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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 10.10.24

October 27, 2024 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
Tatum Paxley WWE Main Event 10-10-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 10.10.24  

-I am still thinking of what I want to do to add to the weekly review of this show. I am debating between just a random match that fits happened on a day around the time of this show and reviewing the full RAW match that is shown joined in progress at the end of this show. For now I will just stay with the two matches presented. Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Vic Joseph
-Taped: Enterprise Center, St Louis, MO

-As a reminder, since this show is now only on Peacock and doesn’t show up for weeks after it was initially taped, I am only covering the matches. All the recap stuff from RAW and SmackDown is skipped.

Sol Ruca vs. Tatum Paxley

-We get a few more weeks of Samantha Irvin doing ring introductions. A clash between two of my Level Up kids. Ruca controls with a side headlock and takes it to the mat. Howard mentions TNA as both of these women have crossed over. Still kind of wild to hear TNA mentioned on WWE programming. Paxley plays mind games as she acts creepy and does her deal. Sol takes her down again and plays her own mind games as she stands on Tatum like a surfboard. Thesz Press from Ruca gets a two count. Paxley lands a forearm and gets a two count. She hooks a body scissors and shifts her weight to get a two count and again. Eventually we get the spot where they keep rolling around the ring. Sadly, it didn’t get much of a reaction. Ruca back with an X Factor. Paxley blocks a leapfrog by kicking Ruca in the bad knee. She charges in the corner, but gets caught with an elbow. Paxley is relentless though and stomps away at the knee and then gets a crossbody in the corner. Jumping elbow gets a two count. Paxley hooks a wacky submission that is kind of a modified Stump Puller. Sol fights her way back and ducks an enziguiri. Shoulder tackle and another from Sol. She springs off the bottom rope for another. Sol hits a head kick in the corner and springs off the ropes for a splash that gets two. The knee gives out as she tries to pick up Paxley and that leads to a Psycho Trap, but it only gets two. Sol blocks a second crossbody attempt in the corner and SOL SNATCHER finishes at 6:31. That got a response from the crowd.

Winner: Sol Ruca via pin at 6:31
-This was okay, but the crowd was not into it. That’s not shocking as the formula for this show and crowd seems to work better when it is NXT vs. RAW. The SOL SNATCHER is still awesome though. *1/2

Julius Creed vs. Dragon Lee

-Both American Made and the LWO stay backstage. Creed gets a take down quickly and starts to work on the arm. Lee flips around but can’t escape. Lee uses the ropes and back flips to escape and gets a roll-up for two. He gets up though and gets his head taken off with a heavy clothesline. Lee avoids a powerbomb and gets a sunset flip for two. Creed takes it to the corner and hits a series of shoulders as the crowd lets him know that he sucks. Lee off the top with a crossbody, but Creed rolls through with him and powers him up into a suplex that turns into a cutter. We take a break at 2:22.

-60 seconds of Peacock commercials!

-WWE2K24 has a special Bray Wyatt edition! I am about due for a WWE game and maybe I will see if it goes on sale on Black Friday.

-Back at 4:05 with Creed working Lee over in the corner. Whip to the corner, but Lee comes out with an elbow. Creed catches him again and starts firing off suplexes. Lee fights out of a Gorilla Press and gets a head scissors. Dropkick in the corner from Lee! He tries to head scissors off the apron, but Creed catches him. Lee fights off and knocks Creed to the floor. Now he runs off the apron and gets the head scissors. Lee up top, but Creed leaps up to meet him. Dragon drops Julius into the Tree of Woe and hits the double stompfor two. Lee tries to head up again, but a forearm knocks him down. Creed dead lifts Lee off the apron and suplexes him back into the ring. He heads up top and tries a 450, but Lee avoids. Lee hits Operation Dragon for the win at 8:08.

Winner: Dragon Lee via pin at 8:08
-This was solid as you would expect. Just a well worked big man vs. little man match. It was size and amateur skil vs. speed and high flying and it worked for the time they were give. **1/2

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Average
The 411
Just a basic edition of Main Event which is fine. The opener was hurt by a lack of crowd response, but the women worked through it. The second match was solid and I would like to see more from both men going forward.