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MJF Goes Off In Promo During Post-AEW Full Gear Media Scrum

November 20, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
MJF AEW Full Gear Image Credit: AEW

MJF is the new AEW World Champion, and he wasted no words showing what side of the fence he’s on during a rant-style promo at last night’s post-Full Gear media scrum. The new champion interrupted Tony Khan to start the show, walking in the room and room shouting, “Oh the times, they are a changing!” before leaning on the table in front of Khan and cutting a promo as you can see below:

“AEW is now destination television once again! The ship has been steered properly once again! This belt is now the most important belt in this entire sport, and it’s thanks to three letters. And it it damn sure ain’t AEW, I know for a motherf**kin’ fact it ain’t M-O-X. It’s MJF.

“Goddamn, you people are f**king dumb. No offense. You had sympathy for the devil? What are you, f**king stupid? You morons bit on every single word I had to say this past couple of months, huh? ‘I wanna earn it. I wanna–‘ F**k that! I deserve it because I’m the best wrestler in the f**king world! And every single one of you know it. On the microphone, in the ring, nobody can touch me. That’s a fact, nobody is on my level. And then, to think you guys still believed me when I put over this motherf**ker [Khan] this past Wednesday? Grow the f**k up, no offense. Grow up.

“Now let’s talk a little bit, huh? ‘MJF, what’s going on with you Regal? You know, we’re all really interested. What’s going on, how’d that linkup start?’ You think I’m going to tell you dumb motherf**kers, huh? With 70,000 f**king hardcore marks watching at home, jerking off in their grandma’s basement. Huh? To my velvet voice, you think I give a shit? If you want to know anything about the most important man in professional wrestling, you have to tune in to The MJF Show. That’s every Wednesday on TBS. And you know damn well that it’s destination TV.

“Now here’s what’s going to f**king happen, okay? I’m going to take a shower. I’m going to get all of Moxley’s disgusting hepatitis A through Z off of me. And then in the morning, I’m going to do what nobody else on the roster does because I’m the only real f**king star here. I’m going to hop on a jet and I’m gonna go to my goddamn movie set. Anybody got any questions? Just kidding. Thank you. f**k you. Bye. Champ’s f**king out, baby!”

MJF defeated Jon Moxley at last night’s show with help from Regal to win the World Championship. He is filming on the A24 Von Erich’s film The Iron Claw.

article topics :

AEW Full Gear, MJF, Jeremy Thomas