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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

May 31, 2021 | Posted by Robert Winfree

Keep Refreshing For The Latest WWE Raw Results

Hello everyone, Winfree here taking an emergency tag on behalf of Tony Acero who had some stuff come up. A happy Memorial Day to all of my fellow Americans, and a generally good evening to all of you around the world. Tonight WWE is trying to build towards Hell in a Cell, which is coming your way in just about 20 days. The big thing they’ve been building here is the trio of Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre, and Kofi Kingston. Tonight Drew will battle Kofi to determine which of them will get a shot at Hell in a Cell. My bet would be another non-finish leading to a triple threat, Kofi eats the fall there so WWE can keep Drew and Lashley going even longer. Also we’ll keep building Charlotte Flair and Rhea Ripley with a Miz TV segment, Tamina and Natalya will remind everyone they exist, and Sheamus will probably have the best match of the night. Anyway, let’s see what they’ve got in store for us.

A fairly well done Memorial Day video kicks things off, then we head to ringside with veteran combat sports announcer Jimmy Smith is alongside Byron and Graves. In the ring are John Morrison and Miz to give us our opening segment. Morrison is wearing a faux garlic necklace, I guess he’s worried about vampires in addition to zombies. Miz welcomes us to his talk show, he says the last couple of weeks on Raw have been tough without him. 411’s rating would disagree. Miz apologizes for the zombies, saying he was injured and for the first time in his career he couldn’t continue. He asks Morrison about the smell, oh that’s real garlic. Morrison says he’s ready for anything now, he’s also got his “drip stick”. Miz loves Morrison, and says he knew he had to get here because the road touring schedule is coming back and he had to be here for it. He also realized he’s accomplished so much, now it’s time to support the younger talent like Morrison or Charlotte Flair. That brings out Charlotte. Charlotte is totally miffed by Morrison’s garlic necklace. Please, make Charlotte into a canonical vampire. Charlotte says she can’t even breathe, then reminds us she might get her 14th title at Hell in a Cell. Miz and Morrison over laugh, and I actually agree with Charlotte’s reaction to them. Charlotte says in 3 weeks she’ll send Rhea to hell. That prompts Rhea Ripley to come out. Rhea finds the notion of being sent to hell funny, and tells Charlotte to go to hell. Miz and Morrison try to calm things down. Miz asks a bunch of inane questions of Rhea, and Morrison asks her favorite garlic bread recipe which Rhea calls the dumbest thing she’s ever heard. She’s not a vampire, she’s a nightmare for everyone in the division then offers to come back in 3 weeks after she beats Charlotte. Charlotte says Rhea couldn’t even beat Nikki Cross last week, which gets us to a replay of last week when Rhea got too caught up stomping Cross to actually win the match in less than 2 minutes. Back to live, where Charlotte again mocks Rhea. Wait, here comes the aforementioned Nikki Cross. You know who likes revolving door promo segments? I’m guessing no one. Cross apologizes for interrupting the show but she couldn’t wait any longer. Last week Cross beat Rhea, and it would only be fair if she got first dibs on the winner of Hell in a Cell. Charlotte says life isn’t fair, if it were she’d be champion right now. Rhea says last week was an aberration because of the time limit, but Cross did earn her respect. Cross moves on to Charlotte, saying she could beat her in 2 minutes. Charlotte calls this ridiculous, claiming she could beat Cross in 1 minute, which prompts Cross to slap her. Charlotte accepts the match challenge, presumably that will start when we get back from break. Not a great opening segment.

Match #1: Charlotte Flair vs. Nikki Cross

So there’s 2 minutes on the clock. Cross heads out of the ring and mocks Charlotte. More keep away for Cross while Charlotte tries to avoid getting frustrated. Charlotte demands Cross get in the ring, Cross hides behind Rhea and gets back in the ring. Charlotte and Rhea square off. Back in the ring Charlotte gets a knee to the body with about 30 seconds left. They head up top, Cross hits a tornado DDT. Charlotte awkwardly tries for the Figure 8 as time expires.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Nikki Cross won by surviving for 2 minutes

Rating: DUD

Well, that was a way to kill 30 minutes or so I guess.

Charlotte complains that this is Rhea’s fault while Cross celebrates on the entrance ramp.

We get a recap of the issue between New Day and RKBro. In the back Riddle and Damien Priest talk about the upcoming return to touring. Riddle asks for Spanish lessons, they go back and forth before Priest looks off camera and welcomes Randy Orton to the segment before walking off. Orton brings up Riddle using his finish last week, Riddle says he should have asked first but he did hit it out of nowhere. Orton was impressed with the match last week, and if they’re going to do this tag team thing they might as well do it, before offering Riddle a spot in his corner tonight. Riddle talks way too much, Orton quiets him with a look. Riddle mimes locking his lips shut, Orton demands the invisible key which he then tosses away, leading to Riddle pawing at the ground looking for it.

Xavier Woods heads to the ring, his match with Orton will be up after the break.

Back from break Woods is in the ring, and here comes Orton.

Match #2: Xavier Woods vs. Randy Orton w/ Riddle

They tie up, Orton gets a side headlock then hits a shoulder block. Woods avoids an RKO, hits an arm drag and tries to quicken the pace before Orton drops him with a snake eyes. Out of the ring Orgon bounces Woods off the announce table a few times, then hits a back suplex onto it to send us to break.

We come back to Orton working a headlock on the mat. Woods fights to his feet, breaks the hold and hits an arm breaker. Enziguri from Woods and both men are down. Strikes from Woods, eventually Orton cuts him off with a knee to the body. They hit the ropes, Woods lands a rolling elbow then a sliding flatliner for a 2 count. Woods sets for a 10 punch, Orton rakes the eyes and then hits a powerbomb for a near fall. Orton moves Woods to the apron, he tries the hanging DDT but Woods counters into a codebreaker to the arm then into the Fujiwara armbar. Orton gets to the ropes to force a break. Woods too slow taking advantage, Orton slings him to the apron and hits him with the hanging DDT. Orton wants the RKO, Woods counters into a backslide for 2 then lands a kick. Orton catches a charging Woods with the Bro Derrick to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Randy Orton won

Rating: 2.5 stars

Orton and Woods worked pretty well together, but the commercial break in the middle killed the potential for this to be anything more than average. Riddle freaks out over Orton using his finish. They tease a pose together, but Orton can’t quite do it yet.

A video recap of the falling out brewing between Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler. We know they’re going to split up, then in a bit Tamina and Natalya will split allowing Tamina and Jax to team up. Here comes Baszler for her match against Reginald. That match will start after this break.

Back from break as MVP leads a group of women into the lounge, and here’s Bobby Lashley to join them.

To the ring again, for our next match. Reginald and Nia Jax talk at Gorilla, Reginald asks her to stay back here and not accompany him.

Match #3: Shayna Baszler vs. Reginald

Reginald with his usual acrobatics before Baszler floors him with a shoulder block. Baszler misses a kick, Reginald with a roll up but Baszler gets his arm. They trade tosses into the ropes, then Reginald hits a scoop slam. He apologizes, Baszler tries a single leg but Reginald back flips out of it. Eventually Baszler gets him down and DDT’s leg. Baszler goes to work on the leg of Reginald. Modified calf slicer from Baszler, then she slams the knee onto the mat. Reginald back up, he wont quit and Baszler gets him in an ankle lock. Reginald rolls out of the hold, avoids a kick and hits a tornado cross body. Baszler is down, Reginald climbs the ropes but misses a moonsault double foot stomp and his knee is still hurt. Kirifuda Clutch, but a Kane pyro goes off to distract Baszler. Reginald gets a victory roll and pins Baszler.


Rating: 1.5 stars

Reginald and Nia celebrate at Gorilla. Rando pyro issues continue to plague Shayna, I wonder which supernatural using female member of the roster is responsible?

Drew McIntyre gets interviewed, he says tonight is all about himself and Kofi Kingston. He respects Kofi, he’s a loyal friend who’s worked hard for everything he’s got. Drew brings up how long it took Kofi to reach the top, and Drew mentions that like Kofi he used to put others first. But Drew realized he had to invest everything into his career, and one day he’ll have kids but right now everything is dedicated to becoming champion. He reiterates his respect for Kofi, but he’ll do everything Kofi wont and then will get the title back at Hell in a Cell.

Mace and T-Bar head to the ring, they’ll have a tag team match after the break.

Match #4 – Tag Team Match: Mace and T-Bar vs. Lucha House Party (Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado)

Dorado and T-Bar start us off. T-Bar shoulder blocks Dorado down then splashes him in the corner. Dorado grabs a sleeper, Metalik blind tags and hits a kick to the head then with a splash off the shoulders of Dorado. T-Bar blocks a suplex attempt, tags out and there’s a really awkward double team move. Mace with a suplex and an elbow drop. T-Bar back in, and hits a running boot to the head. We get a series of quick tags, Dorado saves Metalik with an interference but he gets caught diving onto Mace and slammed down. T-Bar kicks Metalik down, tags Mace and High Justice (double sit out chokeslam) finishes things.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Mace and T-Bar won

Rating: Delicata. . . SQUASH

Well, we’re gonna get a bit more of Mace and T-Bar apparently.

In the back Alexa talks with her doll. She offers Reginald a spot on the Playground to celebrate the big win. She and Lilly will be waiting.

Back to the ring, and here comes Sheamus. Sheamus will be talking after this break.

Sheamus reminds us he won again last week, and our valiant US champion is on a roll. But there seems to be a problem, no one’s willing to lose like a man. Humberto and Ricochet should take consolation in valiant defeat. Sheamus offers to buy them both participation trophies, because that’s as close as they’ll get to his gold. We get a replay of last week when Sheamus was on the wrong end of a series of aerial moves. Sheamus asks us if those two look like championship material. Where he comes from that’s nothing but scumbaggery. People have asked why he hasn’t defended the title since winning it, and that’s why. He created this challenge system to find a worthy challenger, and Ricochet and Humberto have just proved they can’t lace his boots. Sheamus wont fight them in a handicap match, but he will face them back to back and send them back to catering and obscurity. The only question is which of them is going to step out first. Ricochet’s music hits first so I guess it’ll be him.

Match #5: Sheamus vs. Ricochet

They trade blows, Sheamus gets the better of that but gets low bridged to the outside. Ricochet misses a baseball slide and eats some heavy body blows. Sheamus hits a fall away slam into the barricade. Back in the ring, Sheamus up top and hits a flying clothesline. The music of Carillo distracts things, and Ricochet rolls up Sheamus to win.


Rating: 1.5 stars

I can’t call this a full on DUD, but it was barely a match.

Sheamus is pissed as we head to break.

Match #6: Sheamus vs. Humberto Carillo w/ Ricochet

We join the match in progress, let’s see if these two can avoid potentially injuring each other. Sheamus hits a knee lift and running Polish hammer. Sheamus yanks Carillo off the top rope to the mat. Carillo to the apron, that means it’s clubbing time but Carillo fights out of it, but gets caught in the Irish Curse backbreaker. Clothesline from Sheamus, then he goes clubbing to the chest of Carillo on the mat. Carillo fights up and hits a jawbreaker, then Sheamus accidentally posts himself. Elbows from Carillo then a spinning kick and drop kick. That spinning kick has bloodied the nose of Sheamus, so these two are what, 3-4 on hurting each other? Sheamus knocks Carillo out of the ring, then kicks Ricochet in the head for good measure. Correction, that nose was hurt on an elbow not the kick. Carillo dives onto Sheamus who was yelling at Ricochet, then tries a flying cross body but gets caught with a modified catatonic. Ricochet halts a Brogue Kick attempt, Carillo gets a roll up to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Humberto Carillo won

Rating: 2 stars

That was given more time than the first match, but keep Sheamus and Carillo away from each other for both of their health please.

Eva-lution video package.

Naomi and Lana are here with their glow gear. They’ll take on Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose after the break.

We come back and get a recap of what happened between Drew and Kofi last week. Then Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke are heading to the ring for the next match. Oh, Tamina and Natalya are here on commentary to remind us they exist.

Match #7 – Tag Team Match: Naomi and Lana vs. Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose

Lana and Brooke start us off, commentary would rather talk about how it took Tamina 10 years to win a belt. They run the ropes, roll up from Lana then a leg drop from Naomi. Tags from Lana and Naomi, Lana hits a bull dog. Naomi in, lands a back elbow but gets caught in a wheelbarrow face buster. Mandy tags in, and they hit a double flapjack. Mandy with some mat returns, Naomi fights out of the corner and hits a reverse Death Valley Driver. Lana tags in, Naomi takes out Brooke on the outside. They botch a roll up, Rose knees Naomi and Lana rolls her up. They trade roll up attempts before Rose catches Lana in the corner with a shoulder block. Brooke tags in, blockbuster assisted Samoan drop follows and Brooke pins Lana to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Dana Brooke and Mandy Rose won

Rating: 1.5 stars

Not bad, but felt really disjointed.

A recap of Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander from last week. That leads to Benjamin making his way to the ring, he’ll take on Cedric Alexander again after the break.

Match #8: Shelton Benjamin vs. Cedric Alexander

Alexander is in the ring as we come back, and he runs into a big boot. Benjamin wants a powerbomb but again Alexander hits the eyes, hits the Neuralizer and wins.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Cedric Alexander won

Rating: Gem. . . SQUASH

Well, that was certainly something.

In the back Elias and Ryker talk. Elias reminds everyone they’ve got a title shot tonight against AJ and Omos. Ryker stares blankly while Elias talks about their opportunity, and how they can win. But Omos is a problem, they need a game plan. Elias asks Ryker if he’s ever been in battle, which breaks Ryker’s trance. Ryker asks Elias if he’s been in battle, because Ryker served in Iraq. To the ring, where the tag team champions are coming out. They’ll be defending the titles right after this break.

We come back to Kofi talking, he objects to Drew categorizing his family and friends and dedication to them as a weakness. They’re his motivation. He respects Drew as well, but he can’t respect the cheap shot about Drew beating Brock Lesnar while Kofi couldn’t. Kofi knows what happened between himself and Brock, but if we’re taking cheap shots Kofi beat Bobby Lashley while Drew hasn’t been able to do that in months. Tonight he’s going to square up with Drew, they’ll both give everything they have and when it’s all said and done he’ll beat Drew tonight and go on to beat Bobby Lashley again to become the champion.

Back to the ring where AJ Styles and Omos are waiting for their challengers. And here come Elias and Ryker.

Match #9 – Tag Team Title Match: (c) AJ Styles and Omos vs. Elias and Jaxson Ryker

AJ and Ryker square off, but Elias jumps AJ at the bell and he’ll be starting us off. Elias lays into AJ with strikes in the corner. AJ lands a kick in the corner and lays in strikes of his own. Suplex from AJ into a cover for 1. Elias with body blows then a suplex and a 1 count. Blind tag from Ryker, Elias was a little surprised by that. AJ lands rights, slips out of the ring and attacks Elias then evades Ryker and drops him to the floor. AJ with a baseball slide onto both men to stand tall as we head to break.

We come back with Ryker dropping AJ in a suplex. Ryker gets a chin lock and looks to keep AJ grounded. AJ fights up but Ryker tosses him into the corner to stop his momentum. Another headlock from Ryker. AJ gets free, and hits a Pele kick resulting in both men on the mat. Elias avoids a tag from Ryker, AJ tags out and Omos looms as Ryker and Elias argue. Omos grabs a claw and tosses Ryker into the corner. Elias is leaving the ringside area. Omos with a running back elbow in the corner. Some trash talk from Omos, then a short arm clothesline. AJ tags back in, hits the Phenomenal Forearm and pins to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: AJ Styles and Omos retained the titles

Rating: 2.5 stars

I’m not sure what’s up with Elias bailing like that. Omos is still really rough, but if anyone can salt these matches it’s AJ Styles.

In the back Reginald has his knee taped up, and Nia Jax asks him if he’s sure about accepting Alexa’s invitation. He insists he’ll be fine, despite Alexa being weird. Jax says he should be careful, because they still have to celebrate his win, and if he needs her just call. Alexa’s Playground will be up after the break.

In the back Elias walks, he’s asked why he abandoned Ryker. He says Ryker has become unhinged, and wouldn’t walk with him. Last week Ryker left Elias out to dry, he puts over Ryker’s physical abilities but he’s unpredictable and with the touring coming back he can’t take the thought of traveling the roads with Ryker makes him sick.

Here’s Alexa and Lilly on the swing. She introduces Reginald, who sits down on the adjacent swing. Alexa congratulates him on his win, and aside from his leg he feels pretty great. Lilly then asks a question, but silly Alexa she forgot no one can hear her. Alexa translates, Lilly wants to know about Reginald’s time at Cirque de Solei, but Shayna Baszler jumps him, beats him down, and tosses him out of frame then sits down. Alexa hates to break it to Baszler, but she wasn’t invited and Lilly doesn’t like her. Baszler calls Alexa a big problem, and she handles her problems physically. Next week they can meet in the ring. Baszler kneels down and calls Lilly a stupid doll before standing and heading out. Alexa nods ominously to Lilly as we cut away.

Mansoor gets advice from Viking Raiders about life on the road. Ali is here, he tells Mansoor to be careful making friends because everyone will just stab you in the back, so don’t trust anyone. Mansoor correctly asks if that means he shouldn’t trust Ali’s advice, Ali tells him he’s starting to get it. Our weekly reminder that Mansoor exists has now concluded.

Kofi Kingston and Drew McIntyre finish getting ready, their match will be up after the break.

Bobby Lashley and MVP are dancing with their hoes female guests. Here’s an interviewer to interrupt them, MVP talks about Kof-mania bringing him to tears, and how hard Drew worked to win the belt. They’re great athletes, but they can’t take them serious as competition because Bobby Lashley is a cut above them. Normally they’d be watching at ringside, but partying in the Executive lounge with the ladies is a good way to kill the evening too.

Back to the ring, and here come our combatants for the main event.

Match #10: Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston

Drew instantly drives Kofi into the corner and lays into him with stomps and strikes. Kofi off the ropes, gets a sunset flip for a 1 count. Another roll up from Kofi, but he runs into a hard chop after the kick out. Kofi with a hurricanrana to send Drew out of the ring, then a second rope trust fall to the outside and will send us to break.

Kofi runs into a Glasgow Kiss as we come back. Deadlift suplex from Drew and he’s firmly in control. Kofi flips out of a short arm clothesline into a guillotine, but Drew powers him up, Kofi into a small package for a 1 count. Kicks from Kofi now, then a bouncing splash for a 1 count. Running elbow from Kofi, and another one as Drew in the corner. Kofi off the ropes, and runs into a belly to belly suplex. Drew looks missed and starts in on the belly to belly throws. Kofi counters a Michinoku Driver with another small package for 1, and Drew lays into him along the ropes. Kofi counters a punch with an SOS for a 2 count. Drew rolls out of the ring, Kofi up top and trust falls off the ring post but Drew catches him and tosses him over the barricade, Kofi’s back looked to awkwardly hit some lighting elements as we go to break.

We come back to Drew still abusing Kofi by tossing him into the corners. Tilt a whirl backbreaker from Drew and he starts working the back now. Drew with a chop, then sets Kofi on the top rope. Both men up on the ropes, Drew lays in strikes then picks Kofi up but Kofi slips off of him and hits a sunset flip powerbomb for a near fall. Kofi starts in with strikes, lands a drop kick then another one off of the second rope for another near fall. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Drew avoids then counters an SOS with a spinning Future Shock DDT for a near fall. Drew picks Kofi up, but Kofi fights free and lands a kick but runs into a spinebuster for another near fall. Drew wants another Future Shock but Kofi spins free and lands a super kick for a 2 count. Kofi up top, but Drew catches him on the top rope with a right hand. They climb up and Drew with a superplex attempt, but Kofi crotches him into the tree of woe but Drew sits up and tosses him off to the mat. Drew sets for the Claymore, but runs into Trouble in Paradise, Kofi covers but Drew gets the ropes to break up the pin. Kofi with a hurricanrana, Drew out of the ring and Kofi punts him from the apron then a double stomp to the arm. Back in the ring, Kofi climbs the ropes again and flies off into the Claymore and Drew pins to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Drew McIntyre won

Rating: 3.5 stars

They gave two talented guys plenty of time and they turned in something really good. Post match they shake hands before Bobby Lashley’s music hits and the champ poses on the stage with the belt. Drew yells that Lashley can’t run from him now as the episode closes.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Robert Winfree