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Lovell’s AEW Dark Review 3.2.21

March 2, 2021 | Posted by Blake Lovell
AEW Dark
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Lovell’s AEW Dark Review 3.2.21  

Hey everyone! It’s Tuesday. You know what that means.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry Csonka’s daughters is still active. Please contribute and share if you can.

Let’s jump into this week’s episode of AEW Dark.

AEW Dark logo

Lee Johnson and Aaron Solow (0-4) with Arn Anderson vs. Louie Valle and Chris Peaks (0-1)

Johnson and Solow rocking the red tights, so I can appreciate the symmetry for the newest Nightmare Family members. Meanwhile, Peaks and Valle continue to hold their spot near the top of the Best AEW Tag Team Name rankings. However, they are not on the same level when it comes to winning matches, as Johnson and Solow picked up their first victory as a team with Johnson getting the pin at 5:01.

Blake’s Rating: **

Ivelisse and Diamante (4-0) vs. Red Velvet and KiLynn King (AEW tag team debut)

This is certainly an intriguing matchup since Red Velvet is gearing up for a huge match on Dynamite, and Ivelisse and Diamante don’t really lose. Velvet came out with some added aggression, and that’s not good for Jade Cargill. Ivelisse and Diamante did their usual thing, which is kick ass. Diamante and Red Velvet exchanged stiff shots late in the match, with Ivelisse breaking up the pin. King then broke up a pin on Red Velvet, which led to Red Velvet hitting a running boot to the side of Ivelisse’s head for the victory at 7:09. Good showcase for Red Velvet ahead of Dynamite.

Blake’s Rating: **1/2

Fuego Del Sol and Jon Cruz (AEW tag team debut) vs. Top Flight (3-0)

I think we can all agree that Fuego is the next one in line for a big first victory on AEW Dark. He’s the pride of Mobile, Alabama! Top Flight works at a pace that is simply exhausting, and I don’t say that as a bad thing. I just mean I’m exhausted thinking about trying to do anything with that same type of speed. Our man Fuego brought his best, but it wasn’t enough as Top Flight used the double team to pin him at 5:35.

Blake’s Rating: **1/2

Gunn Club (2-0) vs. Tony Vega, Aaron Frye, and Angel Fashion (AEW trios debut)

Seems like it’s been a while since we’ve had a Gunn Club match. Something that you’re guaranteed to get in any Gunn Club match is a masterful commentary performance from Excalibur and Taz, and they did not disappoint. Like those two really turn it up a notch when the Gunns are in the ring. As you would expect, this was all about the Gunn Club, and they got the win at 6:11.

Blake’s Rating: **

Abadon (7-2) vs. Renee Michelle (0-1)

The look on Renee Michelle’s face when Abadon entered the ring was priceless. Abadon just destroyed Renee Michelle right off the bat, and there was even an “Abadon is gonna kill you” chant from the crowd. Abadon hit the Cemetery Drive for the dominant victory at 2:32.

Blake’s Rating: SQUASHADON

JD Drake vs. Stu Grayson (25-8) with Dark Order’s -1

Drake is a BMF. Apparently so much so that he gets to use the Dynamite theme song again. This is one of those mini dream matches that you really don’t think about until these dudes are actually in the ring. They both love beating the hell out of their opponent, and well, they beat the hell out of each other. Stiff shots, red chests, and pure aggression. This match had all of it. Also, Drake is AWESOME. But it was Grayson picking Drake up and delivering the Nightfall for the win at 5:41. This was a fun, hard-hitting sprint.

Blake’s Rating: ***

– The Acclaimed do an HSN spoof and run down 10 of The Dark Order ahead of Max Caster’s match with him on Dynamite.

M’Badu and Baron Black (AEW tag team debut) vs. Bear Country (2-0)

M’Badu and Black, two AEW Dark favorites, teaming up! Love it. Black continued showing off his mean streak in this match, and he’s undoubtedly been one of the breakout wrestlers among the unsigned talent in recent months. Bear Boulder is an absolute BEAST, and I have decided that I want him and JD Drake in a one-on-one match. Bear Country used their dominance to earn the victory at 7:38.

Blake’s Rating: **1/2

– After the match, Butcher and Blade hit the ring and destroy Bear Country as Bunny screams loudly. HOSS FIGHT.

Evil Uno, 5, and Colt Cabana (AEW trios debut) with Dark Order’s -1 vs. Levy Shapiro, John Skyler, and Ryzin (AEW trios debut)

Excalibur points out that -1 is finally wearing shoes, which may have been purchased in part via the five bucks that Excalibur owed him. It’s always enjoyable to see The Dark Order in action, and that was no different here. The teamwork was excellent as usual, and Evil Uno slammed Ryzin to get the win at 6:14 while Cabana and 5 just posed in the background.

Blake’s Rating: **1/2

Max Caster with Anthony Bowens vs. JJ Garrett (0-1)

I was really looking forward to this match for one specific reason: To see if Caster would use a Scott Steiner or AC Slater line in his rap about Garrett. He did not, but did compare him to Brian Pillman instead. In all honesty, Garrett is excellent in the ring. He can move, he can sell, and he’s got some good offense. However, you knew the result in this one, with some shenanigans from The Acclaimed allowing Caster to hit the Mic Drop for the win at 6:11. STOP LICKING HANDS, MAX!

Blake’s Rating: **1/2

Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo (0-2) vs. TH2 (0-1)

Taz finding out that Anthony Ogogo was on Dancing with the Stars in the UK was another memorable AEW Dark commentary moment. There’s a lot of them. Dean and Bravo seem to be working the tag team circuit now, and I’m good with that since Dean is another regular with a lot of talent. TH2 worked their usual style, which is certainly entertaining, and it was Angelico locking on the Navarro Deathroll to force Bravo to tap at 6:22.

Blake’s Rating: **1/2

Steve Stetson (0-1) vs. Orange Cassidy (16-9-1) with Chuck Taylor

It’s always enjoyable seeing Orange on AEW Dark, even if the man doesn’t care one bit. Orange put on Stetson’s cowboy hat as soon as the match started, and the future tag team with Hangman Page is gonna be ratings gold. Orange was not here to play around, as he looked freshly squeezed while hitting the Beach Break on Stetson for the win at 2:26.

Blake’s Rating: ORANGE SQUASH

VSK (0-1) vs. Chuck Taylor (28-18)

Get well soon, Trent. Best Friends just aren’t the same without him and Sue. Chuck used the Falcon Arrow and naturally VSK kicked out, and that led to Chuck hitting back-to-back piledrivers for the victory at 4:16.

Blake’s Rating: **

Daniel Joseph (0-1) vs. 10 with Dark Order’s -1

-1 is back on commentary! Although Excalibur pretty much made it clear that he wasn’t putting up with -1’s shenanigans at 1:30 in the morning. When does -1 go to bed?! These AEW Dark tapings are at a pretty late hour, but when you’re a successful wrestling manager like -1, you can do what you want. 10 made quick work of Joseph to get the win at 2:22.

Blake’s Rating: -1

SCU (4-0) vs. Matt and Mike Sydal (0-2)

I never want Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian to retire. They are just too good at pro wrestling. The Sydals work well together, and that’s probably not too much of a surprise since they’re brothers. But they were no match for SCU, with Daniels and Kazarian continuing their streak by picking up the victory at 9:15. Good match.

Blake’s Rating: ***

For more of my thoughts on pro wrestling, subscribe to the 411 On Wrestling podcast and follow me on Twitter @wrestleblake. Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Good
The 411
I thought this was a very enjoyable edition of AEW Dark. Most of the matches, while not 5-star classics, were competitive and featured lots of good action from both a wrestling and character standpoint. After having a great match with Eddie Kingston a week ago, Drake once again stood out among the unsigned talent, as he and Grayson had a fun match. Maybe not so fun for them after chopping each other relentlessly, but it was fun for wrestling fans. As usual, if you want variety and the most hilarious commentary team in the business, AEW Dark is worth the watch.

article topics :

AEW, AEW Dark, Blake Lovell