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Off Air Notes From Last Night’s WWE Raw

October 3, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
WWE Roman Reigns Dean Ambrose Seth Rollins WWE Raw 100217 Image Credit: WWE

– Here are some off air notes from last night’s WWE Raw, courtesy of Scott K and PWInsider.com

Upper level was tarped off. The rest of the arena was full.

The crowd was really into Braun and Rollins. Very mixed reaction to Braun, lots of cheering and booing. Good hot start to the show.

The crowd hated Elias, but didn’t care about the match.

Good pop for Mickie James, especially when she attacked Alexa.

Huge pop for Matt Hardy, lots of delete chants.

The crowd really hated the Miz. While Reigns got booed coming out, he was being cheered for over the Miz. By far the most heat of the night was on Miz. Crowd loved the Miztourage getting destroyed. That’s seemed, for one night, like the best way to get the crowd to cheer Roman.

Most everyone saw Cesaro and Shamus coming out, they didn’t get much heat until Miz joined them. Again, crowd hated Miz.

Big pops for Sasha and Bailey. Crowd wasn’t into the match other than a few of the moves by Sasha and Bailey. Very flat for this one. Didn’t seem to care that Emma walked away and no seemed to care at all abou Alicia Fox.

Enzo got booed when he was shown on screen earlier. But the whole crowd did his entrance with him and then started booing him again after he started talking. While the crowd liked Kalisto coming out, probably not the reaction WWE was hoping for.

Biggest pop of the night was the quick Sheild reunion.

Post show saw Bray vs. Finn Balor. Crowd loves Finn…Finn beat Bray pretty quick to send the fans home happy.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Larry Csonka