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Kurt Angle on How Botch During WrestleMania 19 Match With Brock Lesnar Helped It

December 17, 2022 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
WrestleMania 19 Brock Lesnar Kurt Angle Image Credit: WWE

– During The Kurt Angle Show, WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle recalled his title match with Brock Lesnar in the main event of WrestleMania 19, and Lesnar landing badly during his Shooting Star Press attempt, nearly breaking his neck. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):

“Besides the actual finish, that match was pretty damn close to being one of the greatest matches of all time. I mean, besides the issue that Brock actually missed the Shooting Star Press and landed on his head, you know, almost broke his neck. But, at the same time, that was such an incredible WrestleMania moment that people remember that forever. So that spot right there in WrestleMania 19 actually made the match better because people remember it.”