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Various News: Mystery Promotion Taping TV In Nashville Next Month ft. James Storm, Titus O’Neil Helps 2000 Kids See Black Panther

February 16, 2018 | Posted by Joseph Lee

PWInsider reports that a mystery promotion is holding free TV tapings from March 27 to March 29 in Nashville. Tickets are being given away at NashvilleAudience.com. Those who attend will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement and can’t reveal the results or details publicly. Those advertised include James Storm, Jeff Cobb, Joey Janela, Brian Pillman II, Shane Strickland, Corey Hollis, Aaron Solow and more.

– Titus O’Neil helped 2000 kids see Black Panther last night for free. He wrote on Instagram:

article topics :

James Storm, Titus O'Neil, Joseph Lee