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Kevin Owens Discusses Potential Rematch With Goldberg, Why He’s Not Interested In Goldberg’s Style

December 15, 2020 | Posted by Blake Lovell
Credit: WWE

Kevin Owens and Goldberg squared off at WWE Fastlane in 2017, with Goldberg winning the Universal Championship from Owens in 22 seconds in the main event.

In a recent interview with Metro UK, Owens discussed a potential rematch with the two, with the current SmackDown superstar noting that he’d be up for it if it was the right storyline.

‘I’d love to work with him again if he was here to work,” Owens said. “I’m not saying this is his fault, but he’s not – his career has never been about long matches or anything like that. ‘To me, I don’t see much positive out of wrestling him for two minutes, or 20 seconds or 30 seconds or whatever, you know what I mean? I’d love to work with him again if you got to do a story beyond – all we did was, what, two weeks, maybe three weeks? If we got to do some cool stuff, and some cool promos, exchange back and forth, and then have a quality match, that’d be great. But that’s just not usually what he’s here for.”

Owens also commented on the style that has made Goldberg successful since his run in WCW, even if it’s one that has never particularly interested Owens all that much.

“Look, it works,” Owens said. “I’m not saying anything against that, it’s just not what I’m interested in. As a fan, I’ve never been interested in that stuff. Even when he was in WCW, I didn’t really like it. That’s just not what I look for in my wrestling.”

Before a potential rematch with Goldberg, Owens will challenge Roman Reigns for the Universal Championship at WWE TLC on Sunday.

article topics :

Goldberg, Kevin Owens, WWE, Blake Lovell