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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 4.11.24

April 11, 2024 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE Main Event Katan Chance Kayden Carter Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 4.11.24  

-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Brian James
-Taped: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, PA

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs. Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler

-I am still digging the smaller set so they can cram in more people. I am sure we will long for the Tron Days again, but for now I am cool with this and breaking out the fancy sets for PLE and especially, Stadium Shows. Shayna backs Kayden into the corner and offers a cclean break. Carter with a dropkick and we quickly get tandem offense from Carter and Chance. Chance gets too cute and gets caught by Baszler. Tag to Stark and Chance starts flipping and flying all over the ring. Head scissors from Chance as she gets passed from Baszler to Stark. Carter back in and she gets a two count. Chance gets suplexed by her partner onto Stark but she gets the knees up. Stark alley-oops Chance in the air and she comes down to Shayna who greets her with a knee to the face. Sweet! Chance gets a quick roll-up, but Shayna maintains wrist control. Chance fights back but Stark cuts off the tag. Chance with an enziguiri and the tag is made to Carter, but no reaction from the crowd sadly. She runs wild and hits Stark with a superkick. Running boot followed by a bottom rope springing legdrop. More tandem offense as Carter and Chance get a springing leg-drop/moonsault combo but Shayna breaks up the pin. Shayna stomps the elbow of Carter and sends her to the floor. Chance knocks Shayna to the floor and looks to spring again, but gets caught and the Z-360 finishes for the pin at 4:46.

Winners: Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler via pin at 4:46
-The crowd did not care at all about this one outside of a few of the high flying moves. That hot tag was sad how much they didn’t pop. They worked hard though and both these teams actually compete like teams which is nice to see. I enjoyed what they offered here. **

-Cody Rhodes video package that was played on RAW and made Cody cry is shown here. Great stuff as always from the WWE production people. I say it again, I would take a multi disc BluRay set of nothing but WWE video packages, but they don’t do home video anymore.

-Don’t Try This At Home, School, or Backstage at a Stadium Show in London!

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to RAW as Cody Rhodes gets his big victory speech in front on the Post Mania RAW crowd. Good on the crowd for starting a “Thank You Roman” chant. I am shocked the Philly crowd didn’t boo Cody’s daughter. Here’s The Rock and that entrance is so awesome even with the stripped down set. The crowd chants “this is awkward” as Rock and Cody let each other hold their two belts. I read this played off a dark segment on the night The Rock debuted the Title that replaced the spinner belt. The Rock is going away, but gives Cody something and tells him not to break his heart again. MYSTERY IN MY HAND! I am sure this will be paid off down the line and we will get Rock v. Cody. Maybe at SummerSlam and I am determined to make the drive from Southern PA to Cleveland for it.

-Video package on Drew McIntyre beating Seth Rollins for the World Title at WrestleMania. I though the match was fantastic and Drew deserved that moment. The story after is even better as Drew’s obsession with Punk cost him as Damian Priest becomes the second man to cash in and win at WrestleMania. Fittingly, much like Rollins he also did it after losing his Mania match.

-WWE Draft starts April 26 on SmackDown and April 29 on RAW. Remember when they made it seem like USA and FOX reps were in on making the picks. That would seem silly this year with SmackDown going to USA in the Fall and Netflix getting RAW.

-Hulu commercials!

-Back to RAW as Judgment Day got to celebrate Damian Priest becoming the new World Champion and Rhea Ripley successfully defending her Women’s World Title. R-Truth popping up between them with his Tag Title was absolute gold as was Priest’s “Oh hell no.” Miz tries to talk sense into Truth and we get a 6 Man Tag with Truth promising they have a 3rd man. Cena ends up being the pay-off as Truth finally gets to team with his childhood hero. We also get the weird dynamic with Cena getting to play Hogan and being the 3rd man that shows up late. At least Hogan could see Hall and Nash were basically in a Tag Match once Luger got knocked out. Cena let Truth and Miz fight 2 on 3 before making the save. Fun moment though and the crowd dug the ending. Cena also gets his match for 2024.

-Hulu commercials!

-Sheamus video package as he is set to make his return!

Ivar vs. Julius Creed (w/ Brutus Creed)

-Julius has won two straight on Main Event coming into this one. Creed tries to run Ivar down and that doesn’t work. Next he tries a go behind, but can’t get a lift. Ivar starts throwing heavy blows. Creed floats over on a slam and builds up speed to deliver another shoulder tackle. Dropkick wobbles Ivar. Creed tries to lift again, but no dice. He does get a clothesline to the floor and follows with a sling shot plancha. That sends us to a break at 1:48.

-1:24 of Hulu commercials!

-Backlash: France commercial! 1 PM Eastern Start which is cool!

-Back with Ivar back in control and the crowd is behind him in this one. Ivar misses a splash in the corner, but hits Creed with an elbow. He looks to head up, but Creed hits a dropkick to knock to the floor. The slingshot plancha misses this time and Ivar gets a superkick. He learned from earlier in the match. Cannonball off the apron and Ivar heads back up again. Julius jumps up to meet him and gets a superplex for two. Sweet suplex from Creed, but Ivar maintains control of both arms with a double underhook and gets a sit-out powerbomb for two. High knee from Creed! He finally gets the lift and gets a rolling slam. The straps are down and Julius heads up top. The 45 misses, but he lands on his feet. Ivar wipes him out with a superkick for two. Creed tries to jump up for a superplex again, buy Ivar catches him and brings him down with a slam. Doomsault connects to a pop and that’s enough for the pin at 8:55. It’s not The Tsunami, but it is starting to get over with the crowd.

Winner: Ivar via pin at 8:55
-That doomsault caught all legs on Creed which had to suck for him. Solid match that got better after the break when they just started hitting each other hard and slamming each other all over the ring. Ivar continues to do well in this solo run as his partner heals. **1/2

-Back to RAW as Drew McIntyre is rightly pissed and he notes that the MITB briefcase is a joke. It has cost him 2 World Titles in his career. Oh yeah, Miz cashed in on him with the help from Lashley. Drew blames Punk and calls him a prick. Again, this is the Drew we need and deserve as he tells Punk it is on sight, and he will attack his weakness: his entire body.

-Hulu commercials!

-MLB WWE Legacy Titles!

-Sami defends his IC Title against Chad Gable this Monday on RAW in Montreal. Should make for an electric atmosphere!

-Back to RAW as we join Bronson Reed vs. Ricochet vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Jey Uso in a 4 Way #1 Contender’s Match. Fun match with a little bit of everything. BIG MEATY MEN SLAPPING MEAT! Ricochet doing Ricochet things as he hits a springboard 450 from the top rope to the floor and onto Reed on the Spanish Announce Table. Ricochet mouthing “I’m Sorry,” to Samantha was a wonderful little touch. Deserved “Holy Shit,” chant for that one. It comes down to Drew and Jey and The Claymore is ready, but CM Punk comes up from under the ring and grabs Drew’s leg. Great pop for that and it lets Jey hit a superkick, spear, and splash for the win. Punk continues to ruin Drew’s life and the eventual match between them is going to rule.

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Average
The 411
This was a sold episode of Main Event with two decent matches. The crowd was rather subdued for the opener and thankfully got into the second one once things picked up there. The rest was your normal recap stuff though I appreciated them playing The Cody video again.