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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 04.07.22

April 7, 2022 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE Main Event T-Bar Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 04.07.22  

-It’s time to see who is set for this show now that Veer made it to RAW. Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team:
-Taped: Dallas, TX

-WrestleMania video package, which is always wonderfully done. That Austin Theory Stunner sell is just legendary! Kevin Owens had to be having the time of his life out there!

Apollo Crews (w/ Commander Azeez) vs. Greg Leslie

-So Apollo takes Veer’s spot as the opener of Main Event and even gets a no name, enhancement talent to beat down. Crews with a boot to the ribs, but Greg gets an armdrag. Crews blasts him with a black elbow and drops him on the back of his head for two. The Dallas crowd starts a “Greg” chant. Crews hits the slingshot Senton for two and goes to a headlock as the crow rallies behind Greg. Crews taunts the crowd and then hits a dropkick before more posing. Back to the headlock so the crowd can try to rally Greg, and it works as he escapes a suplex and gets a monkey flip out of the corner for two. Crews back to the dropkick and a fall away Samoan Drop finishes at 3:49.

Winner: Apollo Crews via pin at 3:49
-Should have been more of a SQUASH. Kind of a dull one! SQUASH

-Azeez attacks Greg after the match for good measure!

-Don’t Try This at Home! Or Anywhere!

-WrestleMania photos!

-Back to RAW where Cody Rhodes opened RAW and explained why he is back. He gets emotional about a photo of his father with the WWF Title. He learned as a boy his father never won the Title officially, and that is why Cody is back. He wants to win the WWE Title for his father. Good enough and I appreciate emotion in a story. Seth Rollins interrupts, with the crowd singing his song, and welcomes Cody back after a handshake. Cody is befuddled!

-Video package for Belair’s win over Becky Lynch.

-WrestleMania LA is two nights in 2023!

-More WrestleMania photos!

-Back to RAW as Edge, fresh off his win over AJ Styles, and Damian Priest explain why they are together. The crowd chants “we don’t care,” and Edge calls them losers. I am good with Edge having his own stable and it’s a good spot for Priest and whoever else they put in the group. AJ Styles interrupts and he probably needs some friends of his own at some point. AJ takes out Priest and attacks Edge. Priests prevents a conchairto as again, AJ is going to need some friends.

-Next week on RAW is Priest vs. Styles!

-Back to RAW where Veer came and destroyed The Mysterios!

-More WrestleMania photos!

-Video package on McAfee’s win over Theory and then loss to Vince McMahon thanks to shenanigans. All a set-up for Steve Austin to drink a bunch of beer and stun everyone for a second night. Actually a good way to reward fans who weren’t there for night one as they get Austin as well. Major props to the editor that made McMahon’s stunner look reasonable. Theory’s sell is legendary and McAfee looked like he was having the time of his life.

T-Bar vs. Shelton Benjamin (w/ Cedric Alexander)

-Shelton gets a side headlock, but gets shoved off and mowed down with a shoulder. Shelton ducks a clothesline and hits a leaping back elbow. T-Bar bails to the floor where Cedric talks trash to distract which lets Shelton head out and land some strikes. Back in the ring Shelton comes off the top with a clothesline for two. Shelton charges and gets dumped to the apron. T-Bar drapes the arm off the top rope and hits a running boot that sends Shelton to the floor. That sends us to our commercial break!


-Back with T-Bar in control with a side headlock. Shelton fights back, but T-Bar grounds him and pounds away fora two count. He chokes on the middle rope and poses to the crowd. He stomps in the corner and some more choking. Another two count! Back to the side headlock as this one is dragging. Cedric tries to get the crowd behind Shelton, but I mean both these guys are heels, I think. Shelton lands a shot and hits a spin wheel kick to leave both men down. Backdrop from Shelton which wakes the crowd a little. Stinger Splash in the corner. T-Bar lands some elbows to the head and tries a suplex, but Shelton slips behind and gets a neckbreaker for two. Pay Dirty is blocked and T-Bar gets a Driver for two. He gets the goozle, but Shelton escapes and gets a German suplex. He gets the running knee in the corner and Pay Dirt finishes at 8:36.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin via pin at 8:36
-Weird result and a boring match. *1/2

-Back to RAW as Lashley is out with MVP and considering MVP has been absent and Lashley has been getting cheered you kind of knew what was coming. Omos is out and MVP turns on Lashley for daring to go off on his own to beat Omos at Mania. It makes sense and we are due for ass kicker baby face Lashley.


-WrestleMania photos!

-Back to RAW as Roman Reigns closes the show as he wants acknowledged. He basically tells us to watch SmackDown to hear what his next move with be. Kind of a weak ending to RAW after Mania, but I guess that’s what happens when you have two masters to serve (USA and FOX).

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Poor
The 411
Not good this week, though I enjoyed the Mania highlights!