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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 02.10.22

February 10, 2022 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
Veer WWE Main Event Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 02.10.22  

-Announce Team: Jimmy Smith and Byron Saxton
-Taped: Denver, CO

Veer Mahaan vs. T-Bar

-HOSS FIGHT! This is second meeting between the two with Mahaan winning the earlier meeting. T-Bar off quick with some boots and clubbing blows. He works over Veer in the corner and has the crowd behind him. Veer gets a shoulder block and then another to run T-Bar down. Running splash in the corner and then again, but T-Bar gets a drop toe-hold into the buckle to cut off the third attempt. WWE is using a weird camera angle a good bit in this match as they are using a camera on the floor more instead of the hard cam. Little weird for me! Leaping splash from Mahaan and then he drops the jumping elbow. Million Dollar Arm prepped, but T-Bar hits a superkick. Veer blocks High Justice and connects with a headbutt. Sidewalk slam from Veer gets two. T-Bar flips out of a belly to back and hits another boot to the face. High Justice connects, but Veer is out at two. T-Bar talks trash and pushes Veer away, which lets him get enough space to hit The Million Dollar Arm. Veer finishes with a DDT for the win at 5:37.

Winner: Veer Mahaan via pin at 5:37
-I’m happy to see the DDT return as a finishing move as it is my favorite wrestling move of all time. This was a fine Hoss Fight as they kept it short with no rest holds and just hit each other with bombs. Crowd was into it too which was nice to hear. **

-Don’t Try This Anywhere commercial!

-Hulu Commercials!

-Brock/Roman WrestleMania graphic!

-Back to SmackDown as Paul Heyman explains why he is back with The Bloodline. Heyman still teasing the idea of Brock/Roman Title vs Title which I hope is just a tease as nobody wants to see that. With 2 nights there should be two World Title matches and it would suck to take the title off Lashley so quickly. Goldberg interrupts and the crowd is quite happy to see him and yep, we are getting the Mania Main Event from 2 years ago as Roman/Goldberg is happening at Elimination Chamber. It’s also Georgia vs. Georgia Tech which is fun for someone like me who loves long standing college football rivalries.

-WrestleMania Dallas! 51 Days!

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to SmackDown as Charlotte Flair is out and is told by Sonya that Ronda Rousey has picked Becky Lynch. Charlotte cuts a promo on Ronda and that brings her out to let us know that Charlotte is her pick and is just the first name on her list. Sonya tries to attack and Becky taps her out in short order.

-Back to RAW as Becky Lynch and Lita continue their issues heading to Elimination Chamber. Good promo from Becky before the brawl. Lita stands tall this time and hits a moonsault to send Becky packing.

The Dirty Dawgz (Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler) vs. The Hurt Business (Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin)

-They are still calling them The Hurt Business, so we are still going with it. First time meeting here! Dolph and Shelton start and they go with some chain wrestling because of their amateur backgrounds. Dolph hits an elbow off the break, but Shelton gets a side headlock. Roode distracts Shelton, but he doesn’t fall for it and as he decks Ziggler and tags Cedric. He runs wild for a bit and gets a near fall. Dolph lands a shot and gets the tag to Roode. He tries a belly to back, but Cedric rolls out and gets a roll-up for two followed by a cartwheel into a dropkick. Charge in the corner sends Cedric to the floor where he hits Dolph with a kick. He tries to spring back in, but Roode hits the ropes which sends Cedric crashing to the mat. That sends us to our standard commercial break.

-Hulu commercials!

-Back with Dolph raking the eyes of Cedric and then a whip into the corner. Roode back in and he whips Ziggler into the corner where he hits a splash. Roode gets a neckbreaker for two and then to a side headlock. Dolph struts on the apron as the crowd tries to rally Cedric. Suplex from Roode followed by a knee-drop gets a two count. Tag back to Ziggler as he stomps and chokes with his boot. Cedric fights back with rights and chops, but Ziggler stops that with another neckbreaker. Tag back to Roode but Cedric avoids the splash this time. He lands a kick on Roode and crawls to make the hot tag to Shelton. Nice pop for it too! Shelton mows Roode down and catches Ziggler with a spin kick. Step up knee catches Roode and a powerslam gets a two count. Nice near fall there! The crowd is getting into this one! Roode elbows out of a German Suplex and distracts the ref so Dolph can get in cheap shot. Roode gets a spinebuster, but Cedric makes the save at the last second. Dolph and Cedric hit the floor where Cedric gets a double boot. Roode with a roll-up for two and then a sunset flip for two, but he walks into Pay Dirt which finishes for Shelton at 8:25.

Winners: The Hurt Business via pin at 8:25
-This was a wonderful tag match as you had 4 quality pros using the tried and true tag formula to get the crowd into the match. Funny how that works! Check this one out as it was one of the best matches this show has produced this year. ***

-Back to RAW for Quiz Bowl and it was a lot of fun. Credit to all four men as they ran with this and the crowd enjoyed what they were seeing. Gable was great here! RK-Bro get the win and will get a RAW Tag Title Match. I also have a soft spot for Quiz Bowls because it was what I lived for in junior high.

-Elimination Chamber commercial!

-Brock will be back on RAW this Monday. On SyFy! AJ Styles also challenges for The US Title! RK-BROGA PARTY!

-Back to RAW as we join Rollins/Owens vs. RK-Bro in progress. Again, take 4 pros and let them work the tag formula and you end up with a good match. Rollins pins Riddle for the win and Owens eats the RKO to pop the crowd.

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Good
The 411
The tag match made this a good show for me. So far The Hurt Business have been the MVPs of Main Event in 2022. The rest is what you come to expect from Main Event.