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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

August 23, 2021 | Posted by Tony Acero

Keep Refreshing For The Latest WWE Raw Results

Everyone! It’s finally here! MY FREAKING COLLECTION OF POETRY!!! Y’all, if you love me, please, head over to my site and buy it! Leave a note when purchasing that says “411,” and I’ll send a special bonus exclusive to YOU GUYS!

I am so freaking excited about this shit, guys. Seriously. Click the photo and buy! THANK YOU!!!

“Last Call” is a collection of poetry inspired by my time behind the bar. I’ve seen budding romances, heard confessions, saved marriages, broken up fights, seen grown men cry, and even cried my damned self. This collection is all of that, and more. Pull up a stool, grab one more drink, and listen to my tales. Release Date August 3, 2021

Please, please, please, visit GoldScript Co and be sure to add me on Instagram @goldscriptco!!!


It’s Monday…you know what that means.

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Hello there, WWE fans! It’s Monday evening, and that means it’s time for Raw! I’m Jeremy Thomas, and I’m filling in for Tony for the first 15 minutes or so while he HOPEFLLY DOESN’T GET IN A WRECK as he tries to get home. Anyway, we just had SummerSlam and we’re about to see some of the fallout from that. It’ll certainly be a show, so let’s get into it.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

PREVIOUSLY: We get a montage of the events from SummerSlam including RKBro’s Tag Team Title win, Charlotte winning the Raw Women’s Title, Damian Priest winning the US Title, Edge beating Rollins, Becky Lynch’s return, and Bobby Lashley beating Goldberg and then attacking his son accidentally. Oh yeah, and Roman Reigns beating John Cena before BRRRRROCK LLLLLESNAR returns and Heyman shits himself, then Lesnar destroys Cena.

We’re LIVE in San Diego, California.

* We start with Bobby Lashley coming out to the ring with MVP, looking as snazzy as ever. And…apparently we need to see more highlights of what we JUST saw? Everyone, take a drink because this may be a long night.

MVP asks for everyone’s attention so he can address the attack on Gage. He says that when Goldberg showed up on Raw a few weeks ago, they were shocked that he would show up and challenge Lashley. He said they all know about Goldberg’s history in the industry, but they also know about his recent not-so-extraordinary history. But either way he’s a WWE Hall of Famer and a powerhouse, which makes him a worthy challenger. They did not know he would show up with Gage, and he doesn’t know if Goldberg brought Gage for support or if he needed a distraction. He says Goldberg looked amazing when he showed up and says there were a few times when he backed Lashley up and scored a couple two counts, but that just made the All Mighty angry. And when he gets angry, he gets dangerous, and Goldberg found that out the hard way. MVP says only a few men have beaten Goldberg, but only one stopped him and that’s Lashley. He says Goldberg quit, and that makes him a coward.

The crowd chants for Goldberg amid the boos.

MVP says Lashley is still WWE Champion, but up next someone attacked Goldberg from behind like a coward. And Lashley did what he would do to anyone who attacked him from behind. He didn’t know who it was, but it didn’t matter because he’d do it to all of us, and anyone in this building. But he knows that won’t happen tonight, because they’re in San Diego and everyone there is a coward. So if anyone thinks that Lashley owes Goldberg or his son an apology? Lashley leans in and says “You can go to hell!”

Damian Priest’s music hits, and the US Champion comes out. Priest says he wants to get this straight: the two of them are running their mouths and calling Goldberg a coward because he got injured? He jumped Gage after the match, but Goldberg is the coward. He asks Lashley if that makes him feel big, and Lashley smiles. Priest calls Lashley a “mountain of shit” in Spanish (thanks Benjamin J!) and says he ain’t jumping Lashley from behind, and he’s not scared. He challenges Lashley to a match tonight. And to be clear, if Lashley doesn’t accept than he’s the coward. Lashley attacks and THE JACKET COMES OFF! But Priest fires back and delivers a big boot that sends the All Mighty out of the ring. MVP holds him back and says if Priest wants it, he’s got it. He says Lashley’s going to change and be right back.

Match 1: Bobby Lashley vs Damian Priest

Flatliner from Lashely! He goes fo ra spear, but Priest is there with a huge kick, a few more kicks, spinning fist, and a clothesline.

Here comes Sheamus to cause the DQ!

Winner: Damian Priest via DQ

Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 1:16

Sheamus holds onto Priest as Lashley stands and hits a few right hands, but here comes Drew McIntyre, back into the main event!

He attacks Drew at the bottom of the ramp, enters the ring, and goes on the attack with Lashley! Rights back and forth, clothesline to Lashley to the outside. Priest knocks Sheamus off the apron. He sends Sheamus into the crowd. Belly to belly to Lashley on the outside, landing on his head damned near. Suplex onto the announce table!

The predictable Tag Team Match is going down when we return.

Match 2: Bobby Lashley and Sheamus vs Drew McIntyre and Damian Priest

Sheamus and Drew are going at it in the center of the ring, with Sheamus working the arm until Drew punches him in the face and tags in Priest, who kicks Sheamus in the side. He clubs the back, Sheamus tries to fight back, hits a ight, clubs the back, whips the man, misses a clothesline, back elbow from Priest. He whips Sheamus out of the corner, Another back elbow. Suplex to Shemaus into a Broken Arrow. Cover for 1..2….NO! Pries to the outside. Lashley sends priest into the barricade hard then fireman’s him and sends him into the barricade. Lashley sends Priest into the barricade again. Lashley sends Priest into the barricade AGAIN!

We are back from a break, and Sheamus has himself a cravat on Priest from behind. Priest rolls Sheamus out of the hold, but Sheamus hits a body slam and a cover for 1…2..NO!!! Sheamus drags Priest to the corner and tags in Lashley. Lashley stomps the chest, tags in Sheamus. Sheamus locks up for a suplex, Priest stops it, Irish Curse to Priest! Sheamus flexes hard, and Lashley does the same. How cute. Sheamus Priest is able to elbow out of this, injuring th back, but Sheamus hits the back hard. Priest with a running clothesline! Both men down! Tag to Drew. Tag to Lashley. Belly to belly. Another! Duck under, neckbreaker to Lashley, kip up. Drew calls for the Claymore. Sheamus on the apron, right hand, CHOKESLAM FROM LASHLEY! Lashley tries for a spear, hits the ringpost. Tag to Sheamus! He attacks Drew in the corner. Drew rushes the corner, hops over the top rope, right hand, Drew to the top rope, Sheamus punches the head, gets a fireman’s White Noise attempt HE HITS IT! Cover for 1..2…NO!!!! Tag to Priest!

Big Boot to Lashley, he turns to see Sheamus as Lashley is fuming. HUGE KNEE TO PRIEST!!! Lashley is pissed. He decides to leave the match. Tag to Drew.

CLAYMORE! Pin for 1..2….3!!!

Winners: Drew McIntyre and Damian Priest
You can’t deny that this was a hell of an opener, with Sheamus and Priest continuing the ass kicking they gave each other Saturday night. Like damn, they just ain’t holding back. Still, you get the sense of “more of the same,” even with Priest added to the trio of Sheamus, Drew, and Lashley.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 12:57 shown

Recap of Piper and Eva Marie’s happenings on Saturday.

We head to Sarah backstage with Piper, who asks what happened between her and Eva. Piper says she mad ea mistake associating herself with Eva. She helped her get into the door, but she is not worthless. She thought Eva was putting her down by giving her the stupid ass name, but that’s who she is now, and the next time she sees Eva, she’ll Duodrop her.

In comes Eva with a huge ass road case black box looking thing, smashing it into Piper, saying he made her, and she’s disrespectful.

Sarah, what a kind girl, checks on Piper. Piper says “Bitch,” so we’ve entered level 2 of Women’s Feud Format.

Karrion Kross is here to make his entrance wearing a Wish version of a BDSM mask.

Match 3: Karrion Kross vs Ricochet

Kross is also wearing leather suspenders crossing his chest. He beats Ricochet into the corner, then gets him to his knees. He locks up from behin,d turns Ric, hits a short clothesline, but Ric duks under and hits a springboard crossbody. He attacks the head as Kross blocks. Kicks the inside of his leg, misses a clothesline, and Ric eats one.

Kross locks up for a powerbomb, hits it, holds on, lifts into a fireman’s, Saito Suplex, Graves calls it a Doomsday Suplex. Kross Jacket. Ricochet taps.

Winner: Karrion Kross

Total Rating: The problem is simply that no one cares…
Match Time: 1:31

Sheamus rushes backstage to yell at Lashley, telling him he’d beat that ass if he had a chance. MVP holds them back from one another, which is odd, considering Sheamus is an ass kicker.

IN the ring, Morrison introduces Logan Paul.

Paul gets some heavy boos. He says he knows we don’t love him yet, but he loves us and the WWE. He wants to test the waters again. Morrison sees what he did there. Wet guys are the best guys. He brings up boxing, but the boos keep coming. They want to know what to expect next.

The Miz’s music hits to save this shit show, as Morrison whispers something to Logan.

Miz tells Johnnie that he forgot to introduce Miz. Morrison says that both he and Logan love the spotlight. Logan says he is a New Day fan, and the crowd still won’t bite. They boo the shit out of him!

Logan drowns in the boos. The crowd chants that Paul sucks. Miz tries to gain control, says when his hand goes up, our mouth goes shut. Miz says that both he and Paul are from a great city in Cleveland, and his brother is fighting in that hometown. He thinks they are great. From YouTube to podcast to fighting Mayweather, Paul has made money and headlines, but he has a question – In what round is his brother getting knocked out in?

Logan tries to square up to The Miz. Miz tells him to get out of his face, “or what,” says Logan. Morrison backs them up. Miz goes all crazy eye as Morrison jokes about Logan beating Miz’s ass. Morrison asks the crowd if The Miz makes everything about him. Miz is trying to get them views. MOisTv is a direct spinoff, and it was given to him by Miz.

Logan decides to leave, and let them do their thing.

People love that he’s leaving, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey and all that.

Morrison and Miz bicker, saying he made the interview about Miz. Miz says all this water stuff has been about Morrison. He should have been fighting for titles, but he was too busy squirting people with water guns. Morrison brings up the injury, and they go back and forth like a married couple.

Here comes Xavier Woods, meeting Logan at th top of the ramp, telling him he did alright. Lol. No he did not.

So, Elias is still lost somewhere in a forest burying himself better than Cena ever could.

Match 4: The Miz vs Xavier Woods

Lockup and a side headlock from Miz. Woods backs him into the corner and shoots the leg. Ref holds him back at 4. Miz works the fingers, Woods with a side headlock takedown. Leg scissors, but Woods grabs the boot. Miz kicks him away then hits a shoulder tackle. On the outside, and Woods gets sent into the barricade then Miz rolls him inside the ring. Miz to the top rope. He dives, Miz hurts his knee. Woods chops him into the corner, another chop, Woods with right hands in the corner, then he dropkicks the knee. Miz favors the knee, but it’s a ploy. He kicks Woods away, then hits a high knee to the running Woods. Miz whips Woods int othe ropes, misses a right hand, a back elbow, Woods slides under, kicks the knee, jumps on the back of Miz then hits a senton ot the back. Cover to Miz for 1…NO! Miz and Woods to the outside. Miz sends Woods int othe barricade! Ref is at 6 as Morrison grabs a drip stick and wets the floor. Miz rolls out, restarting the count. Miz tries to send Woods, but Woods reverses and Miz is sent sliding into the steps.

We are back and Miz is getting in some of his IT kicks to Woods. He misses the third, Woods rolls up, gets. 1..2..NO!!! Woods blocks a right, hits a chop, another, Miz shoves Woods to the corner, hits some kicks to the arm, he hits the corner and bounces off, running for a clothesline, but Woods moves and hits a neckbreaker. Miz blocks a right, Woods hits another, chops, right, another chop,hits a barrage of moves against the ropes, whips, reversed, Woods from behind, shoves Miz to the outside. Woods hits the ropes, Woods dives with a dropkick, barely hitting Miz, so he goes for it again, this time diving over the top onto Miz!!! Nice.

In the ring, Woods flies off the top rope with a cross body. Cover for 1….2..NO!!! Miz from behind with the Full Nelson, Morrison on the apron, tries to spray Woods, Woods ducks, Miz does, too, ref stops Morrison, Miz rolls Woods up.

Ref is distracted. Finally, he sees the pin for 1..2..NO!!! Woods rolls Miz up, gets the 1..2…3!!!

Winner: Xavier Woods
Another match where Woods proves he can fucking go, and yet it’s in the middle of the show to push the Miz v Morrison story. Not mad about it, the match is inevitable, but Woods can fucking go.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 11:41

Miz is pissed. Morrison apologizes with his stick. Miz asks Morrison to go grab a few of the drip sticks. He grabs one and looks to spray the crowd. He does so, then attacks Morrison with a barrage of heavy handed punches. He attacks him, mounts, kicks him in the ark, stomps him on the apron, then pulls on his mouth from behind. Miz continues to wrestle Morrison down, pummeling the back of his head with forearms. Kick to Morrison. The beatdown continues until Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale and leaves.

Backstage, Earlier today, Nikki runs into Rhea to tell her she wont let Summerslam keep her down, and wonders if Rhea would be down to team with her tonight against Nia and Shayna.

Also, Earlier today, Reggie buys ice cream for Truth and Akira. He then climbs a tree, jumps down, then back up onto an ice cream truck. He flips off, lands on his feet, into the ice cream truck, and somehow convinces the truck driver to drive faster than the speed limit. Truth and Akira argue while some fat white dude in suspenders walks in the background.

Prior to the following match, Mansoor asks Ali to let him win the right way.

Match 5: Mansoor vs Jinder Mahal

Jinder whips Mansoor, Mansoor kicks, Jinder shoves, catches a crossbody, Mansoor elbows, but Jinder hits a suplex. Mansoor to the apron. Jinder grabs Mansoor, who hangs him up on the apron. He heads to the top rope, dives with a crossbody, covers for 1..2..NO!!! Jinder kicks out and kicks in Mansoor’s chin. Jinder grabs the head of Mansoor, snapmare, hits the ropes, knee drop to the face. Jinder with a chin lock from behind, pulling on the arm as well. Mansoor escapes, hits a dropkick, but there’s Jinder with a huge kick!

Jinder stomps in the corner over and over as the ref counts, getting a DQ.

Winner: Mansoor via DQ
-eye roll-
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: 2:17

Jinder is happy with the result, while Ali stands in disappointment outside of the ring. He enters the ring, says they can do things Mansoor’s way or Ali’s way.

Ali with the Volt 1s.

Drew and Priest backstage talk about beating Sheamus and Lashley. Priest appreciates Drew, saying he has dreamt of winning titles. They’re in San Diego, the title feels good, he’s living the dream. Drew has a dream of his own, he calls it the San Diego Dream. Ugh.

Drew invites Priest out for some pints.

Here you go!

Charlotte is here and you’re lucky I have to do this report, because I wanna mute the FUCK outta this iPad right now.

Charlotte counts her twelve times she won the title. She says there is no female that is close to the legacy that she will leave behind. She doesn’t need friends, family, and sure as hell doesn’t need us. All she needs, she has right with her.

Some shitty fireworks go off with her music long enough for her to hold her title up, then shuts back off, and she is back to talking.

She hopes everyone is listening. She started the first ever Women’s Evolution, and tonight she is starting a new one. So thank her now, thank her later, but don’t forget to bow, because she is the Queen, our Champion. Long Live The Queen.

Oh, but, Alexa I here with her doll. She just wanted to say hi.

BACKSTAGE, Shayna asks Nia if she wants to team with her or Charlotte. Nia says she was trying to get herself back into the title picture.

Elias is still on the hunt for The Blair Witch, saying the Old Elias is Dead, but Long Live Elias, THE WWE Superstar. He puts on a white hat (think Taker, but white), and walks into the sunset.

Match 6: Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H. vs Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax

Rhea and Shayna to start. Rhea does some work, tags in Nikki, Nikki covers for 1..NO! Whip, Nikki with a wheelbarrow into a rollup for 1..2..NO!!!! Tag to Nia. Nia comes in after Shayna stomps nikki. She taps on Nikki’s head a bit, shoves Nikki away, holds her and gets a tag. Baszler takes Rhea off the apron. Nia drops Nikki. Shayna runs up to her with a knee.

We are back, and Shayna gets a tag, then runs with a knee to the side of the head of Nikki Cover for 1..2.NO!!! Shayna mounts and hits a bunch of punches. Shayna turns Nikki, points to Rhea, mocks the tag, then whips Nikki into the 2nd buckle, face first. Tag to Nia. She hits the butt splash in the corner then a Stink Face. She sends Nikki sliding, calls for another butt bump, but Nikki pushes her and rolls Nia into the corner hard. She reaches for a tag, Nia sends Rhea off the apron, then turns and lifts Nikki. Nikki kicks Shayna off the apron, tries for a ollup, but Nia stomps her and slams Nikki down to the mat. Nia to the top rope, but Nikki is up and kicks Nia’s legs out. She crawls towards Rhea. Rhea is in. Shyna is in. Ripley with a short clothesline, another, a ripcord headbutt snapmare, she sends Nia to the ground outside, dropkick to Shayna in the head. Shayna shoves, Rhea kicks, Northern Lights. 1…2…NO!!! Rhea with a lock up from behind, elbow from Shayna, kick out of th corner from Rhea, she heads to the top rope, flies with a dropkick to Shayna! Cover for 1..2…NO!!! Nia is in. Splash. BUT RHEA MOVES! She lands on Shayna!

Kick from Rhea to the outside. Nikki to the top rope. She dives off with a crossbody. Rhea turns to Shayna, headbutt, Riptide! Cover for 1..2…3!!!!

Winners: Nikki and Rhea Ripley
Nikki getting her ass handed to her the entire match is still an issue. With her literally hitting only a crossbody, it diminishes everything the character is trying to get across. Rhea and Shayna at the end there did well, but there was very little drama otherwise.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 10:26

Backstage, Morrison says no more Miz and Morrison, MizTV, Dirt Sheets, Music Videos. It’s over. He’s ending this next week when he gets Miz in the ring.

Matt Riddle is here to talk about winning the titles.

The ring is decorated for the celebration. He says they will have the dopest celebration ever, and introduces Orton.

Orton takes about 34 minutes to come out, and they are announced as the new champions. Massive pyro for the team.

Riddle says friendship is just as important as a championship, so Riddle got Orton something special.

It’s a scooter. It says Randy on it. It’s blue with purple tassles on it. Randy is not happy about it. Riddle opens it, then teaches him how to close it. Riddle says orton is his favorite bro and best buddy. Orton takes the scooter.

Here comes the cosplay Chuck and Candyman.

AJ points out the scooter, saying Omos is going to break it across the knee. AJ notices that Orton didn’t get Riddle anything. No gift, present, candy, plant – the obvious thing to get Riddle. Not even a hug.

AJ tells Riddle not to worry, because he got Riddle something – a phenomenal forearm to put across his face and wipe the stupid smile off it. He’s going to kick Riddle’s ass over and over until he gets the rematch.

Riddle says he beat him last week, but that was before RKBRO was back together. With Orton in his corner, he can do anything. He accepts AJ’s challenge, and he’s going to beat him with the RKBRO.

AJ screams that that’s not three letters.

Match 7: Riddle vs AJ Styles

Quick rollup from Riddle for 1..2..NO!!! Riddle locks up from behind, AJ reverses, Riddle reverses, AJ grabs the roeps to break the hold. Ref breaks it up. Side headlock takedown from Riddle. AJ backs Riddle into the corner, AJ with a right hand, another, he brings AJ to the center, and Riddle kicks him into the ropes a few times, then to the outside. Riddle to the apron, runs with a punt kick and AJ drops on his ass. Riddle springboards, AJ slides into th rign, kicks Riddle. Riddle with a gutwrench suplex, holds on, gets another, then a third. Cover for 1…NO! Flyin forearm from AJ to Riddle’s face. He grabs Riddle by the hair, Riddle with rights and lefts, attacking the gut then the face against the roeps. Whip to AJ, AJ with a sunset flip, looks for the Clash, but Riddle locks a triangle in. AJ lifts Riddle up, slams him, looks to slam him, but instead, Riddle takes him to the outside.

Back from the break, and Riddle kips up and goes to town! He misses a punt, kick, misses a moonsault, hits a broton, gets a punt kick this time, covers for 1..2.NO!!! AJ with the flurry, Riddle ducks the final punch, gets some of his own, and hits a German into a pin for 1..2..NO!!! Riddle goes for a Bro Derek, but AJ lands on his feet and kicks the hammy. He gets sent into the corner, Forearm from Riddle. Punches and a whip. AJ kicks Riddle out of the corner, AJ back flips into an Inverted DDT. Cover for 1..2..NO!!! Pumphandle from AJ into a gutbuster, nice. 1..2..NO!!! AJ to the apron. Tries for it, Ridle dodges, AJ turns this into a Calf Crusher. He’s got it locked in! Orton urges Riddle not to quit and to get t othe rope instead, so AJ pulls him into the middle of the ring and locks it in again. AJ stares Orton down. Riddle turns into it. SLEEPER! BROMISSION! AJ reaches for help. Riddle flips this into a pin for 1..2.NO!! He misses a right hand, rip cord Knee!!! Both men are out! Riddle is up, points to Orton. Riddle to the top rope. Omos is there to stare him down. Riddle slows down, AJ clips the leg, and Riddle is na idiot.

Orton runs around the ring into the hands of Omos. Omos tosses Orton into the barricade.

In the ring, AJ gets Riddle to the shoulders, and gets a modified Death Valley Driver! Pin for 1..2…..NO!!!! Riddle boners out! AJ stands, pissed. Locks the head.


AJ is distracted, looking on as Orton beats the hell out of Omos. Knee to AJ from Riddle! Bro Derek! Pin for 1….2….3!!!

Winner: Matt Riddle
THAT was awesome. Amazing match with tons of energy, and I can’t recall a time when Riddle had a bad match. AJ pulled some tricks out, old and new, and this was definitely a highlight of the night in the ring. Good shit.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 13:20


article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero