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Lovell’s AEW Dark Review 10.5.21

October 5, 2021 | Posted by Blake Lovell
AEW Dark The Acclaimed Image Credit: AEW
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Lovell’s AEW Dark Review 10.5.21  

Hey everyone! It’s Tuesday. You know what that means.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry Csonka’s daughters is still active. Please contribute and share if you can.

Also, 411’s Steve Cook put together a great piece on Larry’s top seven columns. You should read it.

Let’s jump into this week’s episode of AEW Dark.

AEW Dark logo

Image Credit: AEW

Baron Black, Austin Green, Aaron Frye & Dean Alexander (AEW 8-man tag debut) vs. FTR, Wardlow & Shawn Spears (AEW 8-man tag debut)

Good to see Baron Black and Dean Alexander back in the mix as AEW Dark regulars. The first big point in this match comes when Wardlow and Green face off, marking our first official HOSS FIGHT of the evening. Green goes to slam Wardlow, but Wardlow is an absolute monster, so he reverses it and slams Green to the mat. Black gets a flurry of offense in on Wardlow, but Wardlow throws him too. Frye makes his way in and runs wild, but the Pinnacle gets pissed off and dominates from there as Spears hits the C4 for the win at 7:05.

Blake’s Rating: **1/2

Abadon (21-2) vs. Valentina Rossi (0-3)

Rossi does not lack confidence, and she’ll need it to take down Abadon. Turns out confidence didn’t really matter, as this was all Abadon. She just destroyed Rossi to get the victory at 1:54, with Taz discussing his interest in her cheek piercings.

Blake’s Rating: SQUASH

The Acclaimed vs. Michael Martinez & Vary Morales

YO. The Acclaimed have arrived. There is certainly a height difference with Martinez and Morales, which PC JONES (aka Taz) points out. Max Caster quickly joins the upcoming edition of Steve Cook’s Botched! column while going to jump on the turnbuckle, leading to him squashing his yambag. No one wants a squashed yambag. Speaking of squashes, Caster and Anthony Bowens hit the Acclaim to Fame and Mic Drop for the victory at around two minutes.

Blake’s Rating: SQUASH

Kal Herro (0-4) vs. Sonny Kiss (10-10)

Excalibur and Taz continue to play up Kiss’ direction after the split with Joey Janela. Herro’s fanny pack automatically adds 0.5 to the overall show rating, so keep that in mind. Kiss was only interested in kicking Herro’s ass though, as Kiss hit the TKO into the splits for the easy win at 1:38.

Blake’s Rating: SQUASH

Zada Zhang (0-1) vs. Kris Statlander (19-1)

Fun back and forth early on, with both women getting near falls on their opponent. Zhang did what she could to get the best of Statlander, but Statlander eventually took control and took care of business to force Zhang to tap at around three minutes.

Blake’s Rating: **

Madi Wrenkowski (3-6) vs. Skye Blue (0-6)

Nice showcase match for two rising talents. Wrenkowski with some aggressive offense right off the bat, then she starts yelling at a heckler. Taz goes off on her for that, as it allows Blue to regain the advantage. Diving crossbody from Blue gets a near fall. Blue then goes straight to the PERFECT PLEX for the victory at 2:39.

Blake’s Rating: NR

Eddie Kingston (25-7) vs. Anthony Henry (AEW debut)

For the unaware, Henry is Asher Hale from WWE. Henry does not back down from Kingston and goes right at him, specifically working on Kingston’s ankle. An impressive start from Henry, as he just brutalizes Kingston with a variety of kicks and strikes. It’s all Henry for the majority of the match until Kingston fights back with hard chops. However, Henry goes back on offense and works the submissions, but Kingston gets to the ropes to force the break. Kingston then reverses the momentum and hits the DDT for the win at 7:48. Great debut for Henry.

Blake’s Rating: ***1/4

Hunter Knott, Rosario Grillo & Cameron Stewart vs. Gunn Club (14-0)

Colten Gunn has never lost a match in AEW, so perhaps he’ll be getting an AEW World title shot soon. Heel Gunn Club has been interesting. They worked their heel style in this one, with a hot tag to Knott really being the only offense for his team. Gunn Club quickly regains control and earns the victory at 4:41.

Blake’s Rating: **

Diamante (27-16) vs. Santana Garrett (AEW debut)

They built this match up on last week’s edition of AEW Dark, so storyline advancement is a plus. Garrett gets off to a good start, but Diamante goes to work from there. But it’s Garrett who has the crowd behind her, and she uses that to get a nice run of offense. Diamante then goes to the Sliced Bread to notch the win at 4:39.

Blake’s Rating: **1/2

Pretty Peter Avalon & Ryan Nemeth (0-2) vs. Varsity Blonds (18-5)

PPA back on AEW Dark! It doesn’t get much better than that. Excalibur and Taz are having a lot of fun with the entrance themes for these two teams. One question I’ve always had: Why should the referee start the match if one team gets attacked from behind before the bell? Seems like a disadvantage. RESTORE SOME ORDER, REF. Back and forth match with Excalibur and Taz really on top of their game. So was PPA until Air Pillman did the trick to allow Griff Garrison to pin PPA for the victory at 5:02.

Blake’s Rating: **1/2

Erik Lockhart (0-1) vs. Daniel Garcia (6-6)

2point0 out with Garcia as usual. Garcia’s technical skills are just ridiculous, and that eventual match with Bryan Danielson should be a beauty. This was all Garcia, as he just dissected Lockhart and forced him to tap at 2:29.

Blake’s Rating: SQUASH

Serpentico (11-46) vs. Marko Stunt (18-28)

Luther gonna use Serpentico as a weapon? I think we all know the answer to that. Serpentico attacks Marko before the match, and the referee once again inexplicably calls for things to get going. Taz reveals that Serpentico is actually Bear Bronson in a SHOCKING revelation. He’s never seen them in the same place, so maybe there’s something to it. Luther screams at Serpentico and calls for the FLYING SNAKE, which reminds Taz of his honeymoon. We work to Luther taking Seprentico on the stage, then throwing him off onto absolutely no one. Taz loses his mind at that development. Luther with some shenanigans with the referee’s back turned, and Serpentico gets the roll-up for the win at 4:47. First singles win for Serpentico in AEW?

Blake’s Rating: **1/2

* Nick Comoroto (14-8) vs. Orange Cassidy (17-1-1)

Comoroto begs for Cassidy to hit him, and Cassidy responds with one of the most intense shoves in the history of professional wrestling. Excalibur plays up the possibility of Comoroto pulling off the win, but I’m not sure about that. Comoroto goes to his strength to gain the momentum, then Orange hits a tope suicida on Comoroto on the outside. Outside shenanigans from all parties, with Statlander throwing her knee brace to QT Marshall in a nice switcheroo after Aubrey Edwards turns around. Orange then hits the Beach Break for the victory at 7:25.

Blake’s Rating: ***

*For more of my thoughts on pro wrestling, subscribe to the 411 On Wrestling podcast and follow me on Twitter @wrestleblake. Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Average
The 411
Another solid edition of AEW Dark. Eddie Kingston vs. Anthony Henry was the best thing on the show, as Henry was very impressive in his AEW debut. The main event between Orange Cassidy and Nick Comoroto was also pretty entertaining. And yes, Excalibur and Taz were at their best, which always makes it worth the watch for the hilarious commentary.

article topics :

AEW, AEW Dark, Blake Lovell