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JONAH Comments on If Being a Triple H Guy Is the Reason He Was Released From WWE

August 31, 2022 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
JONAH Impact Wrestling Bronson Reed Image Credit: Impact Wrestling

– During an interview with Steve Fall for NBC Sports Boston’s The Ten Count, former WWE Superstar JONAH discussed his release from WWE NXT in August 2021. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):

JONAH on if being a Triple H guy is the reason he was cut from WWE: “That could be a reason why, which sort of sucks because Hunter has such a great mind for wrestling and he’s done so much for that company, for WWE. He was so instrumental to all the guys at NXT when it was the black and gold brand at helping them … reaching their potential. He was very hands on with the talent, and I had no bad words to say about Hunter or my time at NXT.”

On WWE releasing a lot of NXT stars who Triple H made into champions: “But it did seem like that shift is a reason why a lot of us did get released. You see a lot of guys that Hunter did put his faith into like myself or Keith Lee or Karrion Kross, these guys that he made into champions all of a sudden be released.”

On what John Laurinaitis told him when he was released: ” I don’t know if that put an ‘X’ on my name or anything like that. I like to think not, but you always are going to speculate and have these theories in wrestling, because another thing that unfortunately happens with these releases is they don’t give you a reason. They’ll cite it to budget cuts, so then you’re left thinking, when I had my call with John Laurinaitis … I instantly asked him why, I’m not gonna let you get off the phone that easy, and he sort of mumbled around and then said, ‘oh, it’s just a no for now,’ but still didn’t give me a reason just gave me a bunch of words basically.”

article topics :

JONAH, Triple H, WWE, Jeffrey Harris