there to send Asuka back into the ring and hit an amaing Frog Splash to Asuka. Cover for 1..2…NO!!!!

Sasha tells Bayley to grab a chair, but Baszler is there to grab Bayley. Asuka grabs Sasha. Asuka Lock to Sasha. Sasha taps.

Winner: Asuka
My poor baby…
Total Rating: ****1/2
Match Time: 7:44

Sasha is incredibly frustrated in the ring as Shayna stands outside the ring awkwardly, smirking at her handy work.

Backstage, an ambulance takes Drew away. Thankully, The Fiend is nowhere nearby. Charley says Drew will undergo more evaluations. Keith Lee is here to tell Charley that there’s a large portion of him that would like to tell Drew not to interfere in his RAW debut. But this is a little different. Fortunately, Drew is tough and will be ok. But Randy Orton, he can’t say the same for him.

Cedric Alexander cares again. At least, enough to head to RAW Underground to get his ass beat by Lashley.

Erik and Ivar come in to attack Lashley, but here are MVP and Shelton to back him up. Shane says business is booming and invites us to next week.

Lee v Orton at Payback.

Rey and Dom head to the ring to wait for their opponent. Seth and Murphy come out and Rey and Dom run out of the ring to attack. Seth takes over by sending Rey into the announce table. Seth rolls Dominik into the ring and sends Murphy in.

Match 7: Seth Rollins and Murphy vs Rey and Dominik Mysterio

Dom with an arm drag, another, a hip toss is thwartd, but he is able to arm drag then dropkick Murphy to the outside. Dom hits the ropes, kicks Seth, then sends Murphy over the top rope to the outside. REY is able to send Seth into th barricade then send Seth back into the ring. Rey and Dom circle Seth. Dropkick to Seth. 61—no!!! Murphy pulls Seth out of the ring. But Dom is on the top rope! He flies onto Seth and Murphy!


Total Rating:

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WWE Raw, Tony Acero